Union Regiments by State

New Hampshire

Source: The Union Army, Vol. I. Madison, Wisconsin: Federal Publishing Company, 1908.

Military Affairs in New Hampshire

The attitude of New Hampshire throughout the continuance of the Civil war was one of unswerving loyalty to the general government. When the news reached the state of the assault upon Fort Sumter the feeling of indignation was intense throughout the length and breadth of the commonwealth. Men forgot party affiliations, and there was a prompt and patriotic response to the proclamation of President Lincoln calling on the states for assistance. It was sufficient that many of the Southern States claimed the right to secede from the Union, that the insurgents of one of them, South Carolina, had fired upon the national flag, and that the capital of the nation was in danger of capture. Every patriotic instinct was aroused, and New Hampshire proceeded at once to perform her share of the work to be done.

The state was without an organized militia that could be readily called into service, and the enrolment required under the law was so imperfect that it was impossible to make a fair and even draft upon her citizens liable to be called upon to repel insurrection at home or invasion from abroad. Consequently, the governor called for volunteers to fill the state's quota of one regiment of 780 men, under the first call for 75,000 troops for three months' service. Ichabod Goodwin, then governor, issued the following proclamation: "Concord, April 16, 1861. Sir: The president of the United States having, in pursuance of the act of Congress approved February 28, 1795, called upon the State of New Hampshire for a regiment of militia, consisting of ten companies of infantry, to be held in readiness to be mustered into the service of the United States for the purpose of quelling an insurrection and supporting the government, I, Ichabod Goodwin, governor of New Hampshire, command you to make proclamation, calling for volunteers from the enrolled militia of the state to the number required, and to issue from time to time all necessary orders and instructions for enrolling and holding in readiness to be mustered into service said volunteer corps, agreeable to the aforesaid requisition." This was addressed to the adjutant-general of the state, and in compliance therewith Adjt.-General Joseph C. Abbott issued an order calling for volunteers to fill one regiment of infantry. In order that the work of raising the regiment might be expedited as much as possible, twenty-eight recruiting stations were established in different parts of the state, and Henry O. Kent, Lancaster; Frank S. Fiske, Keene, and Jeremiah C. Tilton, Sanbornton, were appointed special aides in the recruiting service. The greatest enthusiasm in the work of enlistment prevailed throughout the state, and nearly every farm, workshop and business establishment contributed a volunteer.

Nor were the women lacking in patriotic zeal; they organized sanitary aid societies in nearly every considerable town and busied themselves in the work of making shirts, drawers, and other necessary comforts for the soldiers in the field, and providing linen and bandages for the hospitals. Every citizen was impressed by the gravity of the situation which confronted the country. Innumerable public meetings were held in the larger towns and cities, attended by both men and women, where patriotic speeches were made and measures concerted to encourage enlistments. Both towns and individuals pledged funds for the support of families of those who entered the service of the government.

During the two weeks following April 17, the names of 2,004 men were enrolled, many more than enough to fill the regiment called for. On April 24, the enlisted men were ordered into camp upon the fair grounds of the Merrimack county agricultural society, about a mile east of the state house at Concord. Colonel John H. Gage of Nashua was in command of the camp, which was called "Camp Union," until May 17. The first regiment was ready by May 8, and left Concord for the seat of war on the 25th. As so many men had responded to the call for volunteers, the state authorities determined to organize two regiments. On April 27, Governor Goodwin was authorized by Brigadier-General John E. Wool, U. S. Army, commanding the Department of the East, to place Portsmouth harbor in a defensive condition. The 1st regiment had been partially organized, when the surplus men assembled at Concord were sent to Portsmouth early in May, with the view of placing them in Fort Constitution, at New Castle. By May 4, 400 men had assembled at Portsmouth, and Brigadier-General George Stark of Nashua assumed command. Henry O. Kent of Lancaster was appointed colonel and assistant adjutant-general on April 30, and proceeded to Portsmouth the same day to assist in organizing the troops. As new companies arrived, some were placed in Fort Constitution, where Captain Ichabod Pearl was given command May 7. When President Lincoln issued his call on May 3 for additional troops, to serve for three years, New Hampshire was required to furnish one regiment. Enlistment papers were distributed among the troops assembled at Portsmouth and Fort Constitution and the men were given the choice of enlisting in the 2nd regiment, or serving out their time of three months as garrison. The result was that 496 of the three months' men immediately reenlisted for three years, or during the war, and by the end of May 525 more three years' men had reported. The regiment was completely organized on June 10, and left the state for the front on the 20th.

The legislature convened at Concord in annual session June 5, 1861. On the second Tuesday of March preceding, Nathaniel S. Berry, the Republican candidate, had been elected governor to succeed Governor Goodwin. On June 6, Governor Goodwin delivered a valedictory address, wherein he eloquently portrayed the stirring events of the closing months of his term, and detailed the energetic measures he had taken to meet the grave emergency which had arisen. Most of the state legislatures had been called in extra session, but Governor Goodwin deemed he could best facilitate the organization of troops by calling for volunteers, and was more readily induced to take this course by the nearness of the approaching session of the legislature. After referring to President Lincoln's first call for troops, he said: "This requisition was followed by an intimation that another regiment might soon be required. The state of our militia organization was such that I could not, by a military order, fulfill the constitutional obligations of the state. Upon reflection, I came to the conclusion that I could meet this call with less delay and less expense by a voluntary enlistment, than by any other method, and this course was adopted. The prompt and energetic manner in which our banks and citizens placed a large amount of money at my disposal, removed the necessity of convening a special session of the legislature. So unanimous was our whole population in resisting this attempt to overthrow the constitution and liberties of the people, that the second regiment was filled as readily as the first." When Governor Goodwin had concluded his address Governor Berry was sworn in, and delivered his annual message. After reference to the action of the Southern States and a brilliant analysis of the principles on which the Union was founded, he urged upon the legislature the necessity of prompt action, saying: "The legislature being now assembled, there is a pressing necessity for immediate attention to those measures that shall aid the general government in resisting the rebellion now waged against our institutions. No northern state has placed less than $1,000,000 at the command of the general government, in view of the present emergency of the country, and I trust New Hampshire will not be behind her sister states in this respect, and that whatever we may do may be done with perfect unanimity." He also recommended the organization of at least one regiment in every county in the state, to be thoroughly drilled and equipped and subject to the call of the legislature.

The legislature responded most cordially to these recommendations during a session which lasted for 30 days. Among the laws enacted was one entitled "An act to aid in defense of the country," which was finally passed after much discussion and strenuous opposition and provided in substance: That all payments and expenditures made by the governor and council, or by their authority, in the work of raising and equipping troops for the national defense, were ratified and confirmed; that the governor and council be authorized to enlist and equip needed troops to satisfy any present or future calls by the national government, provided that not more than two regiments in addition to those already raised, be enlisted at any one time; and finally that the treasurer be authorized to issue bonds or certificates of debt, in the name of the state, to an amount not exceeding $1,000,000, to meet expenses already incurred or that might be incurred under this act to provide for the defense of the country, or for maintaining the military force of the state, while engaged therein. It also passed an act authorizing cities and towns to aid the families of volunteers, and providing means whereby said cities and towns should be reimbursed from the treasury of the state for any moneys so expended. Finally, resolutions were unanimously passed, declaring the war now in progress to be solely for the maintenance of the government and the suppression of rebellion; asserting that neither the president nor Congress can constitutionally entertain any proposition which had for its object the dismemberment of the government or the dissolution of the Union; and pledged the resources of the state for the integrity of the Union, the support of the constitution, and the enforcement of the laws of the general government. The sons of New Hampshire in New York and Boston were given a vote of thanks for their attentions to the 1st and 2nd New Hampshire regiments.

