Civil War Encyclopedia: Str-Sza

Stragglers through Szabad


Stragglers through Szabad

STRAGGLERS. Individuals who wander from the line of march. It is part of the rear guard's duty to pick up all stragglers. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 574).

STRAIN, Isaac G., naval officer, born in Roxbury, Pennsylvania, 4 March, 1821; died in Aspinwall, Colombia, 14 May, 1857. He entered the U.S. Navy as midshipman in 1837, and was advanced to the grade of passed midshipman in 1843. While in the South Atlantic Ocean in 1845 he led an exploring expedition into the interior of Brazil, and in 1848 he visited the peninsula of Lower California. In 1849 he obtained permission to leave his vessel at Valparaiso for the sake of making the overland journey to Rio Janeiro, where he rejoined his ship. The result of his experiences he gave to the public as “The Cordillera and Pampa: Sketches of a Journey in Chili and the Argentine Provinces in 1849” (New York, 1853). He was promoted lieutenant, 27 February, 1850, and was attached to the commission that in 1850 located the boundary-line between the United States and Mexico. In 1854 he had charge of the expedition to survey the Isthmus of Darien. The extremities to which his party were reduced in that affair, and the heroism with which he sustained his command under extraordinary difficulties, brought him to the notice of the public. In the summer of 1856 he sailed in the “Arctic” on her voyage to ascertain by soundings in the North Atlantic Ocean the possibility of an ocean telegraphic cable between the United States and Great Britain. Lieutenant Strain was a member of the American Ethnological Society, and to its proceedings and those of the American Geographical Society he contributed interesting accounts of his expeditions, including a paper on “The History and Prospects of Interoceanic Communication” (New York, 1856). His death was the result of undue exposure while he was on the isthmus. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 716.

STRANAHAN, James Samuel Thomas, capitalist. born in Peterboro, New York, 25 April, 1808. He received his education in the common schools of his neighborhood, where he afterward taught, and then studied civil engineering. In 1827 he visited the region of the upper lakes for the purpose of opening trade with the Indians; but, finding this undesirable, he engaged in the wool trade. He became associated in 1832 with Gerrit Smith in developing the manufacturing interests of Oneida County. The town of Florence was the result, and in 1838 he was sent as a Whig to represent that district in the legislature. In 1840 he moved to Newark, New Jersey, and became interested in the construction of railroads, accepting stock in payment for his work. He settled in Brooklyn in 1844, which has since been his home. In 1854 he was sent as a Whig to Congress, and served from 3 December, 1855, until 3 March, 1857. Mr. Stranahan was a member of the first Metropolitan police commission in 1858, and delegate to the Republican National Conventions in 1860 and 1864, serving as a presidential elector in the latter year. During the Civil War he was an active supporter of the National government and president of the War-Fund Committee. This organization founded the Brooklyn "Union," in order that the government might have an organ devoted to its support. In 1860 he was appointed president of the Park Commission, and he held that office for more than twenty years. During his administration, Prospect Park was created, and the system of boulevards, including the Ocean and Eastern Parkways, is due to his suggestions. He has long been one of the managers and is now (1888) president of the Union Ferry Company, and the Great Atlantic Docks, which are the largest works of the kind in the United States, were built under his direction. Mr. Stranahan is not only the president of the Dock Company, but also the largest stockholder and general manager of affairs. He was also associated with the building of the East River Bridge from the beginning of that work, and was president of the board of directors in 1884. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 716-717.

STRASBURG, VIRGINIA, March 19, 1862. Portion of Brigadier-General Banks' Army.

STRASBURG, VIRGINIA, June 2, 1862. Bayard's Cavalry Brigade. While Jackson's Confederate command was retiring down the Shenandoah valley, General Bayard learned that Strasburg had been evacuated during the night of the 1st and 2nd. He immediately sent his cavalry in pursuit on the Staunton road and about 6 miles out, near Woodstock, the enemy made a stand. After some delay a Federal battery was brought into position, and under cover of its fire the cavalry charged dismounted and drove the Confederates from their position. One Union soldier was killed and 5 were wounded. The enemy's loss was not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 851.

STRASBURG, VIRGINIA, May 24-25, 1862. (See Winchester.)

STRASBURG, VIRGINIA, December 21, 1862. In a report from Petersburg Brigadier General R. H. Milroy, stated that the Confederates under General Cluseret, after a slight skirmish, in which they lost 20 men captured, entered Strasburg. A Federal force at Woodstock then advanced on Cluseret, compelling him to evacuate the town and fall back to Wardensville. (q. v.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 851.

STRASBURG, VIRGINIA, April 20, 1863. (See Wardensville.)

STRASBURG, VIRGINIA, September 19, 1863. Detachment of the 1st New York Cavalry. Captain E. H. Bailey, with 150 men, made a sudden descent upon a detachment of Confederate cavalry at Strasburg, captured 11 prisoners, fully mounted and equipped; 2 wagons, and a large Confederate mail containing important letters. The only casualty on the Union side was 1 man accidentally killed. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 851.

STRASBURG, VIRGINIA, December 13, 1863. Detachment of 1st Division, Department of West Virginia. While Averell with his cavalry division was raiding on the Virginia & Tennessee railroad Colonel George D. Wells with a column moved up the Shenandoah valley to hold Imboden there and divert him from Averell's movement. Wells first encountered the enemy at Strasburg and after some sharp skirmishing drove him back, with a loss to the Confederates of 30 prisoners. No Federal casualties were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 852.

STRASBURG, VIRGINIA, May 12, 1864. 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry. A report of Colonel R. S. Rodgers, of the 2nd Maryland infantry, dated at Martinsburg May 13, says: "The train going out was attacked at Strasburg yesterday by 25 or 30 of Mosby's men. Two of the guards, 13th Pennsylvania cavalry, were killed and 4 taken prisoners. The train lost a few horses." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 852.

STRASBURG, VIRGINIA, August 12-15, 1864. Army of West Virginia and 6th Army Corps. On the 12th the Army of West Virginia, commanded by Major-General George Crook, moved from Winchester toward Strasburg. Near Cedar creek the Confederate pickets were encountered and forced back to the south side of the stream, when Major-General H. G. Wright came up with the 6th corps and skirmishers of the two commands were pushed forward across the creek, the firing being kept up until about 8 p. m. At daylight of the 13th it was discovered that the enemy had withdrawn to Fisher's hill, south of Strasburg, but the next morning it was found that he again occupied his old position. After a slight skirmish, during which the 1st, 2nd, 3d and reserve cavalry brigades were held in the rear of the skirmish line as supports, the Confederates were again forced back. On the 15th the enemy advanced a brigade and tried to drive in the Federal skirmishers, but the assault was repulsed by Crook's 2nd division, under the command of Colonel Isaac H. Duval, after which the Confederates retired from the contest. The Union loss during the several brushes was 6 killed and 30 wounded. The enemy's loss was not learned. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 852.

STRASBURG, VIRGINIA, September 20-21, 1864. (See Fisher's Hill.)

STRASBURG, VIRGINIA, October 14, 1864. (See Hupp's Hill.)

STRASBURG ROAD, VIRGINIA, February 26, 1863. Detachments of the 1st New York and 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry. About 4 a. m. some 100 Confederate cavalry approached the Union pickets at the junction of the Strasburg and Cedar Creek roads and captured 6 men. General Milroy, commanding the division, ordered a squadron of the 1st New York, under Lieutenant Passegger, and two battalions of the 13th Pennsylvania, under Majors Kerwin and Byrne, to pursue, under orders to go no further than Strawberry hill, two and a half miles beyond Strasburg. About 3 miles from Strasburg Passegger came up with the enemy, who tried to surround him, but he cut his way through the lines, bringing with him the 6 men who had been captured, and by a circuitous route returned to camp with a loss of 11 men missing. In spite of the order to stop at Strawberry hill the Pennsylvania troops continued the pursuit nearly to Woodstock, and while the officers were discussing the propriety of making a dash into the town the detachment was attacked by about 400 Confederate cavalry. The Federal troopers became confused and commenced a disorderly retreat toward Winchester, the enemy following as far as Middletown. The loss in this regiment was 9 wounded and 188 missing. The enemy's casualties were not learned. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 852.

STRATAGEM is a scheme or plan devised to cover designs during a campaign, or to deceive and surprise the enemy.  (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 574).

STRATEGY is the art of concerting a plan of campaign, combining a system of military operations determined by the end to be attained, the character of the enemy, the nature and resources of the country, and the means of attack and defence. The theatre of operations selected, embraces the territory we seek to invade or that to be defended. It comprehends a base of operations; the objective point of the campaign; the front of operations that is, the extent of the line occupied by the army in advance of its base; lines of operations, the routes followed to reach the objective point or end proposed; lines of communication which unite the different lines of operation together; obstacles, natural or artificial, and places of refuge. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 574).

STRATTON, Charles Sherwood, dwarf, born in Bridgeport, Connecticut, 4 January, 1838; died in Middleborough, Massachusetts, 15 July, 1883. He was first exhibited as a dwarf by Phineas T. Barnum at his American museum in New York City on 8 December, 1842, who gave him the title and name of General Tom Thumb. At that time he was not more than two feet high, and weighed less than sixteen pounds. He was engaged at a salary of three dollars a week and travelling expenses; but, as he proved a great success, his salary was soon increased to twenty-five dollars a week, and at the end of his second year he received fifty dollars a week. In 1844 he visited Europe under the management of Mr. Barnum, and appeared at the courts of England, France, and Belgium. In 1857 he again visited Europe, and on later occasions he travelled extensively on the continent. He accumulated a large fortune, and settled in Bridgeport. In 1862 he met Lavinia Warren, also a dwarf, who was exhibited by Mr. Barnum, and married her on 10 February, 1863. The wedding ceremony was performed at Grace Church, in New York City, with "Commodore" Nutt as groomsman and Minnie Warren as bridesmaid. Subsequently Mr. and Mrs. Stratton travelled over the world and gave exhibitions wherever they went. As he grew older he became stout and weighed seventy pounds, and his height increased to forty inches. The dwarf's death was the result of a stroke of apoplexy. He was buried in Mountain Grove Cemetery, Bridgeport, where a marble shaft forty feet in height was raised to his memory, on the top of which is a full-length statue of the little general.—His wife, Mercy Lavinia Bump, born in Middleborough, Massachusetts, 31 October, 1841, was first engaged by Mr. Barnum in 1862, under whose management she assumed the name of Warren. When exhibited with General Tom Thumb she was both shorter and lighter than her husband, but her height increased to forty inches and her weight to fifty pounds. After the death of Mr. Stratton, she lived in retirement until her marriage on 6 April, 1885 to Count Primo Magri, an Italian dwarf, with whom she has since given exhibitions in the United States and Europe. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 717.

STRAWBERRY PLAINS, TENNESSEE, June 20, 1863. U. S. Forces under Colonel W. P. Sanders. After leaving Knoxville Sanders, in his raid in East Tennessee, started for Strawberry Plains, destroying bridges and telegraph lines on the way. Three miles below the town Sanders left the railroad, crossed the Holston river and approached the town on the same side on which the Confederates were guarding it . Artillery was opened on the Federals as soon as they came in sight, but Sanders dismounted and deployed his mounted infantry and after an hour's skirmishing succeeded in driving the enemy off. Five guns, 139 prisoners and a vast amount of stores of all kinds were captured. The losses in killed and wounded were not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 852-853.

STRAWBERRY PLAINS, TENNESSEE, January 10, 1864. Cavalry Detachment. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 853.

STRAWBERRY PLAINS, TENNESSEE, January 21, 1864. 1st and 2nd Divisions, 9th Army Corps. The army was marching upon Knoxville, the 9th corps in the rear. On the morning of the 21st the corps was at Strawberry Plains, the 1st division guarding the blockhouse and the road to Blain's cross-roads, and the 2nd charged with the destruction of the bridge. The bridge was dismantled and fired, the pickets crossing the river in a flat-boat to join the main body, when the enemy appeared on the bank of the river and opened fire with his artillery. Lieutenant Gittings, with Batteries L and M, 3d U. S. artillery, placed his guns on the ridge back of the blockhouse and soon silenced the Confederate batteries. The corps remained at the town all day, being occasionally annoyed by the enemy's sharpshooters, but no more attacks were made. Late in the evening the corps received orders to move on to Knoxville, but it was 3 o'clock the next morning before the last of the column left Strawberry Plains, the men dragging 2 cannon, after the caissons had been destroyed. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 853.

STRAWBERRY PLAINS, TENNESSEE, November 16-17, 1864. During Breckenridge's advance into East Tennessee his force arrived opposite the garrison of Strawberry Plains. Some heavy artillery firing was done on the 16th which was continued into the 17th, when Vaughn's Confederate cavalry crossed the Holston above the town and proceeded to Flat creek, where the guard was driven away and the bridge burned. The Confederates withdrew during the night of the 13th. The casualties, if any, were not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 853.

STREET-FIGHTING. In an enemy's country the case is much simplified: a town so occupied is all inimical, and under the most desperate state of opposition; consequently in the attack there is no respect to person or property. If the houses are combustible, a ready means of subduing the place is within reach; and if not, it is forced in different directions by siege operations, as practised by the French at Saragossa.

On occasions of internal dissensions and insurrectionary movements, the case is different; the efforts of the troops and of the well-disposed citizens are greatly impeded by the difficulty of distinguishing between friend and foe, or of the premises or property with which it may be justifiable to interfere. This, and the very natural and proper anxiety to avoid bloodshed and injury to one's own countrymen, frequently lead to a habit of temporizing with the circumstances, and by this indication of timidity and weakness give such confidence to the rebels as to enable them, and perhaps with comparatively insignificant numbers, to gain in moral effect as the others lose; by degrees the wavering and the timid are led to join them; the troops themselves imagine that there is a declared power manifested that is not to be opposed, and thus the former obtain a complete ascendency, which the exertion of more firmness and system at first would effectually have prevented.

The best institutions of any country become endangered by such a state of things; but a remedy may be found in a more systematic manner of proceeding. The troops should never be brought into the presence of the insurrectionists until fully authorized to act the consequence would be that the very appearance of the soldiers would be a warning to every one of the immediate consequences of prolonged opposition, which would prevent further conflict, or make it very short. In order to promote the power of vigorous action by the military, and to prevent the innocent from suffering, the most solemn warning should be issued, in case of tumult, against the presence in the streets of women, children, and persons who do not join in the troubles, intimating that the consequences of any bad result from their being thus incautiously exposed must rest on themselves. These are necessary preliminaries to the consideration of the means of attacking an insurrectionary force. When disturbances are to be quelled in a town, cavalry, artillery, and infantry can act with full effect, and with every advantage of organization, so long as their opponents occupy the open streets. If barricades are constructed across them, the cavalry become unserviceable; the infantry, however, have still full force; for one side of an ordinary barricade is as good as the other, and the infantry can cross any of them without difficulty.

But when it is found that the insurgents have had recourse to the most determined means of resistance, by occupying the interior of houses in support of barricades, the mode of attack must be adapted to the circumstances. The operation should be conducted under due deliberation, nor would any triumph be conceded by care being taken that the use of cover shall not give the impression of defeat. It will be readily ascertained what part or parts of the town are so occupied as to render the movement of the troops through the open streets unadvisable. An endeavor should be made to isolate those portions by detachments of troops posted at all the approaches to them. This of itself would throw the rioters into a most uncomfortable and false position: they would find themselves shut up without any internal organization to enable them to act to any useful purpose, or to make any combined forcible effort for their release; or, indeed, if they could do so, it would have all the effect of an escape instead of a victory.

Nor would it be necessary, under such circumstances, that these detachments should be at all large, numbers of them being supported by some general reserve. Active measures, however, might at the same time be carried on against any portions of the houses that it may be considered advisable to force, for the purpose of confining the resistance within narrower limits, or for subduing it at once altogether. Although in towns the attack of a mass of houses is formidable, and almost impracticable to troops unprepared for such an operation, it will not present much difficulty to a systematic proceeding. One great defect for defence in a house or street is its want of a flanking fire, although every part may obtain a support from the opposite houses in the same street. If, therefore, only one side of the street is occupied, individuals or parties moving close along that side are in security, except from the chance missiles that may be blindly thrown down from the windows. Nothing of that kind could prevent two or three soldiers, under cover of a partial fire on the windows, from passing up and breaking open the doors; by which means, the troops being admitted, possession of the entire building would soon be obtained.

When, however, from any peculiarity of the building, or of others contiguous, or from the circumstance of both sides of the street being occupied in force, such a mode of proceeding would be too hazardous, the soldiers might make an entrance into the nearest available house in the same block of buildings, and, supported by detachments of troops, work their way, through the partition walls, from one house to another; or by the roofs or the back premises, where the defenders will be quite unprepared to oppose them, or, if they make the attempt, would not have the same advantages as in front: small parties, if necessary, keeping up a fire on the windows from the walls of the back yards, or from the opposite houses, would effectually cover these advances of the troops. To carry on such approaches, the men should be provided with an assortment of crowbars, sledge-hammers, short ladders, and, above all, some bags of powder not less than 5 or 6 lbs. weight.

In these desultory operations in the defiles of streets and houses, the troops should not be in heavy columns, but in small detachments well supported; and by acting thus in order, and on system, the effect will be the more certain, as a popular movement is, necessarily, without subordination or unity of action, and peculiarly subject to panics at any proceeding differing from what had been anticipated; (Aide Memoire.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, pp. 574-576).

April 26 to May 3, 1863. The expedition known as Streight's raid was planned by General Rosecrans, the object being to cut the railroad south of Dalton, Georgia, to prevent reinforcements and supplies from being sent to General Bragg. The command of the expedition fell on Colonel A. D. Streight of the 51st Indiana infantry, his forces consisting of his own regiment, the 73d Indiana, the 80th Illinois, the 3d Ohio, and two companies of the 1st Middle Tennessee cavalry, a total of 1,700 men, with 2 pieces of artillery. Streight left Nashville on April 11, moved down the river to Palmyra, thence via Eastport, Mississippi, to Tuscumbia, Alabama, where he arrived on the afternoon of the 24th, having in the meantime been joined by General Dodge's command, which was to accompany the expedition part of the way. Some delay was experienced in obtaining horses and mules to mount the men and transport supplies. At Tuscumbia Streight sent back all who were unfit for arduous service, reducing his force to about 1,500 men. He left Tuscumbia a little while before midnight, on Sunday, April 26, moving in the direction of Moulton via Russellville, with part of his command still unmounted. On the evening of the 29th he bivouacked at Day's gap. During that day he had several brushes with small parties of the enemy, destroying considerable property and securing enough horses and mules to mount all his men. The next morning the little army left Day's gap before daylight, but had not proceeded more than 2 miles when the rear-guard was attacked by a considerable force. Streight dismounted his men and formed in line of battle on a ridge, his right resting on a ravine and his left protected by a marsh. Captain Smith, with the Tennessee cavalry, was instructed to hold his position in advance until compelled to retire, then to fall back rapidly and, if possible, draw the Confederates after him within the lines. The two howitzers were masked near the road in the center and the dismounted men were concealed in the shrubbery along the ridge. The enemy soon charged Smith, who, pursuant to his instructions, beat a hasty retreat . As soon as he had passed the Union lines the entire body rose up and poured a deadly volley into the pursuers at close range, which drove them back in confusion. They were soon reinforced, however, and now advanced steadily, opening on the Federals with a battery of artillery. An attempt was made to carry the lines, but it was repulsed with heavy loss. A detachment of the two Indiana regiments was thrown out on the left to charge the enemy, and at the same time the 3d Ohio and 80th Illinois were pushed rapidly forward directly in front. This movement was successful. The enemy after a short resistance broke and fled, leaving in the hands of the victorious Unionists 2 cannon, 2 caissons, 40 prisoners, and 30 dead on the field. This was the battle of Day's gap. It was now nearly noon and Streight had learned that Forrest was massing a force to attack in the rear, so he hurriedly resumed his march to avoid being surrounded. Some 6 miles further on the enemy again appeared, this time on the left. Again Streight was fortunate in the selection of a strong position on a ridge called Hog mountain, about a mile south of Crooked creek, where the whole force skirmished until dark. About 10 p. m. the enemy was driven from the front and Streight at once resumed his march. In this engagement the ammunition of the captured guns was exhausted and the guns were spiked and abandoned. The Confederates soon discovered that Streight was on the move and at once started in pursuit. Colonel Hathaway, with the 73d Indiana, was halted in a thicket, not more than 20 paces from the road, where his men lay down until the head of the enemy's column had passed, when they opened a destructive fire that caused a complete stampede in the Confederate ranks. This gave Streight an opportunity to resume his march, and he pushed on to Blountsville, where he halted to rest his men and feed his horses. Ammunition and rations were here distributed, and after a two hours' rest the expedition moved on toward Gadsden. The enemy was in close pursuit, however, and at Black Warrior river pressed the rear so close that Streight was compelled to turn and give battle before he could effect a crossing. Under cover of a strong skirmish line part of the troops crossed and formed on the other side. The skirmishers were then withdrawn, under cover of the artillery, and crossed the stream. It was now 5 p. m., May 1, and Streight was still some distance from the railroad he wanted to destroy. At 9 o'clock the next morning he reached Black creek, near Gadsden, when his rearguard was again attacked, but the enemy was repulsed after a sharp skirmish, in which the loss was trifling on each side. Learning that a large force of the enemy was moving on his left, parallel with his line of march, apparently with the intention of getting in his front, Streight marched all night, halting at Gadsden only long enough to destroy some quartermaster and commissary stores there, his purpose being to reach Rome far enough in advance of Forrest to cross the river and destroy the bridge, which would check the pursuit, for a time at least. About 4 p. m. Blount's plantation was reached. This place offered good opportunities for forage and Streight halted long enough to feed his animals. A detail was made for that purpose and the rest of the command formed in line of battle on a ridge south of the plantation. The rear-guard, which had been skirmishing with the enemy for some time was now driven in, and Forrest attacked the main line. The assault was repulsed by the two Indiana regiments, assisted by Major Vananda with the two howitzers. An effort was then made to turn the right, but this movement was met by the 80th Illinois and part of the Ohio troops. Streight then withdrew his men in good order to a thicket about half a mile in the rear, intending to ambush 'the enemy, but a well executed flank movement prevented the success of his plan. The flanking party was checked, and Streight made all haste to reach Rome. During this engagement Colonel Hathaway, of the 73d Indiana was killed. Near Center the scouts brought information that a detachment of the enemy was posted in ambush in front. Skirmishers were thrown forward with instructions to proceed until fired on, then engage the enemy and hold him in check until the main body could pass. The plan worked well, for while the skirmishers held the attention of the Confederates the main column made a detour and struck the road some 3 miles beyond the enemy's position. The skirmishers then withdrew and joined the main body without further trouble. On arriving at the Chattooga river the ferryboat was found missing, and this necessitated a march to Gaylesville, some 7 or 8 miles above, where there was a bridge. At daylight on the morning of the 3d Cedar bluff was reached. Here it was decided to halt long enough to feed and allow the men to eat. The constant marching and fighting had so exhausted the men that many of them fell asleep in spite of their efforts to keep awake long enough to eat breakfast. While here Streight learned that the enemy had found a shorter road and was then nearer Rome than his own command. For five days he had been pursued by Forrest, whose men seemed to sleep in their saddles and never stop to eat. Besides the engagements mentioned slight skirmishes had occurred at Driver's gap and Sand mountain. Much of Streight's ammunition was worthless, having got wet in crossing some of the streams. Many of his mules, never very good, had given entirely out, and his men were tired and discouraged. The situation was canvassed with his officers, who decided that it was best to negotiate terms with Forrest and surrender as prisoners of war. This was accordingly done about noon on May 3. The men were soon exchanged, but Streight and his officers were sent to Richmond and confined in Libby prison until the following February, when he and four others managed to make their escape. It was not until August 22, 1864, that he made his report of the expedition. Forrest and his men received a vote of thanks from the Confederate Congress for the successful pursuit and capture of this expedition. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 853-855.

STRIBLING, Cornelius Kinchiloe, naval officer, born in Pendleton, South Carolina, 22 September, 1796; died in Martinsburg, West Virginia, 17 January, 1880. He entered the U.S, Navy as a midshipman, 18 June, 1812, and served in the frigate “Mohawk” on Lake Ontario in 1815, where he participated in the blockade of Kingston. He was commissioned lieutenant, 1 April, 1818, cruised on the Brazil Station in 1819–20, and then in the West Indies suppressing piracy. He commanded the sloop “Peacock” in the East Indies in 1835-'7, and was on leave for two years after his return. He was commissioned commander, 24 January, 1840, and in 1842-'4 had the sloop “Cyane” and frigate “United States” successively on the Pacific Station. For the next two years he had command of the receiving-ship at Norfolk, and he then went out as fleet-captain in command of the ship-of-the-line “Ohio,” of the Pacific Squadron, during the latter part of the Mexican War, returning to New York in April, 1850. He was superintendent of the Naval Academy at Annapolis in 1850–3, was commissioned captain, 1 August, 1853, and commanded the steam sloop “San Jacinto” on special service in 1854–5. He was commandant of the Pensacola U.S. Navy-yard 1857–'9, and served as flag-officer in command of the East India Squadron in 1859-'61. When the Civil War opened he returned home, and, notwithstanding the secession of his native state, adhered to the Union. He served on the board to regulate the compensation of government officers in 1861, and on the Light-House Board in 1862. By operation of law he was placed on the retired list in December, 1861, but he continued to render valuable service in command of the U.S. Navy-yard at Philadelphia in 1862-'4, and from February till July, 1865, as commander-in-chief of the Eastern Gulf Blockading Squadron; after which he was a member of the Light-House Board until 1872. He was commissioned commodore on the retired list, 16 July, 1862, and rear-admiral. 25 July, 1866. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 718-719.

STRICKLAND, William, architect, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1787; died in Nashville, Tennessee, 7 April, 1854. He studied under Benjamin H. Latrobe, and in 1809 became a landscape-painter. At this time and subsequently he did considerable work as an aquatint engraver, producing a series of views of Philadelphia and a few portraits of decided merit. His first important architectural work was the old Masonic Hall, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, which was opened for use, 27 December, 1810. The style was Gothic. His next important work was the U. S. Bank, modelled after the Parthenon at Athens, and finished in August, 1824. He now took his place as one of the chief architects in the country, and as such built the new Chestnut Street Theatre, the Arch Street Theatre, U. S. Custom-House, St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, the Merchants' Exchange, U. S. Mint, and the U. S. Naval Asylum, all in Philadelphia. Mr. Strickland was one of the first architects and engineers that turned his attention to the construction of railroads, and he went to Europe to study the system. On his return he built the Delaware breakwater for the U. S. government. His last work was the state-house at Nashville, Tennessee, and he died while engaged in superintending its construction. By a vote of the legislature of the state his remains were placed in a crypt in that edifice. He published "Triangulation of the Entrance into Delaware Bay " (Philadelphia); " Report on Canals and Railways" (1826); and, with Gill and Campbell, "Public Works of the United States" (London, 1841). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 719.