Ex-Governor Anthony Colby of New London was appointed adjutant and inspector-general in June, 1861, after the resignation of Joseph C. Abbott. During the year 1861, the following organizations were raised and sent to the front: The 1st, 2nd, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th regiments of infantry; Companies I, K, L and M of the  1st New England volunteer cavalry; 1st New Hampshire volunteer light battery; Co. E,  1st U. S. volunteer sharpshooters, and Cos. F and G, 2nd U. S. volunteer sharpshooters. All told 9,197 men had been enlisted since the first call for troops; the state had paid out $893,333.26 for equipping and recruiting the several regiments and companies.

In March, 1862, Governor Berry was reelected, receiving 32,150 votes out of a total of 62,425, on a platform which ignored past political topics, and simply avowed the unreserved purpose of supporting the government, and advocated the vigorous prosecution of the war. During the two years of Governor Berry's administration practically all the regiments and other organizations of New Hampshire were organized and put into the field, and it is only fair to state that no one of the states sent forth troops better armed, equipped and supplied with all the necessities for active military service than those of New Hampshire. Under the call in July, 1862, for three years' troops 5,053 men were required from New Hampshire and she raised six regiments of volunteer infantry; under the call for troops for nine months' service, August 4, 1862, three regiments entered the service. By the close of the year 1862, the state had furnished to the general government 18,261 men, and up to June 1, 1862, she had expended for war purposes $953,649. Joseph A. Gilmore received 29,035 votes out of a total of 66,240, in the election for governor in March, 1863. Failing of a majority, he was subsequently chosen by the legislature, June 3, which had a Republican majority of 53 on joint ballot. His first and all succeeding messages to the legislature were replete with patriotic suggestions; during his two years as governor he promptly supplied the war department with all the troops demanded, and was untiring in his efforts to supply the necessities of New Hampshire men in the field, and in military hospitals. During the year 1863, additional loans for military purposes to the amount of $482,300 were negotiated. Up to June 1, 1863, the state had paid out on account of the war, $1,305,835, part of which had been paid back by the Federal government.

Some resistance in the state was offered this year against the enforcement of the draft. A number of towns had already furnished an excess of men above their quota, and considered the draft upon them as peculiarly burdensome. A mob burned the Forest Vale house, half way between the Crawford and Glen houses, and stoned the agents of the provost-marshal engaged in notifying the drafted men. Altogether $8,000 worth of property was destroyed. Again, at Portsmouth, there was some trouble on the day of the draft. An excited throng of men, women and children gathered about the provost-marshal's office, which was in charge of volunteers from Fort Constitution and U. S. marines from the navy yard. A large force of police were also present to assist in dispersing the crowd. Two men who resisted were arrested and when a mob of 100 attacked the station house later in the evening, two of the police and four of the rioters were wounded, but none were killed. The mob was then dispersed by a squad of soldiers from the provost-marshal's office and the trouble at Portsmouth ended.

Governor Gilmore was reelected in March, 1864, by a majority of 5,666 over Edward W. Harrington, the Democratic candidate. In his annual message to the legislature, which assembled on June 1, he stated that the state debt, including $600,000 paid to the families of volunteers, amounted to $1,900,000, an increase of $600,000 within the fiscal year, and recommended the funding of this debt by the issue of six per cent. bonds, payable in 15 or 20 years. The action of the legislature on financial and military matters at this session was not satisfactory to the governor, and he summoned an extra session to meet on August 9. In his message he recommended a forced loan from the banks to meet the immediate necessities of the state, and to preserve its credit intact; he also took exception to the military bill passed at the previous session, which had aimed to provide means to fill the New Hampshire quotas under the various calls for troops. Having shown that the state lacked 5,000 men to fill its quota and that only 23 working days remained to raise that number by voluntary enlistments, he asked that the legislature authorize larger bounties and put a stop to the extravagant competition between cities and towns, some of which were offering $1,000 for a single one-year recruit. The legislature failed to meet the views of the executive on financial matters, and adopted a report that under existing laws, a necessary temporary loan could be secured at a reasonable rate of interest. However, it passed a new military bill, fixing bounties for recruits enlisted in insurgent states, and providing state bounties, ranging from $100 to $300, according to the term of the enlistment of the recruit. Town bounties were similarly limited, except where enrolled citizens enlisted and were credited to the localities where they resided, in which case no limit was placed on town bounties. This measure gave a great impulse to volunteering from among enrolled citizens, and the governor was requested to ask a few more days grace from the war department, as the state's quota could probably be filled without resort to the draft. A bill was also passed, and became a law, in spite of the governor's veto, entitled the "Soldier's Voting Bill," under which New Hampshire soldiers in the field and absent from the state, voted at the ensuing election. A decision of the supreme court in favor of the constitutionality of the act was also obtained.

Frederick Smyth was chosen governor in March, 1865, by a majority of 6,071 over Edward W. Harrington, his Democratic opponent. He was elected on a platform which expressed confidence in the administration of President Lincoln, and favored a vigorous prosecution of the war. The Democrats adopted as a platform of principles, "the Constitution and the Union." The inaugural address of Governor Smyth to the legislature which convened on June 7, was an exceptionally able state paper, and awakened renewed confidence in the credit and resources of the state. After giving the number of troops sent to the field from New Hampshire, he paid a noble tribute to her soldier sons, saying: "Our state will never be unmindful of the heroic deeds of her sons in the great struggle for national life. They sprang to arms at the first call, and. no considerable battle has been fought in which they have not participated. In the early days of the rebellion, they were at times cast down by temporary defeat, but in every instance only to rally with renewed vigor. * * * It will not be easy to pay our debt of gratitude to these brave men." The legislature adopted all the practical suggestions embodied in the message, and in less than three months loans to the amount of $1,200,000 were effected in such a manner as to improve rather than depreciate the credit of the state. On July 1, 1865, the finance committee of the house of representatives reported the actual debt of New Hampshire to be $3,793,625.82. To the proper funding and payment of this debt Governor Smyth brought such rare ability that it was successfully funded and the credit of the state placed on a firm basis. Speaking of the two years' administration of Governor Smyth, Major Otis F. R. Waite says in his work on New Hampshire in the Rebellion: "During the two years of his administration Governor Smyth brought to the discharge of the duties of his office great energy, industry and financial skill. During the last year the state debt had been reduced $254,313.18. When he retired from office all the claims of the state against the general government had been satisfactorily adjusted; the state debt had been funded on advantageous terms, the credit of the state stood at least equal to that of any other, and in his valedictory address—which like all his state papers was a model for its directness and practical common sense suggestions—he congratulated his successor that he would be relieved from any labor or anxiety relating to financial matters."

After the surrender of Lee's army at Appomattox Court House, the New Hampshire men in the field were anxious to return to their home as speedily as possible. Influence was brought to bear on the war department by Governor Smyth and many of the regiments from this state were among the first to be mustered out. All through the months of June and July, the streets of Concord were thronged with returning soldiers, who were most cordially welcomed by the state officials and citizens. They were promptly paid and discharged from the service and every effort was made to relieve individual cases of need. General Natt Head, the state's efficient and patriotic adjutant-general, will be especially remembered by all the "boys in blue" for the careful solicitude he displayed in rendering individual assistance to the needy, and in giving good counsel. It was, moreover, due to his patriotic initiative that a memorial certificate, handsomely engraved on steel with appropriate devices, was prepared. Each surviving officer and soldier from the state, who could show a record of honorable service in the war, or his widow or nearest relative, in case of death, was entitled to receive a certificate, and have it filled up with the name, rank, regiment and company, and the nature and length of service of the recipient. He was indeed the "Soldiers' Friend."