STRICKLAND, William Peter, clergyman, born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, 17 August, 1809; died in Ocean Grove, New Jersey, 15 July, 1884. He was educated at Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, from which he afterward received the degree of D. D. In 1832 he entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Ohio, and, after serving in the itinerancy and also for five years as an agent of the American Bible Society, he moved to New York in 1856, where he was connected with the Methodist book concern, and was an associate editor of the "Christian Advocate." From 1865 till 1874 he supplied the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church in Bridgehampton, L. T., and then he was installed as its regular pastor, but three years later he resigned on account of his wife's health. Afterward he labored as an evangelist. In 1862 he served as chaplain of the 48th New York Regiment, at Port Royal, South Carolina. Dr. Strickland published "History of the American Bible Society" (New York, 1849; continued to 1856, 1856); "History of the Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church" (Cincinnati, 1850); "Genius and Mission of Methodism" (Boston, 1851): "Manual of Biblical Literature" (New York, 1853); "Light, of the Temple" (Cincinnati, 1854); "The Astrologer of Chaldea, or the Life of Faith" (1855); "Christianity demonstrated by Facts" (1855); "Pioneers of the West" (New York, 1856). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 719.

STRINGHAM, Silas Horton, naval officer, born in Middletown, Orange County, New York, 7 November, 1798; died in Brooklyn, New York, 7 February, 1876. He entered the U.S. Navy as a midshipman, 15 November, 1809, and in the frigate "President" participated in the engagements with the " Little Belt" and "Belvidere." He was commissioned lieutenant, 9 December 1814. and served in the schooner "Spark" in the Mediterranean in 1815—'18, participating in the Algerine War. During a storm at Gibraltar, upon one occasion, he went in a boat with six men to rescue the crew of a French brig that had capsized. He succeeded in getting the crew, but was unable to get back to port, and was blown off to Algesiras, where his boat capsized in the surf on the beach, and one of his crew and. two Frenchmen were drowned. In 1819—'21 he served in the sloop "Cyane " on the coast of Africa, and brought home four slavers as prize-master. He was executive officer of the "Hornet" in the West Indies in 1821-'4, for the suppression of piracy, and assisted in the capture of the "Moscow, the most dreaded piratical vessel in those waters. He was commissioned commander, 3 March, 1831, and captain, 8 September, 1841, was commandant of the New York U.S. Navy-yard in 1844-'6, and with the ship "Ohio" took part in the bombardment of Vera Cruz in 1847. He was in charge of the Norfolk Navy-yard in 1848-'52. and the Boston Navy-yard in 1856-'60, and in 1853-'C commanded the Mediterranean Squadron as flag-officer. When the Civil War began he was summoned to Washington to advise upon the preparations for war, especially in relation to the relief of Fort Sumter, which he strongly urged, but his advice was not followed until it had become too late to be feasible. He took command of the North Atlantic Blockading Fleet, and planned the expedition to Hatteras Inlet. General Benjamin P. Butler accompanied him with nine hundred men. The squadron bombarded the forts, sailing in an ellipse, by which means the vessels concentrated their fire on the forts and maneuvered so skilfully that none were hit. Both forts surrendered after the bombardment, and the troops were landed to garrison them on 29 August, 1861. Not one of the National troops was injured. The Confederates lost twelve killed and thirty-five wounded, and seven hundred and fifteen prisoners, and large quantities of guns and stores were captured. This was the first naval victory of importance in the war. Stringham declined further active service on account of his age, and was retired, as commodore, 21 December, 1861. He continued to render valuable service as commandant of the Boston U.S. Navy-yard in 1862-'5. and was promoted to rear-admiral on the retired list, 16 July, 1862. He was port-admiral at New York in 1870-'2, and was on waiting orders until his death. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp 719-720.

STRIPES AND LASHES infliction of, allowed only in case of desertion; (Act May 16, 1812, and March 2, 1833.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 577).

STRONG, George Crockett, soldier, born in Stockbridge, Vermont 16 October, 1832; died in New York City, 30 July, 1863. Losing his father early in life, he was adopted by his uncle, Alfred L. Strong, of Easthampton, Massachusetts. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1857, assigned to the ordnance, and in 1859 became assistant at Watervliet Arsenal, of which he took command in May, 1861. He was ordnance officer on General Irvin McDowell's staff at Bull Run, and was then attached successively to the staffs of General George B. McClellan and General Benjamin P. Butler, whose chief of staff he became in May, 1862. He had previously been engaged in the organization of the New Orleans Expedition, and on 1 October, 1861, had been commissioned major and assistant adjutant-general. He commanded the expedition from Ship Island to Biloxi, Mississippi., in April, 1862, and that to Ponchatoula in September, when he destroyed a large train and inflicted much damage on the enemy. He was made, brigadier-general of volunteers, 29 November, 1862, was on sick-leave in New York from the following December till June, 1863, and then commanded a brigade in the operations against Charleston, South Carolina. He had been commissioned captain of ordnance, 3 March, 1863. He led the successful attack on Morris Island, where he was the first to land. At the assault on Fort Wagner on 18 July, while he was leading and cheering on the storming column, he was mortally wounded. He was at once moved to New York City. General Strong was the author of "Cadet Life at West Point" (Boston. 1862). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 721.

STRONG, James Hooker, naval officer, born in Canandaigua, New York, 26 April, 1814; died in Columbia, South Carolina 23 November, 1882. He was appointed a midshipman in the U.S. Navy while he was a student in the Polytechnic College at Chittenango, New York, 2 February, 1829, but remained at the College until he was graduated in 1833. He made his first cruise on the Brazil Station in 1833-'5, and, while attached to the sloop "Lexington," commanded a boat expedition that captured a piratical establishment in the Falkland Islands, where he had a hand-to-hand conflict with the pirates, and won credit by his valor and ability. The vessels that had been captured were restored to their crews, and the pirates were taken to Buenos Ayres for trial by the Argentine government. He became passed midshipman, 4 June, 1836, and lieutenant, 8 September, 1841, and after various cruises commanded the store-ship "Relief " in 1859. He was commissioned commander, 24 April, 1861, and had the steamers "Mohawk" and "Flag," on the South Atlantic Blockade in 1861-'2, and the steamer "Monongahela" on the Western Gulf Blockade in 1863-'5, in which he rendered good service at Arkansas Pass and especially at the battle of Mobile Bay, where he was the first to ram the iron-clad "Tennessee," and was highly commended. After being commissioned captain, 5 August, 1865, he was on duty at the Brooklyn U.S. Navy-yard in 1866-'7, and commanded the steamer " Canandaigua," of the Mediterranean Squadron, in 1869-'70. He was commissioned commodore, 2 March, 1870, and served as light-house inspector for two years. He was promoted to the rank of rear-admiral. 10 September, 1873, was commander-in-chief of the South Atlantic Squadron from 1873 till 1875, and was placed on the retired list, 25 April, 1876.  Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 721.

STRONG, William, jurist, born in Somers, Connecticut, 6 May, 1808, was the eldest of eleven children of Reverend William L. Strong. The son was graduated at Yale in 1828, and engaged in the study of law, teaching at the same time, at one period in Burlington, New Jersey, where his legal preceptor was Garret D. Wall. He finished his legal studies by a six months' course in Yale law school. Deciding to practise in Pennsylvania, he was admitted to the bar in that state in 1832, and, settling at Reading, mastered the German language, then much spoken in that region, and soon ranked high as a lawyer. In 1846 he was a candidate for Congress, and was twice elected on the Democratic ticket, serving from 1847 till 1851. In his second term he was appointed chairman of the committee on elections. He declined a third nomination, and retired from active politics, but when the Civil War began, though then occupying a high judicial post, he gave all his support and influence in aid of the government. In 1857 he was elected a justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, and he served eleven years, attaining a high reputation as a jurist. His opinions, in volumes 30-60 of the state reports, exhibit great care in preparation, clearness of statement, precision and vigor of style, and accurate knowledge of law. In 1868 he resigned his seat on the bench, and opened an office in Philadelphia, at once obtaining a large and lucrative practice. In February, 1870, he was appointed a Justice, of the Supreme Court of the United States, and served until December, 1880, when he resigned. His great knowledge of law, keen discrimination, and sound judgment made him an invaluable associate in consultation, and his clear and masterly opinions helped largely to sustain the dignity and authority of the court. Of his opinions, those in the legal tender cases, the state freight-tax cases, and the civil-rights cases, including Tennessee vs. Davis, exhibit in an eminent degree his great power of analysis and rigorous logic. Justice Strong was a member of the Electoral Commission in February, 1877, and in his opinions contended that Congress has no power to canvass a state election for presidential electors (which was the great question at issue), and that in the cases that, he specially reviewed (those of Florida and Oregon) the canvass of the state authorities was clear and decisive. Besides his official and professional labors. Justice Strong has long taken an active part in the counsels of the Presbyterian Church, of which he is a member. He has for years been president of the American Tract Society and of the American Sunday-School Union, and has taken part in other benevolent, enterprises. He has delivered many public addresses and lectures, and has frequently contributed to magazines and reviews. He delivered in 1875, before the Philadelphia Bar and the American Philosophical Society, of which he was a member, an address on the " Life and Character of Horace Binney," and in 1879 an address before the law department of the University of Pennsylvania on the "Growth and Modifications of Private Civil Law.” He has also delivered a course of lectures to the professors and students of the Union Theological Seminary of New York, and for several years lectures to the law department of Columbian University, Washington. Fayette gave him the degree of LL.D. in 1867, and Yale and Princeton in 1870. The portrait of Justice Strong is copied from an engraving that appeared in the “Democratic Review” in 1850. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 722.

STRONG, William Emerson, soldier, born in Granville, Washington County, New York, 10 August, 1840, is the son of John E. Strong, a merchant and manufacturer, who in 1853 moved to Wisconsin and became a farmer. The son studied law in Racine, Wisconsin, in 1857–61, and was admitted to the bar in the latter year. He then raised a company, which was assigned to the 2d Wisconsin Regiment, and as its captain served at Blackburn's Ford and Bull Run. He was promoted major of the 12th Wisconsin on 12 September, and saw service in Missouri, Kansas, and New Mexico. He was then on staff duty with the Army of the Tennessee, with rank of lieutenant-colonel, served in the Vicksburg Campaign, and in 1864 became inspector-general of the Department and Army of the Tennessee. He was chief of staff to General Oliver O. Howard in the march through the Carolinas, was promoted colonel, to rank from 22 July, 1864, for “gallantry on the field of battle” at Atlanta, and on 21 March, 1865, was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. He was inspector-general of the Freedmen's Bureau from May, 1865, till September, 1866, and from 1867 till 1873 was secretary of the Peshtigo Lumber Company in Chicago, Illinois, of which he has been president since the latter year. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 723.

STRONG, William Kerley, soldier, grandson of Simeon's first cousin, Josiah, born in Duanesburg, New York, 30 April, 1805; died in New York City, 15 March. 1868, became an extensive wool merchant in New York City, but early retired from business to his estate in Geneva, New York. He returned to his former occupation for a time in 1843, but at the opening of the Civil War was in Egypt. He had been active in politics as a Democrat, but at once set out for France, where he met General John C. Fremont and others, and was instrumental in the purchase of arms for the National government. On his return he made patriotic addresses, and on 28 September, 1861, on the solicitation of merchants in New York, was made a brigadier-general of volunteers. He served for some time under Fremont, and was in command at Cairo, Illinois, but on 20 October, 1863, resigned his commission. On his return to New York, while riding in Central Park, he was thrown from his carriage, receiving injuries that paralyzed him for life, and finally caused his death. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 723-724.

STRONG, George Templeton, lawyer, born in New York City, 26 February, 1820; died there, 21 July, 1875. He was the son of George Washington Strong (1783-1855), a lawyer of much repute in his day, who was successively the partner of John Wells, George Griffin, and Marshall S. Bidwell. The son was graduated at Columbia in 1838, became a lawyer, and married a daughter of Samuel B. Ruggles. During the Civil War he was treasurer and one of the executive committee, of the U. S. Sanitary Commission, in which capacity he rendered valuable service. Mr. Strong was an accomplished scholar, and his library was among the finest in the city. It was sold in New York City in November, 1878. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 723.

STROTHER, David Hunter, author, born in Martinsburg, Virginia (now West Virginia), 16 September, 1816; died in Charleston, West Virginia, 8 March, 1888. In 1829 he went to Philadelphia to study drawing with Pietro Ancora, and seven years later became a pupil of Samuel F. B. Morse in New York. He went to the west in 1838, travelling through various states, and in 1840 visited Europe, remaining five years. On his return he settled in New York, where, under the direction of John G. Chapman, he acquired the art of drawing on wood for the engravers. In 1848 he returned to his native place, and four years later published under the pen-name of "Porte Crayon," the first of his series of papers in "Harper's Magazine." They relate chiefly to Virginia and the south, and were illustrated by himself. Many of them were afterward published in book-form under the title of "The Backwater Chronicle " (New York, 1853) and " Virginia Illustrated" (1857). At the opening of the war in 1861 he joined the National Army as captain and assistant, adjutant-general, became colonel of the 3d West Virginia Cavalry, and resigned in September, 1864. In 1865 he received the brevet of brigadier-general of volunteers. After his return to his home at Berkeley Springs he continued for several years to furnish sketches to the magazines. He was a clever writer and an artist of considerable ability. His pencil was also occasionally employed in illustrating the works of others, notably John P. Kennedy's " Swallow Barn" and "Rob of the Bowl." In 1879 he was appointed consul-general to Mexico, which post he held until 1885. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 725.

STROUD'S MILL, SOUTH CAROLINA, February 26, 1865. Detachment of the 104th Illinois Infantry. The detachment, under command of Captain W. C. Ross, was engaged in foraging, when it was attacked near Stroud's mill by some Confederate cavalry, and in the skirmish that ensued Ross and 8 of his men were captured and 1 man slightly wounded. Stroud's Store, Arkansas, December 23, 1863. 1st Arkansas Cavalry. While on a scout from Fayetteville the advance of the regiment was fired upon by some 300 Confederates near Stroud’s store early on the morning of the 23d. Captain John I. Worthington dismounted 75 men and made a vigorous charge, routing the enemy and pursuing him for 5 miles. No casualties reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 855.

STRUVE, Gustav von, German agitator, born in Munich, Bavaria, 11 October, 1805; died in Vienna, Austria, 21 August, 1870. He studied law, spent a short time in the diplomatic service of the duke of Oldenburg, then settled as an advocate in Mannheim, Baden, and soon became known as a Liberal journalist and political speaker. He also gave attention to phrenology, and published three books on the subject. As editor of the "Mannheimer Journal," he was repeatedly condemned to imprisonment. When he was compelled in 1846 to retire from the management of this paper, he founded the "Deutsche Zuschauer," in which he addressed his radical sentiments to a larger circle of readers. He was one of the leaders of the Baden uprising of 1848, and attempted, with Friedrich Hecker, to establish a republic. After the failure of the first insurrection, he fled to France, and thence to Switzerland, where he and Carl P. Heinzen drew up a "plan for revolutionizing and republicanizing Germany." In September, 1848. he returned with a body of followers to Baden, and stirred up a second insurrection. After his defeat at Stauffen, he was arrested, 25 September, 1848, and on 30 March, 1849, was condemned to five years' solitary confinement, for high treason. He was taken to the Bruchsal penitentiary on 12 May, but on the following day the revolutionists took possession of the government, and set him free. He went to the fortress of Rastadt, and stirred the soldiers of the garrison to revolt and fight on the side of the people against the Prussians. He was the leader of the Republican Party in the constituent assembly. When that body was dissolved after the victory of the Prince of Prussia over the armies of Baden and the Palatinate, Struve again escaped into Switzerland. The authorities, after two months, expelled him from that country. He went to France, and afterward to England, and in 1851 emigrated to the United States. He edited the "Deutsche Zuschauer” in New York City, but soon discontinued its publication because of insufficient support. He wrote several novels and a drama in German, and then undertook, with the assistance of his wife, the composition of a universal history from the standpoint of radical republicanism. In the beginning of the Civil War he entered the volunteer service as an officer in the 8th New York Regiment, but retired when Prince Felix Salm Salm succeeded Louis Blenker as its colonel. In 1863 he returned to Germany, availing himself of a general amnesty, and thenceforth he devoted himself to literary pursuits and lectured on phrenology in Stuttgart, Coburg, and Vienna. He was a U. S. consul at Sonneberg in 1865, but the Huringian States refused to issue his exequatur. His publications include “Politische Briefe” (Mannheim, 1846); “Das Öffentliche Recht des Deutschen Bundes” (2 vols., 1846); “Grundzüge der Staatswissenschaft” (4 vols., Frankfort, 1847-'8); “Geschichte der drei Volkserhebungen in Baden.” (Bern, 1849): “Weltgeschichte” (6 vols., New York, 1856–'9; 7th ed., with a continuation, Coburg, 1866–'9); “Das Revolutionszeitalter” (New York, 1859–60); “Diesseits und Jenseits des Oceans” (Coburg, 1864–5); “Kurzgefasster Wegweiser für Auswanderer” (Bamberg, 1867); “Pflanzenkost die Grundlage einer neuen Weltanschauung ” (Stuttgart, 1869); “Das Seelenleben, oder i. Naturgeschichte des Menschen” (Berlin, 1869); and “Eines Fürsten Jugendliebe,” a drama (Vienna, 1870). — His wife, Amalie, died on Staten Island, New York, in 1862, was the author of “Erinnerungen aus den badischen Freiheitskämpfen" (Hamburg, 1850); and “Historische Zeitbilder” (3 vols., Bremen, 1850). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 725-726.

STRYKER, William Scudder, soldier, born in Trenton, New Jersey, 6 June, 1838, was graduated at Princeton in 1858, and began the study of law. In the beginning of the Civil War he assisted in organizing the 14th New Jersey Volunteers, and in February, 1863, was ordered to Hilton Head, South Carolina, where he served as aide to General Quincy A. Gillmore, with the rank of major, participating in the capture of Morris Island and in the night attack on Fort Wagner. Returning to the north on account of illness, he became senior paymaster in charge of all disbursements in the District of Columbus, Ohio, was brevetted lieutenant-colonel for meritorious services, and resigned on 30 June, 1866. Soon afterward he was placed on the military staff of the Governor of New Jersey, and since 12 April, 1867, he has filled the office of adjutant-general of the state. He was admitted to the bar in 1866, and for some time was president of the Trenton Banking Company. General Stryker has compiled a “Roster of Jerseymen in the Revolutionary War” (Trenton, 1872) and a “Roster of New Jersey Volunteers in the Civil War” (1876). He has also published many monographs relating to the history of New Jersey, among these being “The Reed Controversy” (Trenton, 1876); “New Jersey Continental Line in the Virginia Campaign of 1781.” (1882); “New Jersey Continental Line in the Indian Campaign of 1779 (1885); and “The New Jersey Volunteers (Loyalists) in the Revolutionary War” (1887). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p.726.

STUART, Alexander Hugh Holmes, Secretary of the Interior, born in Staunton, Virginia, 2 April, 1807. His father, Archibald Stuart, saw service in the war of the Revolution, studied law under Thomas Jefferson, was a member of the convention that ratified the U. S. constitution, and became president of the state senate and judge of the general court of Virginia. The son spent one year at William and Mary College, and then studied law at the University of Virginia, where he was graduated in 1828. The same year he was admitted to practice in Staunton. He began his political career as a member of the convention held in support of Henry Clay at Washington in 1832. He was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates in 1836, and the two succeeding years, but declined re-election in 1839. He was a member of Congress from 1841 till 1843, and took an active part in the debates. He was a presidential elector on the Clay ticket in 1844, and on the Taylor ticket in 1848, and was appointed by President Fillmore Secretary of the Interior, serving from 12 September, 1850, till 3 March, 1853. He was a delegate to the national convention that nominated Millard Fillmore for the presidency in 1856, sat in the Virginia Senate from 1857 till 1861, and was a member of the Virginia Convention of 1861. As an Old Line Whig he opposed the secession of his state to the last. After the surrender of General Robert E. Lee at Appomattox, he was one of the leaders of the first movement in the south to re-establish peaceful relations with the U.S. government, and presided at a mass meeting at Staunton with that object on 8 May, 1865. He was elected to Congress in the same year, but was excluded by the oaths that were required. In December, 1868, he began what was known as “the new movement” of the "committee of nine," which, with the co-operation of President Grant, redeemed the state from military rule and secured the removal of objectionable provisions in the Underwood Constitution. He was rector of the University of Virginia from 1876 till 1882, and from 1884 till 1886, when he resigned because of advanced age. He is a member of the board of trustees of the George Peabody Educational Fund, and the sole survivor of the Fillmore cabinet. Mr. Stuart has been for many years president of the Virginia Historical Society. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 726-727.

STUART, James Ewell Brown, soldier, born in Patrick County, Virginia, 6 February, 1833; died in Richmond, Virginia, 12 June, 1864, entered the U. S. Military Academy after spending two years at Emory and Henry College, was graduated in 1854, joined the regiment of U.S. Mounted Riflemen that was then serving in Texas, and took a creditable part in actions with the Apache Indians. In 1855 he was transferred to the 1st U. S. Cavalry with the rank of 2d lieutenant. He married Flora, a daughter of Colonel Philip St. George Cooke, on 14 November, 1855, and on 20 December was promoted 1st lieutenant. In 1856 his regiment was engaged in quelling the Kansas disturbances, and in 1857 in Indian warfare, ne was wounded in an action with the Cheyennes on Solomon's River. In 1859 he went to Washington to negotiate with the War Department concerning the sale of a sabre-attachment that he had invented. Going to Harper's Ferry with Robert E. Lee as a volunteer aide, he identified John Brown. He rejoined his regiment at Fort Riley, but in March, 1861, obtained leave of absence, being resolved to direct his course by the action of his state, and sent in his resignation after Virginia seceded. It was accepted on 7 May, just after he had received notification of his promotion to a captaincy, to date from 22 April, 1861. He was commissioned as lieutenant-colonel of infantry in the service of the state of Virginia, and as colonel of cavalry on 16 July. He performed important services in charge of the outposts of General Joseph E. Johnston's army. At Bull Run he contributed to the Confederate victory by efficiently guarding General Thomas J. Jackson's left flank, and driving back the National attacking force. During the long cessation of operations he perfected his system of pickets, was engaged in many cavalry skirmishes, and became brigadier-general on 24 September, 1861. He was defeated by General Edward O. C. Ord at Dranesville. When the Confederates retired from Yorktown to Richmond, his cavalry guarded their rear. In the middle of June, 1862, he conducted a daring raid in the rear of General McClellan's army on the Chickahominy, in order to determine the position of the National right. He was incessantly engaged during the seven-days' fight before Richmond. On 25 July, 1862, he was commissioned as major-general of cavalry. On 22 August, he crossed the Rappahannock, penetrated General John Pope's camp at Catlett's station, captured his official correspondence and personal effects, and made prisoners of several officers of his staff. In the following night he made an attack on Manassas Junction, and sent into the town a brigade of infantry, which took many prisoners and carried off stores of great value. His cavalry was engaged in the second battle of Bull Run, and led the advance of Stonewall Jackson's corps in the ensuing invasion of Maryland. He performed important services at Antietam, guarding with artillery an eminence on Jackson's left that was essential to the security of the Confederate position, and leading the movement that resulted in the repulse of General Edwin V. Sumner's corps. A few weeks later he crossed the Potomac near Williamsport at the head of 1,800 picked troopers, gained the rear of the National Army, rode as far north as Mercersburg and Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, returned on the other side of McClellan's position, and recrossed the river below Harper's Ferry. At Fredericksburg Stuart's cavalry guarded the extreme right of the Confederate line. In a raid to Dumfries he ascertained the intended movements of the National troops by means of forged telegrams that he sent to Washington. In March, 1863, he encountered the National Cavalry at Kelly's Ford. At Chancellorsville, the cavalry screened Stonewall Jackson's march to the right of the National Army. After General Jackson was mortally wounded, and General Ambrose P. Hill was disabled, the command of Jackson's corps devolved temporarily on Stuart, who took command in the night of 2 Slay and directed its movements during the severe fighting of the following day. He led two charges in person, and carried the ridge of Hazel Grove, which was the key to the field. He was sent forward to guard the flanks of the advancing columns of Lee's army in the Gettysburg Campaign, but was opposed and checked by the National Cavalry at Fleetwood Hill and Stevensburg, with heavy losses on both sides. At Aldie he was successful in an encounter with the National Cavalry, but at Middleburg and Upperville he was defeated. He was directed to cross the Potomac in advance of the infantry column, and take position on its right. He held the pass in the Blue Ridge for a while, and then made a raid in the rear of the National Army, rejoining the main body at the close of the conflict at Gettysburg. The responsibility for this movement and its influence on the event have been the subject of much controversy. In the retreat from Gettysburg Stuart guarded the gaps in the mountains. While the Confederate Army was intrenched on the northern bank of the Potomac, he engaged in indecisive conflicts with the cavalry of General Judson Kilpatrick and General John Buford. While the cavalry held the line of the Rappahannock, during the rest of the summer of 1863, he evaded General Kilpatrick at Culpeper Court-House, retired from General Buford at Jack's Shop, after a severe conflict, but forced back the National Cavalry under General Alfred Pleasonton at Brandy Station, and bv a ruse routed the brigade of General Henry E. Davies near Buckland. After General Grant crossed the Rapidan, Stuart led the advance of General Ambrose P. Hill's corps. When General Philip H. Sheridan with his cavalry moved on Richmond, Stuart, by a rapid circuitous march, interposed his cavalry, concentrating his forces at Yellow Tavern, where he was mortally wounded in the obstinate engagement that ended in the defeat of the Confederates. See "Life and Campaigns of Major-General J. E. B. Stuart," by his chief-of-staff, Major Henry B. McClellan (Boston, 1885). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 727.