Throughout the war, New Hampshire was most fortunate in the character and ability displayed by her chief executives, as well as in the personnel of her adjutant-generals. The needs of her soldiers both in field and hospital were well attended to. Colonel Frank E. Howe of New York city and Robert R. Corson of Philadelphia, were efficient state agents in each of those cities, charged with the duty of caring for sick and wounded soldiers there in hospital, or passing through those cities. They made monthly reports of names, disability and deaths in the various hospitals, together with any other important facts which might come under their observation. Many other agents were sent to army hospitals and battle-fields to care for the sick and bury the dead. The patriotic women of the state were especially active in the formation of sanitary aid societies, which were maintained with efficiency and system, and without interruption, throughout the war. They furnished comforts not supplied by the government to enlisted men; sent clothing, delicacies, bandages and medicines to army hospitals, and cared for the families of soldiers during their absence in the field. At Washington the New Hampshire soldier's relief rooms became a practical agency for the distribution of substantial aid and comfort to the soldiers, sent by the good people of the state. Among the names of many noble men and women who labored zealously for the welfare of the state's soldier's that of Miss Harriet P. Dame of Concord is worthy of especial mention. Her services, both in hospital and on the bloody battle-field, will never be forgotten. Said one who knew her well: "She was more than the Florence Nightingale of America, because she had not the secure protection of hospital, but stood with our soldiers beneath the rain and fire of bullets, undaunted. She knew no fear, and thought not for a moment of her personal safety, for God had called her, and she felt that His divine protection was over all."

The total expenditures of New Hampshire for war purposes amounted to $6,852,678. Of this amount, $2,389,025 were paid for bounties, and $1,835,985 went to reimburse towns for aid furnished families of soldiers. At the end of the fiscal year 1867, the Federal government had reimbursed to the state for war expenses, the sum of $897,122.

In 1895 there was prepared and published bv authority of the legislature a revised register of the soldiers and sailors of New Hampshire in the War of the Rebellion, compiled bv Adjt.-General Augustus D. Ayling, in which it is shown that the state furnished the following troops during the war: Eighteen regiments of infantry, embracing 705 officers and 26,581 enlisted men, or a total of 27,286; a New Hampshire battalion, 1st regiment New England volunteer cavalry; one regiment of cavalry; one battery of light artillery; three companies of garrison artillery; one regiment of heavy artillery; three companies of U. S. sharpshooters, including the field and staff of Co. F, 2d U. S. sharpshooters; some unattached companies, and the 2nd brigade band. This gives a total of 836 officers, 31,650 enlisted men, or 32,486 men altogether. In addition to the above, there were 19 officers and 394 enlisted men enrolled in the veteran reserve corps; 124 officers and 2,272 men in the U. S. colored troops; 66 officers and 90 men in the regular army; 71 officers in the U. S. volunteers; 1 officer and 11 men in the U. S. veteran volunteers; 309 officers and 2,851 men in the U. S. navy; 3 officers and 363 men in the U. S. marine corps; and 87 officers and 1,796 men who were citizens, or residents of New Hampshire, and served in the organizations of other states. This gives a grand total of 1,516 officers and 37,427 enlisted men furnished by the state.

The number of officers killed, or died of wounds, 131; enlisted men, 1,803; total, 1,934. Three regiments, the 1st, 16th and 17th, lost no men killed in battle. The 5th, 3d and 12th regiments, in the order named, suffered the heaviest losses on the field in killed and wounded. At the head of all the infantry regiments in the army stands the 5th New Hampshire, with a loss of 295 in killed alone. The number who died of disease was: Officers, 36; enlisted men, 2,371; total, 2,407. The number who died from other causes, or causes unknown, officers, 1; enlisted men, 498; total, 499. Only 102 officers and men were dishonorably discharged. Twelve New Hampshire men were awarded medals of honor, under the resolution of Congress, No. 43, approved July 12, 1862, and section 6 of the act approved March 3, 1863. Twenty of the 3d regiment, 20 of the 4th, and 18 of the 7th were awarded "Gillmore Medals" by Major-General Q. A. Gillmore for gallantry and meritorious conduct during operations before Charleston, S. C.

With no thought of disparagement to the other loyal states, it may be truly said that the commonwealth of New Hampshire made an imperishable record for herself throughout the Civil war. The number of troops furnished in proportion to her population was exceeded by few if any of the other states, and by none in point of efficiency, equipment and bravery. The blood of the soldier sons of the Granite State crimsoned every battlefield of note throughout the great struggle. At home, her people in every walk of life made willing sacrifice that the Union of the Fathers might be preserved, and free institutions perpetuated.

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First Infantry.—
Colonel, Mason W. Tappan; Lieut.-Colonel, Thomas J. Whipple; Major, Aaron F. Stevens. The 1st regiment, which enlisted for the three months' service, was mustered in at Concord, .from May. 1 to 7, 1861, and was mustered out at the same place August 9, 1861. It numbered 816 and lost by death 5 men. It was equipped at "Camp Union" and left the state for Washington on May 25. In New York it was received by 450 sons of New Hampshire and presented with a beautiful silk flag. On its arrival in Washington the regiment was attached to the brigade commanded by Colonel Stone, and ordered to take possession of Edwards' and Conrad's ferries. Its route was through Rockville, Point of Rocks and Sandy Hook and it arrived at Harper's Ferry, July 7. From there it proceeded to Martinsburg, West Virginia, where it joined the Army of the Shenandoah. The brigade was expected to cut off General Johnston from Bull Run, but, to the great disappointment of the New Hampshire men, it failed to receive orders to advance. Four companies were sent to Conrad's ferry, where they exchanged shots with the enemy across the river. This was their only fighting, but all the duties assigned to them were faithfully and carefully performed. Fully 500 men of the 1st reenlisted.

Second Infantry.—Colonels, Thomas P. Pierce, Gilman Marston, Edward L. Bailey, Joab N. Patterson; Lieut.-Colonels, Frank S. Fiske, Edward L. Bailey, James W. Carr, Joab N. Patterson, John D. Cooper, Jr., Levi N. Converse (not mustered); Majors, Josiah Stevens, Edward L. Bailey, James W. Carr, Samuel P. Sayles, John D. Cooper, Jr., Levi N. Converse, George T. Carter (not mustered). The 2nd regiment, composed of volunteers from all parts of the state, was mustered into the service of the United States at Portsmouth, from May 31 to June 10, 1861, except its band, which was mustered in August 7, 1861, at Washington and mustered out August 8, 1862, near Harrison's landing, Virginia. The recruits transferred from the 17th NEW HAMPSHIRE infantry, April 16, 1863, were mustered out at Concord, June 21, 1864, the reenlisted men and recruits on December 19, 1865, at City Point, Virginia. The regiment's original members numbered 1,022, transferred 1, recruits 1,144, band recruits 22, recruits gained by transfer 366; making a total of 2,555. The losses include 159 killed or died of wounds, 178 deaths from other causes, making a total loss of 337. A large proportion of the members of the 2nd enlisted for three months in April, 1861, but reenlisted for three years when the second call for troops was sent out. The regiment left Portsmouth for Washington June 20, via Boston and New York, receiving ovations all along the route. On arriving in Washington it became a part of the 2nd brigade of Hunter's division and opened the fight at Bull Run, July 21, 1861. The winter was spent at Budd's ferry, Maryland, and in the spring the regiment took part in the siege of Yorktown, after which it pursued and attacked the Confederate rear-guard at Williamsburg. On May 31, 1862, it was at Poplar hill and participated in the fight at Fair Oaks. Two days later they fought at Oak Grove. For bravery in action at Williamsburg and Oak Grove, Private Michael Dillon, Co. G, was awarded a medal by Congress. Skirmishes followed at Peach Orchard, Virginia, Glendale, Malvern hill and Kettle run and, on August 29, the regiment was again at Bull Run. At Chantilly it was not brought into action and at Fredericksburg its duties were comparatively light. The 2nd wintered in New Hampshire. At Gettysburg, July 2, 1863, the 2nd made a historic defense at Sherfy's peach orchard. It joined Grant at Cold Harbor in June, 1864, having made a noble record at Front Royal, Warrenton, Point Lookout, Petersburg and Fort Darling, and finished its active service with the Army of the Potomac.