STUART'S RAID, VIRGINIA, June 13-15. 1862. Detachments of the Army of the Potomac. While General McLellan’s army was encamped about Fair Oaks and along the Chickahominy river, General J. E. B. Stuart was ordered to move with a force of Confederate cavalry around the Federal right flank to the vicinity of the Pamunkey river. Stuart assembled his men on the 12th at Kilby Station, moved toward Louisa and bivouacked that night near Hanover Court House. About 11 a. m. on the 13th, between Haw's shop and Old Church, his advance guard encountered a company of the 5th U. S. cavalry, commanded by Lieutenant E. H. Lieb, who had been sent out on a reconnaissance. Seeing that the enemy was too strong to attack, Lieb retired slowly and sent word to that effect to Captain W. B. Royall, commanding two squadrons of the regiment stationed at Old Church. This message was not received by Royall until about 2 p. m., when Lieutenant McLean was hurried forward with Company H to Lieb's support. The whole detachment was then ordered to advance and after proceeding about three-fourths of a mile came up with Lieb and McLean, who were engaged in skirmishing with the enemy's advance guard, which was charged and driven back on the main body. Royall now saw that his force was greatly outnumbered and gave the order to fall back to the church. Twice on his retreat he was compelled to wheel his command to repulse attacks on his rear and some hand-to-hand fighting occurred in each instance. The Union loss was reported as 4 killed and 10 or 12 wounded. Among the latter was Royall himself, who received several saber cuts. McLean was wounded and captured and the command was turned over to Lieb, with instructions to remain at the church unless attacked by the enemy, in which case he was to retire by the Cold Harbor road. This order was carried out about 4 o'clock. The enemy's loss was not definitely learned, but several saddles were known to have been emptied in the close combats that occurred during Royall's retreat. At Garlick's landing Stuart captured a few prisoners, 4 wagons and 53 mules, burned 14 wagons and 3 schooners loaded with stores, after which he proceeded to Tunstall's station, where about 175 of his men had fired on a trainload of soldiers on the way to White House landing and killed 5 or 6 men. As soon as news of Stuart's movement reached the camp of the 5th corps at New bridge, General Porter sent detachments to intercept him. General Emory, with four squadrons of the 6th Pennsylvania Lancers, was despatched to Tunstall's station, but did not arrive there until after Stuart had passed. At daybreak Emory was reinforced by Reynolds' brigade of infantry and the whole force started in pursuit. It was thought that Stuart's objective point was White House landing, where McClellan had a depot of supplies, but if so he abandoned his project upon learning of the pursuit and turned his course toward Richmond. On the 14th he crossed the Chickahominy at Sycamore ford, a short distance above Forge bridge, and the next morning arrived at Richmond, having ridden around the entire Union army. Stuart reported the capture of 165 prisoners, 260 horses and mules, several sets of harness and a quantity of small arms. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 855-856.

STUART, Charles, 1783-1865, author, anti-slavery agent, abolitionist.  Went to England in 1829 to lobby for immediate emancipation.  Wrote tracts on colonization.  Collected English abolitionist literature, which he sent to abolitionist Theodore Weld.  Trained agents for the American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS).  He participated in the famous Lane Seminary anti-slavery debates.  Wrote highly influential anti-slavery pamphlets.  Attended the World Anti-Slavery Convention in London in June 1840.  Worked with abolitionist leader Gerrit Smith. (Dumond, 1961, pp. 169, 173, 180; Sinha, 2016, pp. 221, 224, 233, 240, 290; Appletons’, 1888, Vol. V, p. 728; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 9, Pt. 2, p. 162)

STUART, Charles, author, born in Jamaica, West Indies, about 1783; died near Lake Simcoe, Canada, in 1865. His father was a British officer, who fought at Bunker Hill and in other battles of the Revolution, and was subsequently stationed in the West Indies. The son at the age of eighteen, when living at Belfast, Ireland, received a lieutenant's commission in the Madras Army. He was promoted captain, received a severe wound in an encounter with native insurgents, and after thirteen years' service, returned to England, and was retired with a pension. Sometime later he received a grant of land on Lake Simcoe, and was commissioned as a local magistrate. About 1822 he settled in Utica, New York, as principal of the academy, which he taught for several years. From that period he spent much of his time in the United States. He was one of the early emancipationists, and took part with Gerrit Smith in anti-slavery meetings. Captain Stuart was the author of several pamphlets that were published by the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, the most effective of which was “Prejudice Vincible,” which was reprinted in this country. He published a volume of short poems, and a religious novel entitled “Parraul of Lum Sing, or the Missionary and the Mountain Chiefs.” His principal other works were “The West India Question: Immediate Emancipation would be Safe and Profitable” (New Haven, 1833); “Memoirs of Granville Sharp” (New York, 1836); and “Oneida and Oberlin: the Extirpation of Slavery in the United States” (Bristol, 1841). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 728.

STUART, Charles Beebe, engineer, born in Chittenango Springs, New York, 4 June, 1814; died in Geneva. New York, 4 January, 1881. He entered upon the profession of civil engineering, was for some time state engineer of New York, entered the service of the U. S. government, and completed the Brooklyn Drydocks. He was appointed engineer-in-chief of the U. S. Navy on 1 December 1850, and resigned on 30 June, 1853. He published " The Naval Dry-Docks of the United States " (New York, 1851); "The Naval and Mail Steamers of the United States " (1853); "Railroads of the United States and Canada" (1855); "Water-Works of the United States" (1855); and "Civil and Military Engineers of America " (1871). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 728.

STUART. Charles E., Senator, born in Columbia County, New York, 25 November, 1810; died in Kalamazoo, Michigan, in 1887. He studied law, was admitted to the bar, and settled in Kalamazoo, Michigan. From 1841 till 1846 he was a member of the state legislature, after which he entered the National House of Representatives as a Democrat, serving from 4 December, 1847, till 3 March. 1849. He was defeated in 1848, but at the next election was again successful, and at the close of his second term was elected to the U. S. Senate, serving from 4 March, 1853, till 3 March, 1859. In the Senate he was chairman of the Committee on Public Lands. He attended the National Union Convention at Philadelphia in 1866. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 728.

STUART, George Hay, philanthropist, born in County Down, Ireland, 2 April, 1816. He emigrated to the United States in 1831, and became a merchant in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. During the Civil War he was president of the U. S. Christian Commission. He presided over the international conventions of the Young Men's Christian Associations in 1859 and 1861, and over the Presbyterian National Convention in Philadelphia in November, 1867, has been an officer in the American Sunday School Union, the American Bible Society, and the American Tract Society. He twice declined a seat in President Grant's cabinet, but consented to serve on the first board of Indian Commissioners, and was chairman of its purchasing committee. Mr. Stuart has been a munificent giver to foreign missions and other religious and charitable objects. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 728.

STUART, Hamilton, editor, born in Jefferson County, Kentucky, 4 September, 1813. He was educated in common schools in Scott County, Kentucky, and began, at the age of eighteen, to write for the press. In 1838 he moved to Texas, where he established the “Civilian,” an independent Democratic journal, which he continued for nearly forty years. He has resided in Galveston since its foundation, was its mayor in 1848–52, and served as a member of the legislature in 1847-'8. During the Republic he enjoyed the confidence of Presidents Houston and Jones, and was opposed to the policy of annexation, but after Texas was admitted to the Union he was unwilling to annul the compact. He was appointed collector of customs of Galveston in 1851, and held that office until 1861, when, owing to his opposition to secession, his services were not retained by the Confederate government. Mr. Stuart was a member of the State Constitutional Convention in 1866, and subsequently became one of the editors of the Galveston “News.” Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 729-730.

STUART, John Todd, lawyer, born near Lexington, Kentucky, 10 November, 1807; died in Springfield, Illinois, 28 November, 1885. His ancestry was Scotch-Irish; his father, Robert Stuart, was a Presbyterian clergyman, and his maternal grandfather was Levi Todd, one of the survivors of the disastrous Indian battle at the Blue Licks in 1782. He was graduated at Centre College, Kentucky, in 1826, was admitted to the bar, and moved to Springfield, Illinois, at the age of twenty-one. He took at once a high place in his profession, and held it actively for nearly sixty years, to the day of his death. He was a Whig until the formation of the Republican Party, served in the legislature from 1832 till 1836, and was defeated in a congressional contest in the latter year, being then the recognized leader of his party. He renewed the contest in 1838, with Stephen A. Douglas as his opponent, and was successful after a campaign that excited national attention. After two terms in Congress he declined a re-election. Mr. Stuart was a member of the state senate from 1848 till 1852, and was distinguished for the part he took in settling the charter of the Illinois Central Railroad, from the provisions of which the state derives an annual revenue that amounted in 1887 to $396,315.07, the total revenue of the state in the same year being $3,185,607.56. He remained out of public life until 1862, when he was again elected to Congress, but now as a Democrat, serving one term. The last special public service of Mr. Stuart was as a commissioner in the erection of the new state-house. He was also chairman of the executive committee of the National Lincoln Monument Association. He served as a major in the Black Hawk War in 1832, and this title was always used in addressing him. In this campaign he met Abraham Lincoln, and thus began a life-long intimacy. They were fellow-members of the legislature in 1834. He induced Mr. Lincoln to study law, lent him the necessary books, and took him as a partner as soon as he was admitted to practice. This partnership lasted until April, 1841; in 1843 Mr. Stuart associated with himself in legal business Benjamin S. Edwards, and in 1860 his son-in-law, Christopher C. Brown, and their firm was at Mr. Stuart's death the oldest in the state. In personal character Mr. Stuart was a model of kindness, fidelity, purity, and nobility, and in his busy career as a lawyer and legislator he found time for the exercise in many directions of a wise public spirit, which made him for more than half a century one of the most notable citizens of the community in which he lived. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 731.

STUART, David, soldier, born in Brooklyn, New York, 12 March, 1810; died in Detroit, Michigan, 19 September, 1868. He moved to Michigan, studied law, and practised in Detroit. He was there elected to Congress as a Democrat, and served from 5 December, 1853, till 3 March, 1855. He subsequently settled in Chicago, Illinois, becoming solicitor for the Illinois Central Railroad. He was appointed colonel of the 55th Illinois Infantry on 31 October, 1861, and commanded the 2d Brigade of General William T. Sherman's division from 27 February till 14 May, 1862. His brigade held the position on the extreme left at Shiloh, and suffered severe loss, while he was wounded in the shoulder. He was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers on 29 November, 1862, and commanded a brigade of Morgan L. Smith's division during the siege of Corinth and subsequent operations till General Smith was wounded at Chickasaw Bayou, after which he led the division, participating in the capture of Arkansas Post. When the Senate failed to confirm his appointment as brigadier-general, he left the service on 3 April, 1863, and returned to legal practice in Detroit. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 732.

STUCKENBERG, John Henry Wilburn, clergyman, born in Bramsche, Hanover, Germany, 6 January, 1835. He emigrated in early life to the United States, and was graduated at Wittenberg College, Springfield, Ohio, in 1857, after which he returned to Germany to study theology in the universities of Gottingen, Berlin, and Tubin General He was ordained as a Lutheran minister in 1860, and held pastoral charges in Iowa and Pennsylvania, besides officiating in 1862-'3 as chaplain of the 45th Pennsylvania Volunteers, he was professor of theology at Wittenberg College from 1873 till 1880, and since that time has been pastor of the American Chapel in Berlin, Germany.  A memoir was published shortly after his death. […].  Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p.

STUMPTOWN, MISSOURI, August 2, 1863. Detachment of 1st Missouri State Militia Cavalry. Major Alexander W. Mullins with 100 men, while on a scout in the vicinity of Germantown, encountered a squad of bushwhackers at Stumptown and in the skirmish which ensued the latter were routed with a loss of 2 or 3 wounded. One man of the militia was killed. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 856.

STURGEON, MISSOURI, September 22, 1862. Major Hunt's command. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 856.

STURGEON, MISSOURI, February 27, 1865. Detachment of the 9th Missouri State Militia Cavalry. The detachment, under command of Lieutenant L. T. Hayman, came upon Jackson's guerrilla band just before dark and a brisk skirmish ensued, in which some of the bushwhackers and 2 of Hayman's men were wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 856.

STURGES, Jonathan, merchant, born in Southport, Connecticut, 24 March, 1802; died in New York City, 28 November, 1874, went to New York in 1821 and became a clerk in a mercantile house, in which he rose to be a junior partner in 1828, and senior partner in 1836. He remained connected with the firm till 1868, when he retired with a large fortune. He was one of the chief promoters of the Illinois Central Railway and a director, during the Civil War was among the most liberal and outspoken supporters of the government, and took an active part in establishing the Union League Club, of which he was president in 1863. He was active in the measures to break up the Tweed ring and to promote municipal reform in the government of the city of New York. He was distinguished for philanthropy, and was liberal as a founder or supporter of many charities in that city. He was at one time vice-president of the New York Chamber of Commerce, an active member of the Century Club, and a generous patron of art. Mr. Sturges was an intimate friend of the poet Bryant, and was among the most active in the movement that led to the presentation of the vase, known as the “Bryant vase,” now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 734.

STURGIS, Samuel Davis, soldier, born in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, 11 June, 1822. He was graduated at the U.S. Military Academy in 1846, entered the 2d U.S. Dragoons, served in the war with Mexico, and was made prisoner while on a reconnoissance before the battle of Buena Vista, but was soon exchanged. He afterward served in California, New Mexico, and the territories, and was commissioned captain. 3 March, 1855. At the opening of the Civil War he was in command of Fort Smith, Arkansas, but, all his officers having resigned and joined the southern Confederacy, he evacuated the fort on his own responsibility, and thus saved his command and the government property. He was appointed major of the 4th U.S. Cavalry, 3 May, 1861, and served in Missouri under General Nathaniel Lyon, whom Sturgis succeeded in command after his death at the battle of Wilson's Creek. He was made brigadier-general of volunteers, 10 August, 1861, was assigned to the Army of the Tennessee, and afterward to the command of the Department of Kansas. In 1862 he was called to Washington to assist the military governor, and was given command of the fortifications around the city. At the battles of South Mountain, Antietam, and Fredericksburg he commanded the 2d Division of the 9th Army Corps and he was engaged in the operations Kentucky from April till July, 1863. He was chief of cavalry of the Department of the Ohio from July, 1863, till April, 1864, and captured General Robert B. Vance and his command, 13 January, 1864. He was engaged at Bolivar, Tennessee, 10 May, 1864, and in the expedition against General Nathan Forrest, and in the fight near Guntown, Mississippi, 10 June, 1864. He was appointed lieutenant-colonel of the 6th U.S. Cavalry, 27 October, 1863, colonel of the 7th U.S. Cavalry, 6 May, 1869, and was retired, 11 June, 1886. He had been brevetted colonel for Fredericksburg, and brigadier-general and major-general, U.S. Army, 13 March, 1865. – His son, JAMES GARLAND, born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, 24 January, 1854, was graduated at the '' States Military Academy in 1875, and was killed in the Indian massacre on Little Big Horn River, 25 June, 1876. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 734.

SUBALTERN. Commissioned officer below captain. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 577).

SUBSCRIBING. Every officer must subscribe the Articles of War; (ART. 1.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 577).

SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT. (See ARMY for its organization.) Provides subsistence stores for the army, either by contract or purchase. Assistant commissaries subject to do duty as assistant-quartermasters. The President, under authority of law, has fixed the ration at f 1b. of pork or bacon, or l lbs. of fresh or salt beef, 18 oz. of bread or flour, or 12 oz. of hard bread, or 1 lbs. of corn meal; and at the rate to 100 rations of 8 qts. of peas or beans, or 10 lbs. of rice; 6 lbs. of coffee, 12 lbs. sugar, 4 qts. of vinegar, 1 lbs. of tallow, l lbs. adamantine or 1 Ib. of sperm candles, 4 lbs. of soap and 2 qts. of salt. In different climates and on different kinds of service, soldiers require different articles of diet; some latitude should therefore be given to commanders of armies and military departments in making variations from the prescribed ration.

A conscientious administrator should acquaint himself with the peculiar properties of different kinds of food, their relative nutriment, and the differences of food best suited to promote health under the various circumstances incident to field-service. The following extract from some observations made by an eminent Scotch chemist, is worthy of every attention on the part of the student of military administration:

“In consequence of the advances made in physiology and chemistry the nutritive value of any dietary, deduced from practical experience, may be tested with care and certainty by reference to its chemical composition. As this fact is little known to practical men, it may be well to explain the principles on which the method is founded.

“ 1. All articles of food used by man consist of one or more, and generally several nutritive principles; and most of them contain water and an indigestible cellular tissue. The two latter must, of course, be deducted in estimating nutritive value.

“ 2. The nutritive principles consist of two sets, one of which maintains respiration, and the other repairs the waste constantly incurred by the animal textures in the exercise of their functions. As the respiratory principles commonly abound in carbon, they are sometimes called carboniferous, while the reparative principles, because they all contain nitrogen, are termed nitrogenous.



Percentage of Nutriment. Carboniferous. Nitrogeneous. Total Wheat flour   ad Barley (pearl) Pease Carrots Lean of beef and mutton Average beef and mutton Skimmed milk cheese White fish Skimmed milk. Buttermilk Beef tea and meat decoction of broth

“ 3. Experience has shown that the most successful dietaries for bodies of men, deduced from practical observation, contain carboniferous and nitrogenous food in the proportion of about three of the former to one of the latter, by weight. During two-and-twenty years that my attention has been turned to the present subject, not a single exception has occurred to me.

“ 4. Hence it is obvious that the least weight of food in the rough state will be required, first, when there is least moisture and cellular tissue in it”; and secondly, when the carboniferous and nitrogeneous principles are nearest the proportion of three to one.

“ 5. Of the various nutritive principles belonging to each set, some may replace one another; some are better than others; some are probably essential. This branch of the science of the subject is unfortunately still imperfect.

“ 6, Two things, however, are certain, that nitrogenous may replace carboniferous food, for supporting respiration, though at a great loss; but that carboniferous food (without nitrogen) cannot replace nitrogeneous food, for repairing textural waste.

“ 7. The daily amount of nutritive principles of both sets must increase with exercise and exposure, otherwise the body quickly loses weight, and before long becomes diseased. If the above proportion between the two sets be maintained, the weight of real nutriment per day varies, for adults at an active age, between seventeen and thirty-six ounces; the former being enough for prisoners confined for short terms, the latter being required for keeping up the athletic constitution, or that which is capable of great continuous muscular efforts, as in prize-running and other similar feats.

“ 8. Dietaries ought never to be estimated by the rough weight of their constituents, without distinct reference to the real nutriment in these, as determined by physiological and chemical inquiry.

“ Keeping these principles in view, and with the help of a simple table, it is not difficult to fix the dietary advisable for any body of men, according to their occupation. It is, also, in general, easy to detect the source of error in unsuccessful dietaries. For example, any scientific person conversant with the present subject could have foretold, as a certain consequence, sooner or later, of their dietary, that the British troops would fall into the calamitous state of health which befell them last winter in the Crimea. “

Soldiers in the field will be the more efficient the nearer they are brought to the athletic constitution. But as the demand for protracted, unusual exertion occurs only at intervals, the highly nutritive athletic dietary is not absolutely necessary. On the whole, from experience in the case of other bodies of men somewhat similarly circumstanced, 28 ounces of real nutriment, of which 7 are nitrogeneous or reparative, will probably prove the most suitable. Any material reduction below 28 ounces will certainly not answer; and under unusual exertion kept up for days continuously, as in forced marches, or forced siege labor, the quantity should for the time be greater, if possible.”

Biscuit, particularly when salted meat is the principal article of diet, is very apt to produce dysentery and scrofulous complaints; it becomes, moreover, unpalatable when continuously used; and so eager were English soldiers in the Crimea for soft bread that they used to exchange 5 lbs. of biscuit for 1 Ib. of bread with the French soldiers, whose first work, after pitching their camps, was generally to construct field-bakeries, and whose supply of soft bread seldom failed. Sallust tells us (De bello Jugurth. 44) that the Roman soldiers used to sell their ration of grain for a trifle in order to purchase bread, which at that time they had not the means of manufacturing. Mills and ovens exist in some form or other in all countries, and they should be made available whenever an army halts for a sufficiently long period to admit of their being worked; but as the enemy frequently destroys these means of contributing to the soldier's comfort, the use of hand mills and field-ovens must under such circumstances be resorted to; and to construct these in the most rapid and at the same time the most effectual manner, should always be done where circumstances permit. The description of camp ovens must necessarily depend upon the permanency of the encampment. If the army be likely to remain in position for any length of time, they should be constructed of durable materials, such as bricks; but for hurried operations a mere excavation of the earth suffices in the course of a very short time to produce an. oven capable, with a little care, of baking bread. The impromptu ovens used by the American backwoodsmen, as described by Sir Randolph Routh, are usually raised upon a platform about 3 feet high, and 5 or 6 feet long, by 4 feet broad, and on this they construct the circular form of the oven by means of forest twigs and boughs of sufficient strength to receive arid support the cement, which is made of common clay soil and water, mixed to a proper consistence, and put on in successive layers until it acquires the necessary thickness. An opening is left to introduce the bread, and a common piece of wood with a handle supplies the place of a door until it is baked. (See also article OVEN for the ovens made by French soldiers; and TRAVELLING KITCHEN, for a suggested improvement for field-service.) It is very important that soldiers should be instructed in. making field-ovens.

Nothing is more important in the field, than to keep up the supply of fresh meat. It is the only article of the soldier's ration that provides its own transport, and though a supply of salted provisions is indispensable as a reserve in case of accidents, and to provision fortified places in the event of a siege or blockade, it should be economized as much as possible, and issued only in cases of necessity, not only as being more expensive and absorbing a great deal of transport, but because the frequent use of salted provisions is invariably detrimental to the health of the troops.

The importance of providing the soldier with vegetables is now universally admitted. When salted provisions are much used, it is essentially desirable to counteract the tendency to scrofulous complaints induced by such diet by means of vegetable food; to obtain fresh vegetables in the field is, however, a matter of considerable difficulty, their liability to spoil and their bulk are obvious objections to their use by an army in movement; but the process of compressing vegetables, which has now been brought to perfection, enables a commissariat to keep up this supply at the cost of but little transport, and in the most convenient form for immediate use. Rice is an admirable article of diet, more particularly when there is any tendency to bowel complaints. It contains more nutriment than wheat flour, is easily conveyed and cooked, and is not liable to suffer from exposure. There would, probably, be no difficulty in making a preparation of rice which would greatly reduce its bulk and still further facilitate its cooking. Corn meal and peas are likewise excellent articles of food; but the latter should, if possible, be issued in a ground state, as it otherwise requires more soaking to render it fit for use than there is time for on the march. The supply of coffee or tea should never be allowed to fail. Dr. Christison says: “ It is difficult to over-value the proposed addition of tea and coffee to the men's rations. They possess a renovating power, in circumstances of unusual fatigue, which is constantly experienced in civil life, and which I have often heard officers, who served in the Spanish campaigns, as well as in the late Burmese war, describe in the strongest terms. This, however, is not all, for it has been recently shown by a very curious physiological inquiry, that both of them, and especially coffee, possess the singular property of diminishing materially the wear and tear of the soft textures of the body in the exercise of its functions in an active occupation.

The object of accounts is to insure the application of public resources to their prescribed ends, and within regulated limits. This is perfectly feasible under ordinary circumstances; but on active service it is not always possible to procure vouchers and receipts according to the established forms, and it is far better to establish, by means of a well-organized department of control, a strict and efficient local supervision over the conduct of supply duties in the field than to exact accounts, which, however correct in their outward form, can but rarely represent the actual transactions as conducted during the hurried and ever-changing events of active warfare. A judicious system of musters and inspections would do more to check waste or malversation in the field than the most ingenious accountability that could be devised; and if a commissariat officer were simply required to furnish the head of his department with a periodical “state of supplies,” showing where and how obtained and issued; and officers commanding corps a return of the number of men fed, noting any deficiency of supply; both reports being subject to verification by means of personal inspections and musters, the object in view would be attained with far greater certainty than under the present complicated system of returns, abstracts, and vouchers, the preparation of which occupies much of the time of a commissariat officer that might be more profitably employed for the benefit of the troops, while their subsequent examination, probably, after a lapse of one or two years, answers no possible purpose except to find employment for a large number of clerks. (Consult FONPLANQUE.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 577-582)

SUCKLEY, George, physician, born in the city of New York in 1830; died there, 30 July, 1869. He was graduated at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, in 1851, served as resident surgeon in the New York Hospital in 1852, and was assistant surgeon in the U. S. Army in 1853-'6. He became brigade surgeon in 1861, and was staff surgeon, U. S. Volunteers, in 1862-'5. He became brevet lieutenant-colonel and colonel, U. S. Volunteers, 15 August, 1865. Dr. Suckley contributed to the transactions of the American Medical Association and the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. With James G. Cooper, M. D., he published "Reports on the Natural History, Climate, and Physical Geography of Minnesota, Nebraska, Washington, and Oregon Territories" (New York, 1860). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 738.

SUFFOLK, VIRGINIA, December 28, 1862. Reconnoitering Party under Colonel Alfred Gibbs. A report sent to Major-General Dix by Brigadier-General Orris S. Ferry  contains the following: "Colonel Gibbs, sent out by me at 3 o'clock p. m. yesterday toward Carrsville to occupy the enemy while Spinola's column was moving out, came in contact with the enemy's scouting parties a short distance beyond our pickets. He drove them back, capturing 9 of them, and bivouacked about 10 miles from here." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 856-857.