Third Infantry.—Colonels, Enoch Q. Fellows, John H. Jackson. John Bedell; Lieut.-Colonels, John H. Jackson, John Bedell, Josiah Plimpton, James F. Randlett; Majors, John Bedell, Josiah Plimpton, James F. Randlett, William H. Trickey. The 3d regiment was mustered in at Concord from August 22 to 26, 1861, for three years. The original members, not reenlisted, were mustered out August 23, 1864, at Bermuda Hundred, Virginia, and the reenlisted men were mustered out at Goldsboro, N. C., in July, 1865. The total strength was 1,769 and there were 342 deaths, 194 caused by wounds. The regiment was ordered first to Hunter's point, L. I., next to Washington, and in October to Annapolis, where it embarked for a coast expedition. General T. W. Sherman was quartered with the 3d on the "Atlantic." In April, 1862, the regiment was ordered to Edisto island and in June to James island. Its first action was at Secessionville, where its loss was 105 killed, wounded or missing. In July the regiment returned to Hilton Head and camped there. It was next divided, a detail being sent to Florida and another to Pinckney island. It united again in June at St. Helena island, proceeded to Folly island and aided in capturing part of Morris island. During the siege of Fort Wagner the 3d lost heavily, but had the post of honor the day of the surrender. Twenty members received Gillmore medals for bravery during this siege. Ordered to Florida and back again to Virginia, the troops were repeatedly in action. At Deep Bottom, Virginia, August 16, 1864, the regiment was nearly annihilated. Then the men whose terms had expired were mustered out and the remainder of the troops were ordered to Petersburg. In September the 3d was repeatedly engaged on the south side of the James, and in January, 1865, it participated in an attack on Fort Fisher, N. C. Brave fighting followed at Sugar Loaf battery and Wilmington and after distinguished services, the remnant of the 3d was finally mustered out.

Fourth Infantry.—Colonels, Thomas J. Whipple, Louis Bell, William Badger (not mustered); Lieut.-Colonels, Louis Bell, Gilman E. Sleeper, Jeremiah D. Drew, Francis W. Parker; Majors, Jeremiah D. Drew, Charles W. Sawyer, Richard 0. Greenleaf (not mustered), George F. Towle. The 4th regiment was mustered in at Manchester for three years' service. The original members not reenlisted, were mustered out on September 27, 1864, at Concord, and the reenlisted men and recruits at Raleigh, N. C., August 23, 1865. The total strength was 1,025 and the total loss by death was 280, of which number 95 deaths were due to wounds. The 4th left the state for Washington, September 27, 1861, and embarked on the "Baltic" for Port Royal, S. C., arriving there November 4, after terrible storms. In January, 1862, it sailed on a southern expedition, which captured Fernandina, Jacksonville and St. Augustine, Florida, and garrisoned the last two places. It took an active part in the attacks on Morris and Folly islands and fought almost constantly until the capture of Fort Wagner. At the siege of Charleston a number of the men won Gillmore medals. At Drewry's bluff, where the losses were very heavy, Bermuda Hundred, Cold Harbor, the first attack on Petersburg and in daily service the men showed their heroism. At Petersburg they did trench duty 36 days in one position, 20 feet from a Confederate outpost. Here 50 men were killed or wounded. At the Crater fight only 200 men remained and in this bloody engagement the regiment lost 50 more. Then followed the battle of Deep Bottom and the charge on New Market heights, when only 40 men under a lieutenant could be mustered. The 4th was then in the two expeditions against Fort Fisher and, after guarding for a time the railroad between Wilmington and Little Washington, it was ordered to Raleigh, where the men were mustered out, having gloriously earned their home-coming after the hardest service.

Fifth Infantry.—Colonels, Edward E. Cross, Charles E. Hapgood, Richard E. Cross (not mustered), Welcome A. Crafts (not mustered); Lieut.-Colonels, Samuel G. Langley, Charles E. Hapgood, Richard E. Cross, James E. Larkin, Welcome A. Crafts; Majors, William W. Cook, Edward E. Sturtevant, Richard E. Cross, James E. Larkin, Welcome A. Crafts, Thomas L. Livermore, John S. Ricker (not mustered). The 5th, composed of men from all parts of the state, was mustered in at Concord October 12 to 26, 1861, for three years' service. The original members, not reenlisted, were mustered out at Concord, Oct 29, 1864, the reenlisted men and recruits at Alexandria, Virginia, June 28, 1865. The 5th was made a battalion of eight companies, original members 1,002, recruits and transferred men 1,560, total strength 2,562. The number killed or died of wounds was 295 and other deaths numbered 176. The regiment left the state for Bladensburg, Maryland, October 29, 1861, and became at once a part of the Army of the Potomac, wintering near Alexandria, Virginia. It built the famous "Grapevine bridge" across the Chickahominy and met its first severe losses at Fair Oaks, June 1, 1862; was engaged at Peach Orchard, Savage Station, White Oak swamp and Malvern hill; was in advance at Boonesboro and met with heavy losses at Antietam and Marye's heights, where its dead were found near the noted stone wall. General Hancock reports their conduct as "heroic." The 5th soon won a reputation for hard fighting that caused it often to be assigned to some post of danger and it never failed to acquit itself with honor. A detail of picked troops supported the cavalry at Beverly ford and Brandy station, Virginia, and rejoined their regiment at Sangster's station. The 5th lost heavily at Gettysburg and on August 1, 1863, was ordered home to recruit. With other New Hampshire regiments it was present at Cold Harbor, again losing many men. In the actions at Petersburg and at Deep Bottom, General Hancock mentions them in orders for "Gallantry in capture of an enemy's battery." The regiment was relieved and moved to the rear about November 15, 1864, and on December 1 it was ordered to Fort Welch. It met with slight losses at Fort Stedman, was in actions at Dinwiddie Court House and Sailor's creek, Virginia, and fought their final battle at Farmville, Virginia, April 7, 1865. Few escaped death or capture, but on April 9 Lee surrendered and the remnant of the gallant 5th participated in the grand review of the Union army at Washington on May 23.

Sixth Infantry.—Colonels, Nelson Converse, Simon G. Griffin, Phin P. Bixby; Lieut.-Colonels, Nelson Converse, Simon G. Griffin, Charles Scott, Henry H. Pearson, Phin P. Bixby, Samuel D. Quarles; Majors, Charles Scott, Obed G. Dort, Phin P. Bixby, Samuel D. Quarles, Robert L. Ela. The 6th was composed of men from all parts of the state and was mustered in from November 27 to 30, 1861, at Keene. The original members not reenlisted, were mustered out November 27 and 28, 1864, near Petersburg, Virginia, and the reenlisted men and recruits were mustered out July 17, 1865, near Alexandria, Virginia. The number ci members was 2,448. Of these, 158 were killed or died of wounds and 230 died from other causes. The 6th camped at Bladensburg, Maryland, until January, 1862, when it left for Annapolis to join Burnside's expedition to North Carolina. In February the regiment was removed to Roanoke island, in March details were ordered to Columbia and Elizabeth City, N. C., and on April 19, under General Reno, met the enemy in a sharp encounter at Camden. At Bull Run the 6th made a gallant attack and met with fearful losses. It was in action at Antietam, Amissville, White Sulphur springs and Marye's heights, after which it was ordered to join General Grant's army before Vicksburg. In 1864 the regiment was attached to the Army of the Potomac and participated in the battle of the Wilderness, where it made a heroic charge. For gallantry in this battle, Sergt.-Major Abraham Cohn was awarded a medal by Congress. Engagements followed at Totopotomoy creek, Bethesda Church, the Weldon railroad, Poplar Springs Church, Hatcher's run and near Forts Davis and Sedgwick.