SUFFOLK, VIRGINIA, SIEGE OF, April 11—May 4, 1863. Federal Troops commanded by Major-General John J. Peck. On Sept . 22, 1862, General Peck was ordered to Suffolk with 9,000 men to check the advance of the Confederates under Pettigrew and French, who were moving from the Blackwater river toward Norfolk. At that time there were no artificial defenses there, but as the town was located at the head of navigation on the Nansemond river and was the junction of several railroads it was regarded as the key to all the approaches south of the James river, and Peck was directed to fortify and hold it. Fort Dix was begun on September 25, and from that time until the following spring work was pushed on defenses covering the railroads and the James and Nansemond rivers. These preparations alarmed the Confederate authorities, who believed that the Federal government was aiming to establish a base for a movement upon Richmond, and in February, 1863, General Longstreet, with some 30,000 men, was detached from Lee's army and charged with the reduction of Suffolk. In March. Peck was reinforced and his intrenchments were put in the best possible state to withstand Longstreet's assault. According to an abstract from a return of the Department of Virginia for April 30, 1863, the Union troops then at Suffolk numbered 23,975 men, organized as follows: 1st division of the 7th corps, commanded by Brigadier-General Michael Corcoran and consisting of the brigades commanded by Brigadier-General Henry D. Terry, Colonel Robert S. Foster and Colonel Mathew Murphy; the 3d division of the 9th corps, under Brigadier-General George W. Getty and composed of the brigades commanded by Colonel Rush C. Hawkins, Brigadier-General Edward Harland and Colonel Arthur H. Dutton; Colonel William Gurney's division, including the brigades of Colonel Burr Porter and Colonel Robert S. Hughston; the reserve brigade under Colonel David W. Wardrop; the 11th Pennsylvania cavalry; the 1st New York mounted rifles; eight light batteries and two battalions of heavy artillery. On April 10 a Confederate mail was captured, from which it was learned that Longstreet, with from 40,000 to 60,000 men, was moving against Suffolk, and that General Hill would cooperate with Longstreet. The next day Hood's division drove in Peck's cavalry on the South Quay road and about 4 p. m. captured the cavalry outposts without a shot being fired. On the 12th Pickett's division advanced on the Somerton road, Jenkins on the Edenton road, and a large column on the Providence Church road along the river. Considerable skirmishing occurred on all these roads, the Union troops gradually falling back, and the enemy was not checked until he came within range of the artillery. On the 13th Foster's brigade handled the enemy somewhat roughly on the Somerton road, driving him back and reestablishing the Federal picket line. The batteries along the river and the gunboats also rendered effective service on this day, holding the Confederates at bay. On the 14th the Confederates opened fire on the gunboats from a 10-gun battery near the Norfleet house, on the west branch of the Nansemond. Lieutenant Lamson, with the gunboats Mount Washington, West End, Stepping Stones and Alert, engaged the battery for several hours, but the vessels were finally compelled to drop down the river out of range of the enemy's guns, the Mount Washington being badly damaged. This boat and the West End both grounded, but were towed off by the Stepping Stones, the Alert having become unmanageable through a broken rudder. A night attack was made on the gunboat Smith Briggs, lying near Peck's headquarters, but it was repulsed by Captain Lee, commander of the vessel, and the guns at the draw-bridge. About noon on the 15th the Federal batteries near the mouth of Jericho creek, under the direction of Getty, opened on the enemy's battery at the Norfleet house, dismounting 4 of the 20-pounders and silencing the others. During the afternoon a reconnaissance sent out on the Edenton road captured a Confederate regiment, but did not press their advantage for fear of an ambush. Terry's brigade, which had been much annoyed by Confederate sharpshooters, had a spirited engagement with the enemy in its front on the 17th, in which the Confederates were severely punished and their sharpshooters compelled to withdraw. From that time until the 25th Longstreet was busy in throwing up batteries and rifle-pits along the river. During this period the only incident worthy of note was the capture of Battery Huger on the 19th. (See Battery Huger.) On the 27th the Confederates opened fire from a new battery below the one destroyed on the 15th, and that night they reoccupied the battery at Hill's point. Nothing further of importance occurred until May 1, when the enemy, largely reinforced, made an attack on Terry's brigade about 5 p. m., but it was repulsed by Terry's men and the guns of the Nansemond, South Quay and Rosecrans. At 4 a. m. on the 3d, Major Crosby, with the 21st Connecticut and a section of the 4th Wisconsin battery, crossed the Nansemond and occupied Chuckatuck, driving out 300 Confederate cavalry. He then skirmished all the way to Reed's ferry, his movement being covered by the fire of the gunboats. At 9 o'clock that morning, Getty, with Harland's brigade and some other troops of his division, made a reconnaissance in force on the enemy's left flank. He crossed at the draw-bridge, under the fire of Battery Mansfield and the gunboats Smith Briggs and Onondaga, and seized the plateau near the Pruden house, holding it in spite of all attempts to dislodge him. At 9 p. m. on the 4th the enemy commenced falling back toward the Blackwater river. Generals Corcoran and Foster were prompt in pursuit, the former on the Edenton road and the latter on the Somerton road. Near Leesville, at 6 a. m. on the 5th, Foster came up with the rearguard of a strong column and halted until Corcoran could come up, hut before his arrival the enemy withdrew and reached the Blackwater, where his position was too strong to attack. Colonels Spear and Onderdonk, with their cavalry, harassed the enemy on the various roads, securing valuable information and capturing a number of prisoners. These prisoners represented over forty regiments, which will give some idea of the strength of Longstreet's army. The Federal casualties during the siege were 41 killed, 223 wounded and 2 missing. No official returns of Confederate losses were made, but they were estimated at 1,500 in killed, wounded and captured. Five guns of the famous Fauquier artillery were captured by Peck's men, besides a number of rifles and a lot of camp equipage, etc. Peck's success at Suffolk, coming as it did simultaneously with Hooker's defeat at Chancellorsville, was not given the notice that it justly deserved. It was one of the victories of 1863 that did so much to dishearten the Confederates and at the same time to increase the prestige and strengthen the morale of the Union armies. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 857-858.

SUFFOLK, VIRGINIA, June 11, 1863. Detachment of the 11th Pennsylvan1a Cavalry. Lieutenant Blake was sent out with a party to capture or destroy some small detachments of Confederate infantry that had been annoying the pickets. He came upon a party of some 15 or 20, who took positions behind trees, prepared to fight in true Indian style, but Blake charged, killed 2, wounded several and routed the rest, scattering them in the dense thickets where pursuit was out of the question. Suffolk, Virginia, November 11, 1863. According to Confederate reports Captain Phillips, with 40 men, made a raid on Suffolk and captured 7 Union soldiers, a wagon and 8 horses. Federal reports contain no mention of the occurrence. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 858-859.

SUFFOLK, VIRGINIA, MARCH 9, 1864. 2nd U. S. Colored Cavalry. The regiment, Colonel George W. Cole commanding, while reconnoitering the different roads beyond Suffolk, was attacked by a greatly superior force of the enemy. The colored troops were obliged to retire after fighting desperately for a time, and cutting their way through the enemy's lines which almost surrounded them. The Union loss was 7 killed, 2 missing and 6 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 859.

SUGAR CREEK, ARKANSAS, February 16-17, 1862. Cavalry of General Curtis' Army. While Curtis was in pursuit of the Confederates under General Price, a detachment of the enemy was encountered drawn up on either side of the road at Potts' hill, on Sugar creek, on the 16th. A charge was made by Major McConnell's battalion of the 3d Illinois cavalry on the left and Wright's Missouri battalion on the right . The charge was well supported by the 1st Missouri cavalry and Bowen's battery, and the enemy was routed. The only casualties reported were 1 killed and 3 wounded in Wright's battalion. That night the enemy was reinforced by McCulloch and on the morning of the 17th opened on the Federals with artillery. Curtis' batteries replied, but after a few rounds a cavalry charge was ordered, which drove the enemy from his position, with heavy losses in killed and wounded. The Union loss on the 17th was 13 killed and 15 or 20 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 859.

SUGAR CREEK, MISSOURI, July 9, 1862. Detachment of 1st Iowa Cavalry. Ninety men of the 1st la., under Lieutenant R. M. Reynolds, was sent to attack Quantrill's camp on Sugar creek near Wadesburg. The advance gallantly charged the place at 6 a. m., but being unsupported by the remainder of the detachment was compelled to fall back. Reynolds then charged with his whole command, but the ground being unfavorable and the Confederate position stronger than he anticipated, he withdrew after losing 1 man killed and 2 wounded. Quantrill lost 1 killed and several wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 859.

SUGAR CREEK, TENNESSEE, October 9, 1863. Detachment of 2nd Cavalry Division, Army of the Cumberland. The brigade, leading the column in the pursuit of Wheeler and Roddey, came up with the enemy's skirmishers about 10 a. m. and soon found the enemy in some force behind a temporary barricade on the west side of Sugar creek. The 5th la. made a dashing saber charge in which 13 of the enemy were killed, 85 captured, a number wounded and the remainder scattered. The Iowans had 1 man wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 859.

SUGAR CREEK, TENNESSEE, December 25, 1864. 1st Brigade, 7th Division, Army of the Cumberland. After the action at King's hill the Confederate rear-guard fell back to Sugar creek,' where the main body of Hood's army was encountered. General J. H. Hammond, commanding the cavalry brigade, ordered the 2nd Term., supported by the 4th Tennessee, to charge. The movement was gallantly executed, forcing the enemy to retire into his works. The Confederates then charged in turn, driving Hammond's line back some 300 yards, where he held his position until the 14th Ohio battery came up and shelled the enemy from his barricade, when the pursuit was continued.

SUGAR CREEK HILLS, MISSOURI, December 23-31, 1862. Detachment of 8th Missouri State Militia Cavalry. Major Edward B. Eno with 80 men made a scout through the Sugar creek hills and succeeded in surprising three different camps of from 30 to 50 guerrillas each. The net results were the capture of 10 men, 12 horses with saddles, bridles, etc., 2 wagons, and other equipage, and the breaking up the bands. No casualties were reported on the Union side. Sugar Loaf, North Carolina, February 11, 1865. 3d Division, 10th Army Corps. In his report Brigadier-General Charles J. Paine, commanding the division, says: "The division broke camp on Federal Point, where it had remained after the capture of Fort Fisher, and moved toward the enemy's line at Sugar Loaf, the 2nd brigade, Colonel J. W. Ames commanding, having the advance. After a brisk skirmish, in which the division suffered a loss of 2 commissioned officers and 14 men killed, and 7 commissioned officers and 69 men wounded, Lieutenant-Colonel Rogers, commanding 4th U. S. colored troops, with his regiment deployed as skirmishers, drove the enemy very handsomely from his intrenched picket line into his main works. The division constructed a line of works at this point and occupied them until the morning of the 19th, when the enemy retiring from his line in our front, the division moved into the rebel works." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 859-860.

SUGAR LOAF MOUNTAIN, MARYLAND, September 10-11, 1862. Detachment of Cavalry Corps, and 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 6th Corps, Army of the Potomac. Brigadier-General Alfred Pleasonton, commanding the cavalry corps, states in a report that the 6th U. S. cavalry was sent on the 10th to dislodge the enemy at the base of Sugar Loaf mountain. The Confederates were too strongly posted to be easily moved, however, and Franklin's corps (6th) was sent to the aid of the cavalry. Next day Hancock's infantry brigade and Farnsworth's cavalry brigade attacked and compelled the enemy to retire. The affair was an incident of Lee's invasion of Maryland. The casualties, if any, were not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 860.

SUGAR LOAF PRAIRIE, ARKANSAS, January 12, 1865. Detachment of 73d Enrolled Missouri Infantry. A scout of 25 men, under Lieutenant Willis Kissel, came upon the outlaw Cook and 13 of his band in a cave near Sugar Loaf prairie. Kissel demanded a surrender, giving the guerrillas 4 hours within which to accede to the proposition. At the end of that time 9 gave themselves up and the remainder of the gang were killed. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 860.

SUGAR VALLEY, GEORGIA, May 13, 1864. (See Resaca.)

SUIT. In all cases where the pay or salary of any person is withheld, in consequence of arrears to the United States, (and salary can be legally withheld from no other cause except by sentence of court-martial,) it shall be the duty of the accounting officers, if demanded by the party, his agent, or attorney, to report forthwith to the agent of the Treasury Department, the balance due; and it shall be the duty of the said agent, within sixty days thereafter, to order suit to be commenced against such delinquent and his sureties; (Act January 25, 1828.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 582).

SULLIVAN, Algernon Sydney, lawyer, born in Madison, Indiana, 5 April, 1826; died in New York City, 4 December, 1887, was educated at Hanover College, Indiana, and Miami University, Ohio, and graduated at the latter in 1850. Having been admitted to the bar, he practised for several years, in 1855 moved to Cincinnati, and in the spring of 1859 to New York, where he soon attracted attention by his legal talent and his oratory. Shortly after the opening of the Civil War he was counsel for several privateersmen that had been captured and taken to New York, and his acting in that capacity having caused him to be suspected by the authorities, he was arrested and confined in Fort Lafayette for three months. He was assistant district attorney of New York for three years, and public administrator from 1875 till 1885, resigning each of those offices to attend to his private practice. Mr. Sullivan was president of the Southern Society, and was identified with many charitable and other associations. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 740.

SULLIVAN, Jeremiah C., soldier, born in Madison, Indiana, 1 October, 1830, served during the Civil War, became brigadier-general of volunteers, 28 April, 1862, and resigned, 11 May, 1865. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 740.

SULLIVAN, Peter John, soldier, born in County Cork, Ireland, 15 March, 1821; died in Cincinnati, Ohio, 2 March, 1883. He was descended from General William O'Sullivan of the British Army, came to this country with his parents when he was two years old, passed his early years in Philadelphia, and was educated at the University of Pennsylvania. He omitted the prefix “O” from his name on reaching manhood. He served through the Mexican War, attaining the rank of major, and at its close was appointed an official stenographer in the U.S. Senate. In 1848 he moved to Cincinnati, studied law, and was a draughtsman for the U.S. Topographical Corps. In 1855 he was elected colonel of the German regiment and contributed toward the suppression of the “Know-Nothing” riots of that year. At the opening of the Civil War he raised four regiments at his own expense, was commissioned colonel of the 48th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and was present at Shiloh, where he captured a Confederate flag and was wounded three times. In consequence of his injuries he was unfit for service for nine months, but, he was present at the fall and capture of Vicksburg, was post-commander at Memphis and Fort Pickering, and during the last days of the war was the presiding judge of the military court of claims. He was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers, 13 March, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services, and immediately after was appointed by President Johnson minister to the United States of Colombia, serving till 1869, when his health compelled him to resign. He subsequently practised occasionally in the U. S. Supreme Court, in the court of claims, and in the government departments at Washington, D. C. He was the author of the “Don Felix Letters, or Pen-Portraits of Members of the Bar.” Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 742.