Seventh Infantry.—Colonels, Haldimand S. Putnam, Joseph C. Abbott; Lieut.-Colonels, Joseph C. Abbott, Thomas A. Henderson, Augustus W. Rollins; Majors, Daniel Smith, Thomas A. Henderson, Augustus W. Rollins, Jeremiah S. Durgin. The 7th, from the state at large, was mustered in for three years at Manchester, October 29 to December 15, 1861, and was mustered out at Concord, December 27, 1864. The reenlisted men and recruits were mustered out July 20, 1865, at Goldsboro, N. C. The regiment numbered 1,762 members, of whom 152 were killed or died of wounds and 246 died from other causes. The first month was spent at Manchester, the second at New York, and on February 13, 1862, the regiment embarked for Fort Jefferson, Florida, where it remained till sent to St. Augustine September 1. Greatly reduced by sickness, it left there in June for Hilton Head, Folly and Morris islands, where it was actively engaged in the siege of Fort Wagner. A number of men of the 7th won Gillmore medals for bravery and in an attack on Fort Wagner the regimental loss was 18 officers killed or wounded. After camping at St. Helena island until February, 1864, the regiment participated in General Seymour's campaign in Florida, afterward joining the Army of the James at Bermuda Hundred, Virginia. Through May and June it was in many engagements, including Drewry’s bluff, Deep Bottom, New Market heights, Laurel hill and along the Darbytown road. First Sergt. George P. Dow, Co. C, Sergt. Henry F. W. Little, Co. D, Sergt. George F. Robie, Co. D, and Sergt. William Tilton, Co. C, all won medals of honor during this campaign. Ordered to New York during the presidential election of 1864, the regiment returned to Virginia and went into winter quarters at Laurel hill. In January it was ordered to Fort Fisher, N. C., in June to Goldsboro, after some time at Wilmington, and was mustered out in July after nearly four years of distinguished service.

Eighth Infantry.—Colonel, Hawkes Fearing; Lieut.-Colonels, Oliver W. Lull, George A. Flanders, William M. Barrett; Majors, Morrill B. Smith, Thomas Connolly, Henry H. Huse, John K. Stokes. The 8th regiment, from the state at large, was mustered in at Manchester October 25 to December 29, 1861, for three years' service. It was converted into a cavalry regiment between December 16, 1863, and July 25, 1864, and was known first as the 1st and later as the 2nd New Hampshire cavalry. The original members, not reenlisted, were mustered out on January 18, 1865, at Concord and the reenlisted men and those whose term had not expired became the veteran battalion, 8th New Hampshire infantry, and were mustered out at Vicksburg, Miss., October 28, 1865. The original members numbered 926, recruits 674, transferred 3, total strength 1,603. The 8th lost by death 99 men, of whom 81 were killed or died of wounds. The veteran battalion numbered 341, of whom 25 were recruits. Its loss by death was 13. The 8th was ordered to Fort Independence, Boston harbor, embarked from there February 16 and 18, 1862, for Ship island, Miss., where it arrived on Mar. 18 and 29, after a stormy passage. With General Weitzel's brigade, the regiment sailed for Donaldsonville, Louisiana, landed, and engaged the Confederates at Labadieville, Louisiana, on October 27; was then transferred to the 2nd brigade of Emory's division; was actively engaged at Fort Bisland, Louisiana, April 12-13, !863, and participated in the siege of Port Hudson, Louisiana, from May 23rd July 9. On June 14 an assault was made, in which the 8th New Hampshire was sent in advance as skirmishers, a position requiring, according to orders, "The best troops." The losses were heavy but the attack was successful. In September, 1863, as part of McMillan's brigade, the regiment participated in the second Red River expedition and marched north. In January, 1864, it was made a cavalry regiment and ordered back to New Orleans, where it remained until March 2. Engagements followed at Henderson's hill, La Natchitoches, Crump's hill, Wilson's farm, Sabine cross-roads, Monett's bluff, Cane river, near Alexandria, Snaggy Point, Governor Moore's plantation, Moreauville, Bayou de Glaize and Yellow bayou, all between March 21 and May 18. The duties of the 8th were so severe that they called forth a protest from General Arnold, but the regiment never flagged. On June 16, 1864, the regiment left New Orleans for Concord and spent the next two months on furlough, leaving for Natchez, Miss., August 29, where it remained until mustered out. The veteran battalion, 8th New Hampshire infantry, was then organized as above described by special orders, and was assigned to Vidalia. In March it returned to Natchez and was mustered out in October.

Ninth Infantry.—Colonels, Enoch Q. Fellows, Herbert B. Titus; Lieut.-Colonels, Josiah Stevens, Jr., Herbert B. Titus, John W. Babbitt, George H. Chandler; Majors, Herbert B. Titus, George W. Everett, George H. Chandler. This regiment .from the state at large, was mustered in for three years from July 3, to August 23, 1862, at Concord. The original members were mustered out June 10, 1865, near Alexandria, Virginia', the recruits having been transferred to the 6th New Hampshire infantry on June 1. The number of original members was 990, of recruits 886, total strength 1,876. The losses were 143 killed or died of wounds and 243 who died from other causes. On August 27, 1862, the regiment arrived in Washington and was assigned to General Whipple's division, defenses of Washington. On Sept . 6 it became part of the 1st brigade, 2d division, under General McClellan. At South mountain, September 14, the 9th alone attacked a Confederate brigade and drove it from its position. At Antietam it was actively engaged and after the battle the route of the regiment was through White Sulphur Springs, Virginia, where it had a slight engagement, to Fredericksburg. For bravery in battle at Fredericksburg, Captain Charles D. Copp, Co. C, was awarded a medal of honor. The regiment remained in this city until in February, 1863, when it was ordered to Newport News and there embarked on Mar. 25 for Baltimore, but immediately left there for Lexington, Kentucky. It arrived at Lexington on the 30th and was ordered to Vicksburg, where it took part in the siege. After the fall of Vicksburg it guarded for a time the Kentucky Central railroad and did some escort duty. On April 27, 1864, it became part of the 2nd brigade, 2nd division , 9th corps, Army of the Potomac, and fought in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court House, North Anna river, Totopotomoy, Bethesda Church, Cold Harbor and the siege of Petersburg, where Sergt. Leander A. Wilkins, Co. H, won a medal for recapture of the colors of the 21st Mass. On August 19, 1864, the 9th was sent to the Weldon railroad. The next day it assisted in repulsing the enemy; was engaged at Poplar Springs Church, September 30, and at Hatcher's run, October 27. After wintering at Fort Alexander Hays, the regiment performed guard duty for several days in the spring of 1865. This closed the service of the 9th and after taking part in the grand review at Washington the regiment started for home.

Tenth Infantry.—Colonel, Michael T, Donahue; Lieut.-Colonel, John Coughlin; Majors, Jesse F. Angell, Timothy B. Crowley. The 10th regiment was organized from the state at large for three years' service, and was mustered in from August 6 to September 18, 1862, at Manchester. The original members were mustered out on June 21, 1865, at Richmond, Virginia, and the recruits were assigned to the 2nd New Hampshire infantry. The original members and recruits numbered 1,333 and its loss by death was 198 men. The 10th left the state for Washington on Sept 22, 1862, and saw its first fighting in the Army of the Potomac, November 15, while crossing the Rappahannock. On December 11 it entered Fredericksburg and joined in an attack on Marye's heights with the 13th New Hampshire. After three months at Fredericksburg and a month at Newport News, it was ordered to Suffolk, Virginia. At Hill's point a battery was captured, at Littlepage's bridge on the Pamunkey there was a sharp fight, and on July 30 the regiment went into camp at Julian's creek, where it spent the winter of 1863-64. In April it was assigned to the Army of the James and went to Bermuda Hundred. Active engagements followed at Port Walthall Junction, Virginia, Swift creek, Proctor's and Kingsland creeks, and Drewry's bluff. Lieut.-Colonel Coughlin won a medal at Swift creek for distinguished gallantry in action, May 9, 1864. At Cold Harbor the regiment was in the front line, June 1-12, when it was removed to the rear and returned to Bermuda Hundred. On June 15 it left camp for Petersburg and that day aided in the capture of Battery No. 5. The next day Cos. A, E and K made an assault in which the prisoners captured outnumbered the attacking party. The regiment was engaged in the siege of Petersburg until August 27, and from September 28 to October 1, was engaged in the capture and defense of Fort Harrison. Late in October it was withdrawn from that place and on the 27th participated in a bloody encounter near Fair Oaks, where it suffered heavy losses. Returning to Fort Harrison it spent the winter of 1864-65 there when it was ordered to Richmond and remained there from April 3, 1865, to June 21, when it was mustered out and returned home.

Eleventh Infantry.—
Colonel, Walter Harriman; Lieut.-Colonels, Moses N. Collins, Leander W. Cogswell; Majors, Moses N. Collins, Evarts W. Farr. The 11th, composed of volunteers from the state at large for three years' service, was mustered in at Concord, August 21 to September 10, 1862. The original members were mustered out at Alexandria, Virginia, June 4, 1865, and the recruits were transferred to the 6th New Hampshire infantry on June 1, 1865. The original members numbered 1,005, the recruits 649, transferred 1, making a total of 1,655. The regiment lost by death 303 men, of whom 136 were killed or died of wounds. The 11th left Concord September 11, 1862, for Baltimore and on its arrival there was immediately ordered to Washington, where it became part of the 2nd brigade of the 2nd division of the 9th corps, in which it remained throughout its service. It participated in the battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862, where First Sergt. Francis H. Goodall, Co. G, won a medal of honor for conspicuous gallantry, and then went into camp at Newport News, Virginia, until March, 1863. On June 14, 1863, the regiment arrived at Vicksburg, having Spent the months of April and May en route. It was engaged at Jackson, Miss., and then returned to the North by way of Cairo. On October 15, 1863, it was at Knoxville Tenn., where it participated in the siege from November 17 to December 5, and afterward aided in the pursuit of General Longstreet through the mountains of East Tennessee. On April 7, 1864, the regiment arrived at Annapolis after marching across the mountains, 175 miles in 11 days, and was engaged at the Battle of the Wilderness. It was then with the Army of the Potomac in the actions at Spottsylvania, North Anna river, Totopotomoy, Bethesda Church, Cold Harbor and the siege of Petersburg. On June 17, at Petersburg, Private Henry W. Rowe, Co. I, made a heroic capture of a flag, which won him a medal of honor. Having served constantly at Petersburg from June 16, 1864, to April 3, 1865, the 11th on April 4 went to City Point, Virginia, from there to Alexandria and Washington, where it participated in the grand review and was mustered out after nearly three years of hard service.

Twelfth Infantry.—Colonels, Joseph H. Potter, Thomas E. Barker; Lieut.-Colonels, John F. Marsh, George D. Savage, Thomas E. Barker, Nathaniel Shackford; Majors, George D. Savage, John F. Langley, Nathaniel Shackford, Edwin E. Bedee. The 12th, from the state at large, was mustered in for three years at Concord, August 28 to September 25, 1862. The original members were mustered out June 21, 1865, at Richmond and Manchester, Virginia, and the recruits were transferred to the 2nd New Hampshire infantry the same day. There were 1,019 original members and 444 recruits, in all 1,463. Of these 180 were killed or died of wounds and 146 died from other causes. The 12th left "Camp Belknap" September 27, 1862, for Washington, where it was assigned to the Army of the Potomac and was first under fire at Fredericksburg, December 12-15, 1862. The regiment spent the winter at Falmouth, Virginia, and in May, 1863, was in the battle of Chancellorsville, where it suffered heavy losses. At Gettysburg its loss was again fearful. In the pursuit of General Lee the regiment reached Warrenton, Virginia, when it was ordered to Point Lookout, Maryland, and was on duty there until the spring of 1864. In April it was assigned to the Army of the James and took part in the battles of Swift creek, Relay house, Drewry's bluff, and Port Walthall Junction. On June 1 it joined the Army of the Potomac at Cold Harbor and was actively engaged in that battle. Leaving Cold Harbor on the 11th, it reached Petersburg on the 15th, where it was constantly on duty until August 25. The winter of 1864-65 was spent at Bermuda Hundred, Chaffin's farm, and in the vicinity of Fort Harrison. On the memorable Apr. 3, 1865, it entered Richmond and after a time spent at Danville, Virginia, was mustered out at Richmond.

Thirteenth Infantry.—Colonel, Aaron F. Stevens; Lieut.-Colonels, George Bowers, Jacob J. Storer, William Grantman, Norman Smith; Majors, Jacob J. Storer, William Grantman, Norman Smith, Nathan D. Stoodley. This regiment, composed of men from Rockingham Hillsboro, Strafford, Grafton, Merrimack, Carroll and Coos counties, was mustered into the service for three years, at Concord, September 12 to October 9, 1862. The original members were mustered out at Richmond, Virginia, June 21, 1865, and the same day the recruits were transferred to the 2nd New Hampshire infantry. The original members and those gained by transfer numbered 1,017, recruits 255, making a total of 1,272. The 13th lost by death 180 members, of whom one-half were killed or died of wounds. The regiment arrived in Washington, October 8, 1862, and was assigned to the 1st brigade, defenses of Washington, until December 10, when it joined the Army of the Potomac and was first under fire at Stafford's heights. Entering Fredericksburg December 11 it remained there until the 13th, when it made an assault on Marye's heights. After the battle of Fredericksburg it went into camp at the Phillips house and was there until in February, 1863, when it left for Newport News. It was ordered to Suffolk, Virginia, on March 13 and took part in raising the siege of that city. During this summer and the ensuing winter it performed many arduous and exacting duties but was not again actively engaged until May, 1864, when it was in the battles of Port Walthall Junction, Swift creek, Proctor's and Kingsland creeks, Drewry's bluff and Bermuda Hundred, all in the vicinity of Richmond, Virginia. The regiment lost heavily in the battle of Cold Harbor and afterward moved toward Petersburg, where it made a daring assault on Battery No. 5, succeeding in its capture. It took part in the siege of Petersburg and on August 26 was ordered to Bermuda Hundred, where it remained until September 28, when it was ordered to Fort Harrison. It fought bravely in the capture and defense of that fort and suffered severe losses. Its next battle was at Fair Oaks late in October, 1864. The regiment and its colors were among the first to enter Richmond, April 3, 1865, and it was on duty here until the end of its service.

Fourteenth Infantry.—Colonels, Robert Wilson, Alexander Gardiner, Carroll D. Wright, Theodore A. Ripley; Lieut.-Colonels, Tileston A. Barker, Oliver H. Marston; Majors, Samuel A. Duncan, Alexander Gardiner, Flavel L. Tolman. This regiment, mostly from the southwestern part of the state, was mustered in for three years at Concord in September and October, 1862. It was mustered out July 8, 1865, at Savannah, Georgia. The original members numbered 968, transferred 1, recruits 417, total strength 1,386. It lost 66 of its number, who were killed or died of wounds and 159 from other causes. The 14th was the last three years' regiment furnished by the state, many of its men having expected to join other regiments. It left the state for Washington on October 18, 1862, arrived there two days later and was assigned to defense duty. It remained near Washington, performing varied services until in February, 1864, when it was ordered to the upper Potomac and was encamped for a short time near Harper's Ferry. The men went home to vote and in March the regiment was ordered to Hilton Head, S. C., which was reached after terrible storms. From April to July, 1864, it was in or near New Orleans, then returned to Washington. and soon entered into active field service. It was in the fights at Deep Bottom, Winchester, Halltown, Berryville, Lock's ford, Fisher's hill, Tom's brook, Strasburg and Cedar creek, and all proved the valor of the 14th. The late winter and spring were spent in Savannah, Georgia, and in May, 1865, the regiment was ordered to Augusta. So much southern service was disastrous to the health of the troops and they lost heavily through sickness.

Fifteenth Infantry.—Colonel, John W. Kingman; Lieut.-Colonels, William M. Weed, George W. Frost, Henry W. Blair; Majors, George W. Frost, Henry W. Blair, John Aldrich. This regiment was from the 1st Congressional district and was the first in the state to respond to the call for nine months' men. It was mustered into the U. S. service at Concord, from October 4 to November 12, 1862, and was mustered out at Concord, August 13, 1863. It numbered 919 men, of whom 30 were killed or died of wounds and 115 from other causes. The regiment left the state for New York on November 13 and embarked from Brooklyn two weeks later for New Orleans where it encamped on the Shell road at Carrollton. From May 27 to July 9, 1863, the 15th took part in the siege of Port Hudson, Louisiana, engaging in active combat and in many laborious siege duties. After the surrender, it was ordered north and returned to Concord.

Sixteenth Infantry.—Colonel, James Pike; Lieut.-Colonel, Henry W. Fuller; Majors, Henry W. Fuller, Samuel Davis, Jr. The 16th was made up in the 2nd Congressional district and was mustered in for nine months at Concord from October" 10 to December 2, 1862. It numbered 914 men, of whom 210 died of disease and 3 were drowned. On November 23 it left Concord for New York and was there ordered to sail south under sealed orders. Its destination proved to be New Orleans, which it reached on Dec 20 and remained near that city until March 5, 1863, when it proceeded to Port Hudson, where it joined in the siege from June 3 to July 9. This regiment suffered greatly from sickness, particularly during a six weeks' stay at Fort Burton, which it captured April 20, 1863, and the percentage of deaths was very large. On August 1 it started for Cairo, Ill., and from there proceeded by rail to Concord, where it was mustered out on August 20, 1863.

Seventeenth Infantry.—Colonel, Henry O. Kent; Lieut.-Colonel, Charles H. Long; Major, George H. Bellows. The 17th was mustered into the U. S. service between November 13, 1862, and January 10, 1863, but the organization was not completed, the men were transferred to' the 2rfd N." H. infantry, and the officers were mustered out on April 16, 1863. The regiment numbered 216 and lost by death 4 men. Under the president's call for troops of August 4, 1862, New Hampshire was required to furnish three regiments, one to be organized in each congressional district. 791 men from the 3d district volunteered, who should have been assigned to the 17th regiment, but the 15th and 16th regiments were not yet complete, and, as the call was urgent, men were transferred from the 17th to fill these regiments. Other volunteers joined the 17th, but not enough to enable it to take the field as a separate organization and they were assigned to the 2nd infantry, as above stated. By Act of Congress in 1892, the 17th was recognized as a regiment and its status determined beyond question.

Eighteenth Infantry.—Colonels, Thomas L. Livermore, Joseph M. Clough; Lieut.-Colonels, Joseph M. Clough, Willis G. C. Kimball; Majors, William I. Brown, Alvah K. Potter, Silas F. Learnard. This regiment was raised from the state at large, for one and three years, six companies under the call of July 18, and four under the call of December 19, 1864. The organization was completed on April 6, 1865, and the troops were mustered into service at Concord. Co. K was mustered out on May 6, 1865, at Galloupe's island, Mass.; Cos. A_, B, C, D, E and F on June 10, 1865, at the Delaney house in the District of Columbia; and Cos. G, H, and I on July 29, 1865, at the Delaney house, with the field and staff officers. The regiment numbered 978, its loss by death being 37, of whom 3 were killed or died of wounds. The first six companies were ordered to City Point, Virginia, where they were joined in February, 1865, by companies G and H. In March, company I joined the command at Petersburg, but on account of Lee's surrender, Co. K was held at Galloupe's island. On March 25, the regiment aided in the capture of Fort Stedman, Virginia, and remained in that fort until the fall of Petersburg. On April 2, in an engagement with the enemy before Petersburg, it met with slight losses. It was placed on guard duty in Washington, during the court-martial which tried the conspirators against President Lincoln, this closing their active service.

First Cavalry Battalion.—Lieut.-Colonel, John L. Thompson; Majors, David B. Nelson, John L. Thompson, Stephen R. Swett. Cos. I, K, L and M of the 1st New England volunteer cavalry, were from New Hampshire and were mustered into the U. S. service on December 17, October 24, December 24 and 27, 1861, respectively, for three years' service. Cos. I, L and M were mustered in at Concord and Co. K at Manchester. These companies left the N. E. cavalry to become part of the 1st New Hampshire cavalry on January 7, 1864. The battalion numbered 435 and lost by death 33 members, of whom 15 were killed in battle. The New Hampshire battalion joined the two R. I. battalions at Pawtucket, R. I., January 22, 1862, and left there for Washington on March 2 and 31, the name of the regiment being changed to the 1st R. I. cavalry, which was considered an injustice by the men. The New Hampshire battalion was engaged alone at Front Royal, Virginia, and received complimentary mention in orders. It was in the battles of Cedar mountain, Groveton, second Bull Run, Chantilly, Mountsville and Fredericksburg. The winter of 1862-63 found the battalion on active duty with almost no rest, and it participated in the cavalry fight at Kelly's ford, March 1?, 1863. Stoneman's raid, from April 27 to May 8, required the services of the cavalry and the battles at Brandy Station, Thoroughfare gap, Middleburg, Rapidan Station, White Sulphur springs and Bristoe Station all show how nobly the cavalry performed every duty assigned to it, winning well-earned laurels. First Cavalry.—Colonel, John L. Thompson; Lieut.-Colonel, Benjamin T. Hutchins; Majors, Arnold Wyman, Joseph F. Andrews, John A. Cummings. Cos. A, B and C of the 1st New Hampshire cavalry were mustered in from April 19 to 23, and D, E, F and G from June 25 to July 21, 1864, at Concord, for three years' service. I, K, L and M were transferred from the 1st N. E. cavalry, as mentioned in the previous sketch. The regiment was mustered out July 15, 1865, at Cloud's mills, Virginia. It numbered 1,533 men, of whom 210 were transferred from the 1st N. E. cavalry. It lost 23 killed, or died of wounds, and 106 from other causes. On May 17, 1864, the regiment joined the Army of the Potomac and took part in the battle of Cold Harbor on June 2. During that month it was almost constantly in action, campaigning in Virginia. From June 30 to August 8 it had a short rest at City Point. On August 24 the companies recruited in June and July joined the regiment and all were engaged at Kearneysville the next day. Moving then through Virginia, the regiment participated in ten different actions during September and October. The records show that the 1st participated in engagements at twenty-seven places in Virginia. in which state most of its time was spent. In Wilson's raid on the Weldon railroad it was in action every day for a week. At Tom's brook, Virginia, October 9, 1864, it made a gallant attack and was complimented by General Custer, who sent an officer to tell Colonel Thompson that his troops had "saved the day." Its history is of repeated brilliant charges, bravery on the part of officers and men and conscientious performance of duty.

First Light Battery.—Captains, George A. Gerrish, Frederick M. Edgell . The 1st light battery, the only one furnished by New Hampshire, was recruited at Manchester and mustered in there September 25, 1861. The original members, not reenlisted, were mustered out near Petersburg, Virginia, September 25, 1864. The reenlisted men and recruits were mustered out June 9, 1865, at Concord. In November, 1864, it became Co. M, 1st New Hampshire heavy artillery, but was later continued as a separate light battery. It numbered 258 men and lost by death 12, of whom one-half were killed or died of wounds. On its arrival in Washington in November, 1861, it was assigned to the Army of the Potomac, with which it remained during its three years and nine months of service. Through all the important campaigns of that army the guns of the 1st New Hampshire light battery sounded their defiance. At the battles of the second Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, the Wilderness, Cold Harbor, the siege of Petersburg, Deep Bottom and many other engagements their well directed fire and steadfast endurance made them of the utmost value and service.

First Company, Heavy Artillery.—Captain, Charles H. Long. This company was raised for the defense of Portsmouth harbor and spent all of its three years' term of service at Fort Constitution except the time between May 6 and November, 1864. It was mustered in at Concord and Portsmouth from May 26 to July 22, 1863, and was mustered out at Concord, September 11, 1865. In the summer of 1864 it was ordered to Washington, where it formed part of the defenses of that city, and in September became Co. A, 1st New Hampshire heavy artillery.

Second Company, Heavy Artillery.—Captains, Ira McL. Barton, George P. Thyng. This company was raised for the defense of Portsmouth harbor and was assigned to Fort McClary except from May, 1864, to February, 1865, when it became part of the defenses of Washington. It was mustered in at Concord from August 18 to September 17, 1863, became Co. B, 1st New Hampshire heavy artillery in October, 1864, and was mustered out September 11, 1865, at Concord.

First Heavy Artillery.—Colonel, Charles H. Long; Lieut.-Colonel, Ira McL. Barton; Majors, George A. Wainwright, Dexter G. Reed, Frederick M. Edgell. Cos. A, B and M of this regiment were organized as described in the three preceding sketches and the remaining companies were mustered in at Concord and Fort Constitution in September and October, 1864. Cos. A and B were mustered out at Concord, September 11, 1865, Co. M, June 9, 1865, and the rest of the regiment at Washington, June 15, 1865. The total strength of the regiment was 1,857 and the death losses 34. The troops as fast as mustered in were ordered to Washington to form part of the defenses of that city.

Company E, First U. S. Sharpshooters.—This company was mustered in at Concord, September 9, 1861, having been recruited in different parts of the state for three years' service. The original members, not reenlisted, were mustered out near Petersburg, Virginia, September 9, 1864, and the reenlisted men and recruits were assigned to Co. G, 2nd U. S. volunteer sharpshooters, on December 23, 1864. The regiment became part of the army of the Potomac and took part in the siege of Yorktown, the battles of the second Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, the Wilderness, Cold Harbor, the siege of Petersburg and a large number of other engagements. At one time in the spring of 1864 it was in action 24 out of 31 days. It was the recipient of many compliments for gallant behavior and never failed in its duty.

Companies F and G, Second U. S. Sharpshooters.—Cos. F and G were mustered in for three years' service, at Concord and Manchester, in November and December, 1861, and were mustered out at Petersburg, Virginia, in November and December 1864, the reenlisted men and recruits being transferred to the 5th New Hampshire infantry on January 30, 1865. The regiment was assigned to the Army of Virginia and saw most of its fighting in that state, taking part in an unusual number of engagements, and often receiving special commendation. The records show thirty-seven engagements, some of them continuing through several days. Its losses were often heavy but it never flagged in zeal and one of its most brilliant performances was at Hatcher's run, after it had received orders to disband.

Miscellaneous Organizations.—An unattached company in the service of the state was mustered into the U. S. service at Fort Constitution May 15, 1862, and transferred to the 9th New Hampshire infantry on August 6, 1862.

The Strafford Guards, of the state militia, were mustered into the U. S. service for 60 days on May 5, 1864, and were ordered to Fort Constitution. They were mustered out on July 28, 1864. About the same time (May, 1864) the National Guards were mustered into the U. S. service and served for 60 days at Fort Constitution.

The Martin Guards were mustered into the U. S. service, July 23, 1864, for 90 days, and served at Fort Constitution until mustered out on September 16.

The Lafayette Artillery, which aided in garrisoning Fort Constitution, were mustered in at Lyndeborough, August 1, 1864, and mustered out on September 23, 1864, at Fort Constitution.

The Veteran Reserve Corps, first known as the Invalid Corps, was organized in May, 1863, and served till the close of the war. It was mustered out at different times and places.

State Service.—Captain Josiah G. Hadley raised a company of Portsmouth men for the garrison of Fort Constitution until the men enlisted for three months should arrive. Under President Lincoln's call of April 15, 1861, for three months' troops, the following companies were enlisted: Goodwin Guards, at Portsmouth; Granite State Guards, at Great Falls; Abbott Guards, at Manchester; Claremont Volunteers, at Claremont; Laconia Volunteers, at Laconia; Manchester Mechanics' Phalanx, at Manchester; Cheshire Light Guard, at Keene; Milford Volunteers, at Milford; Concord Volunteers, at Concord; Littleton Volunteers, at Littleton; Captain Joshua Chapman's company, at Plymouth and Conway; Lancaster Volunteers, at Lancaster and North Stratford; Captain Jonathan R. Bagley's company, at Fort Constitution, and made up of a number of the aforesaid companies; Captain George H. Gillis's company, at Fort Constitution, and composed mostly of members of the Milford Volunteers and the Granite State Guards.

A great number of the members of these companies reenlisted. The Dover and Contocook volunteers enlisted for three years and were afterward part of the 2nd regiment. The Winnacunnet Guards, first enlisted for three months, most of the men later enlisting for three years, became finally Co. D, 3d New Hampshire infantry. Captain James Davidson's company was organized for the garrison of Fort Constitution after the discharge of the three months' men.


Joab Nelson Patterson, associate editor for New Hampshire, is a native of that state, having been born at Hopkinton, January 25. 1835. After due preparation at New Hampton, he entered Dartmouth college in 1856 and graduated in 1860. He decided to adopt the law as his profession and had made arrangements for a course of legal study when the war broke out and changed the whole course of his career. On April 22, 1861, he enlisted as a private and received a warrant as a recruiting officer. As such he opened an office at Contoocook Village, where he enlisted a company of 72 men for the three months' service. On the reorganization of the 2nd regiment for the three years' service he was made first lieutenant of Co. H, and on May 23, 1862, was promoted to the captaincy. His military career appears fully in the history of the 2nd New Hampshire infantry elsewhere in this work, as he served with it from beginning to end, participating in every march and battle, and was with it at the final muster out in December, 1865, when he had the unique distinction of being the only one of the original commissioned officers. When General Marston assumed command of the District of St. Mary's he named Captain Patterson as provost marshal, a position which in that district demanded the highest capacity for work, combined with firmness and tact. He filled this difficult position to the entire satisfaction of General Marston, with whom he was always a great favorite. In General Butler's campaign on the James river, Captain Patterson served with his regiment as acting major, and was afterward in the battle of Cold Harbor. When the original members of the regiment were mustered out in June, 1864, he was left in command of the remnant of the regiment and was for a time the only commissioned officer with the organization. On June 21, 1864, upon the recommendation of Generals Smith and Marston, he was appointed lieutenant-colonel, and on January 10, 1865, was commissioned colonel, but was not mustered as such until the following June, when 300 men from the 10th, 12 th and 13 th New Hampshire infantry regiments were consolidated with the 2nd, giving it the requisite number for a colonel. In September, 1864, he was temporarily in command of the 3d brigade, 2nd division, 18th army corps, and led it into action on the Williamsburg road on October 27. He served with distinction and was mustered out with his regiment December 19, 1865, having won the rank of brevet brigadier-general of volunteers, to date from March 13, 1865, for "bravery in battle and good conduct throughout the war." After the war he returned to New Hampshire, settled in Concord, where in March, 1867, he married Miss Sarah C, one of the accomplished daughters of Rev. Nathaniel Bouton, one of New Hampshire's distinguished divines and historical writers. He was appointed U. S. marshal for New Hampshire and held the position until the inauguration of President Cleveland. From the close of the war to the reorganization of the New Hampshire militia he held the commission of brigadier-general, but when the troops were reorganized he resigned and had no further connection with the militia until the organization of the 3d regiment on April 8, 1879, when he accepted a commission as its colonel. He was subsequently commissioned brigadier-general, commanding the New Hampshire National Guard, and held that rank for several years. Soon after President Harrison was inaugurated he appointed General Patterson second auditor of the treasury, which place he filled acceptably for four years, and upon retiring from it settled in Washington, where he engaged in the life insurance business, but after a few years returned to his old home at Concord. When the Spanish-American war came on he accepted a commission as captain in the regiment which New Hampshire sent forth in that conflict and remained in service until the regiment was mustered out in 1899, when he was appointed inspector of public buildings in the city of Havana, Cuba, which position he held until the administration of affairs was turned over to the Cubans in 1902. General Patterson now holds a responsible position in the U. S. treasury department and resides in Washington, D. C.