SULLY, Thomas, painter, born at Horncastle, Lincolnshire, England, 8 June, 1783; died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 5 November, 1872. At the age of nine he was brought by his parents to the United States. His father placed him in 1795 in an insurance broker's office, but it soon became evident that art was his true vocation. In 1799 he joined his brother Laurence, a miniature-painter, at Richmond, Virginia, and two years later moved with him to Norfolk. Thomas soon surpassed his brother, and began to try his hand at oil portraits, aided somewhat by Henry Bembridge. He determined to go to London for study, and worked hard to gain sufficient money to carry him there. But the death of his brother in 1804 decided him to remain and protect the latter's family, whom he had left unprovided for. In 1806, after marrying his brother's widow, Sully went to New York, where he resided until 1808. In 1807 he made a short visit to Boston, where he had some instruction and advice from Gilbert Stuart. He returned to Philadelphia in 1809, and went the same year to London. Here he studied for some time under Benjamin West, and made copies after old masters that had been contracted for in this country, after which he embarked for New York in 1810. He now settled permanently in Philadelphia. During the following years he executed numerous portraits, notably those of George Frederick Cooke as Richard III., which is owned by the Pennsylvania Academy; Benjamin Rush (1814); and Coin. Decatur, in the city-hall, New York. In 1818 the legislature of North Carolina applied to him for two full-length portraits of Washington. Sully, in reply, proposed to paint a historical picture which should represent some memorable action of the great commander, and suggested the crossing of the Delaware. This was agreed upon; but when Sully wrote for the dimensions of the space that the picture was to occupy, he received no answer. Nevertheless, he proceeded with the work on a canvas of large size. When, after a considerable expense of time and money, the picture was finished, he was informed that there was no place fitted to receive it, and it was thrown upon his hands. The picture finally came into the possession of the Boston museum. Sully was perhaps most successful in his portraits of women, Henry T. Tuckerman says of him : "His organization fits him to sympathize with the fair and lovely rather than the grand or comic. . . . Sully's forte is the graceful. Among his numerous portraits, of which many have been engraved, are those of General Jonathan Williams (1815); Bishop William White, of Pennsylvania; Lafayette, in Independence Hall, Philadelphia; Thomas Jefferson, painted for the United States Military Academy (1821); Fanny Kemble and her father, Charles Kemble; Reverdy Johnson ; Charles Carroll, of Carrollton; Queen Victoria, painted in 1887-"8 for the St. George Society, Philadelphia; Rembrandt Peale; Percival Drayton (1827): Alexander J. Dallas; Dr. Philip Syng Physick; Joseph Hopkinson; George M. Dallas; and Robert F. Stockton (1851). The Corcoran gallery owns the portraits of James Madison, Andrew Jackson (1825), John Marshall, and a portrait of himself. He painted also some figure-pieces and historical pictures, among which are " Capture of Major Andre " (1812) and "Miranda " (1815). Sully wrote an autobiographical sketch, "Recollections of an Old Painter," which appeared in " Hours at Home " for November, 1869. His " Hints to Young Painters," which he prepared for the press in 1851 and revised in 1871, was published after his death (Philadelphia, 1873).—His son, Thomas, and his daughter, Jane, afterward Mrs. John C. Darley, followed their father's profession. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 743.

SULLY, Alfred, soldier, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1821; died in Fort Vancouver, Washington territory, 17 April, 1879, was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1841, assigned to the 2d U.S. Infantry, which was then engaged in the Seminole War, and participated with credit in the attack on Hawe Creek Camp, 25 January, 1842. He was on garrison duty on the Great Lakes till the Mexican War, and after the siege of Vera Cruz in 1847 was ordered to the north on recruiting service. He was then stationed in California, and on 22 February, 1849, was promoted to captain. In 1853 he was sent with others to re-enforce the governor of Oregon in his operations against the Rogue River Indians, and in December of that year, while on his way to New York, he was wrecked off the California Coast and remained six days on a desert island. He was then in Minnesota, Nebraska, and Dakota till 1858, and, after spending a year in Europe on leave of absence, took part in operations against the Cheyenne Indians in 1860-'l. He then served in the defences of Washington till 4 March, 1862, when he became colonel of the 3d Minnesota Regiment. He led a brigade during the change of base to James River, and was brevet ted lieutenant-colonel, U. S. Army, for gallantry at Fair Oaks, and colonel for Malvern Hill. After engaging in the northern Virginia and Maryland Campaigns, he was made brigadier-general of volunteers, 1 October, 1862. He led his brigade at Chancellorsville, and in May, 1863, was assigned to the command of the Department of Dakota, where he soon gained note by his expeditions against northwestern Indians, especially in the engagement at White Stone Hill, 3 September, 1863, that at Tah-kah-hakuty, 28 July, 1864. and the skirmish in the Bad Lands, 8 August, 1864. He was given the brevet of major-general of volunteers, and that of brigadier-general in the regular army, at the close of the war, and subsequently served on the board of promotion, and was on special service in the Interior Department at Washington. He was made lieutenant-colonel, 28 July, 1866, and colonel of the 10th U.S. Infantry, 10 December, 1872. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp 743-744.

SULPHUR BRANCH TRESTLE, ALABAMA, September 25, 1864. Detachments of mth U. S. Colored Infantry, 9th Indiana and 3d Tennessee Cavalry. During Forrest's raid into Alabama and Tennessee he approached the bridge over Sulphur branch on the morning of the 25th. The garrison there had been reinforced, and on the appearance of the enemy it was all called into the blockhouse. After several hours of desperate resistance the Federals were overpowered and compelled to surrender to a greatly superior number. While the casualties for the whole Union command were not definitely reported they amounted in the detachments of the mth U. S. Colored infantry and 9th Indiana cavalry to 47 killed, 6 wounded and 379 captured. No Confederate losses were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 860.

SULPHUR SPRINGS, VIRGINIA, November 15, 1862. (See Warrenton Springs, same date.)

SULPHUR SPRINGS, VIRGINIA, October 12, 1863. 2nd Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac. While the Army of the Potomac was retiring before Lee's advance in the Bristoe campaign General D. McM. Gregg's cavalry division was ordered to Sulphur or Warrenton Springs to guard the upper fords of the Rappahannock river. The enemy's advancing infantry and artillery proved too strong for the cavalry and it was compelled to withdraw across the Hedgeman fork of the Rappahannock. No casualties were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 860.

SULPHUR SPRINGS ROAD, ALABAMA, April 11, 1864. (See Kelley's Plantation. )

April 2, 1865. (See Selma, same date.)

SUMMERVILLE, MISSISSIPPI, November 26. 1862. 7th Illinois Cavalry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 861.

SUMMERVILLE, WEST VIRGINIA, August 26, 1861. (See Cross Lanes.)

Summerville, West Virginia, July 25, 1862. Detachment of the 9th Virginia Infantry. Companies A. and F, under Lieutenant-Col . Starr, were stationed at Summerville. About 4 a. m. on the 25th the pickets were rapidly driven in and in a short time the streets were filled with Confederate cavalry. The surprise was complete. Starr and most of his men were captured, their stores destroyed, after which the enemy set fire to the town. Over 50 of the Union soldiers managed to escape and reached the camp of the 11th Ohio infantry at Gauley. They estimated the enemy's strength at 200 men. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 861.

SUMMIT POINT, WEST VIRGINIA, October 7, 1863. (See Charlestown, same date.)

SUMMIT POINT, WEST VIRGINIA, August 21, 1864. Reserve Cavalry Brigade. While this brigade was proceeding down the Charlestown pike it was attacked at the intersection of the Summit Point road and skirmished with the enemy until Rippon was reached. The casualties were not reported. The affair occurred during the Shenandoah Valley campaign. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 861.

SUMNER, Charles, 1811-1874, Boston, Massachusetts, statesman, lawyer, writer, editor, educator, reformer, peace advocate, anti-slavery political leader.  U.S. Senatorial candidate on the Free Soil ticket.  Entered the Senate in December 1851.  He was the earliest and most important anti-slavery voice in the Senate.  He opposed the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854.  Sumner was an organizer and co-founder of the Republican Party.  He was severely beaten on the Senate floor by pro-slavery Senator Preston S. Brooks.  It took him three and a half years to recover.  Strong supporter of Lincoln and the Union. He was among the first to support emancipation of slaves.  As a U.S. Senator, voted for Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery.

(Blue, 1994, 2005; Mabee, 1970, pp. 74, 103, 173, 178, 248, 354, 261, 299, 329, 337, 356, 368, 393n17; Mitchell, 2007, pp. 60, 62, 67-68, 89, 174, 238, 243; Potter, 1976; Rodriguez, 2007, pp. 54, 59, 201-203, 298, 657-660; Sewell, 1988; Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 744-750; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 9, Pt. 2, p. 214; American Reformers: An H.W. Wilson Biographical Dictionary, New York, 1985, pp. 783-785; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 21, p. 137; Congressional Globe; Donald, David. Charles Sumner and the Coming of the Civil War. New York: Knopf, 1960.)

SUMNER, Charles, statesman, born in Boston, Massachusetts, 6 January, 1811; died in Washington, D. C., 11 March, 1874. The family is English, and William Sumner, from whom Charles was descended in the seventh generation, came to America about 1635 with his wife and three sons, and settled in Dorchester, Massachusetts. The Sumner’s were generally farmers. Job, grandfather of Charles, entered Harvard in 1774, but in the next year he joined the Revolutionary Army, and served with distinction during the war. He was not graduated, but he received in 1785 an honorary degree from the college. He died in 1789, aged thirty-three. Charles Pinckney Sumner (born 1776, died 1839), father of Charles, was graduated at Harvard in 1796. He was a lawyer and was sheriff of Suffolk County from 1825 until a few days before his death. In 1810 he married Relief Jacob, of Hanover, New Hampshire, and they had nine children, of whom Charles and Matilda were the eldest and twins. Matilda died in 1832. Sheriff Sumner was an upright, grave, formal man, of the old Puritan type, fond of literature and public life. His anti-slavery convictions were very strong, and he foretold a violent end to slavery in this country. In his family he was austere, and, as his income was small, strict economy was indispensable. Charles was a quiet boy, early matured, and soon showed the bent of his mind by the purchase for a few cents of a Latin grammar and '”Liber Primus” from a comrade at school. In his eleventh year he was placed at the Latin-school where Wendell Phillips, Robert C. Winthrop, James Freeman Clarke, and other boys, afterward distinguished men, were pupils. Sumner excelled in the classics, in general information, and in writing essays, but he was not especially distinguished. Just as he left the Latin-school for college he heard President John Quincy Adams speak in Faneuil hall, and at about the same time he heard Daniel Webster's eulogy upon Adams and Jefferson. It was in a New England essentially unchanged from the older, but refined and softened, that Sumner grew up. At the age of fifteen he was reserved and thoughtful, caring little for sports, slender, tall, and awkward. His thirst for knowledge of every kind, with singular ability and rapidity in acquiring it, was already remarkable. He had made a compend of English history in eighty-six pages of a copybook, and had read Gibbon's history.

In September, 1826, he began his studies at Harvard. In the classics and history and forensics, and in belles-lettres, he was among the best scholars. But he failed entirely in mathematics. His memory was extraordinary and his reading extensive. Without dissipation of any kind and without sensitiveness to humor, generous in his judgment of his comrades, devoted to his books, and going little into society, he was a general favorite, although his college life gave no especial promise of a distinguished career. In his junior year he made his first journey from home, in a pedestrian tour with some classmates to Lake Champlain, returning by the Hudson River and the city of New York. In 1830 he was graduated, and devoted himself for a year to a wide range of reading and study in the Latin classics and in general literature. He resolutely grappled with mathematics to repair the defect in his education in that branch of study, wrote a prize essay on commerce, and listened carefully to the Boston orators, Webster, Everett, Choate, and Channing. No day, no hour, no opportunity, was lost by him in the pursuit of knowledge. His first interest in public questions was awakened by the anti-Masonic movement, which he held to be a “great and good cause,” two adjectives that were always associated in his estimate of causes and of men. Mindful of Dr. Johnson's maxim, he diligently maintained his friendships by correspondence and intercourse. On 1 September, 1831, he entered Harvard Law-School, of which Judge Joseph Story was the chief professor. Story had been a friend of Sumner's father, and his friendly regard for the son soon ripened into an affection and confidence that never ceased. Sumner was now six feet and two inches in height, but weighing only 120 pounds, and not personally attractive. He was never ill, and was an untiring walker; his voice was strong and clear, his smile quick and sincere, his laugh loud, and his intellectual industry and his memory were extraordinary. He began the study of law with the utmost enthusiasm, giving himself a wide range, keeping careful notes of the moot-court cases, writing for the “American Jurist,” and preparing a catalogue of the library of the Law-school. He joined the temperance society of the professional schools and the college. His acquirements were already large, but he was free from vanity. His mental habit was so serious that, while his talk was interesting, he was totally disconcerted by a jest or gay repartee. He had apparently no ambition except to learn as much as he could, and his life then, as always, was pure in word and deed.

The agitation of the question of slavery had already begun. “The Liberator” was established by Mr. Garrison in Boston on 1 January, 1831. The “nullification movement” in South Carolina occurred while Sumner was at the Law-school. He praised President Jackson's proclamation, and saw civil war impending; but he wrote to a friend in 1832: “Politics I begin to loathe; they are for a day, but the law is for all time.” He entered the law-office of Benjamin Rand, in Boston, in January, 1834, wrote copiously for the “Jurist,” and went to Washington for the first time in April. The favor of Judge Story opened to Sumner the pleasantest houses at the capital, and his professional and general accomplishments secured an ever-widening welcome. But Washington only deepened his love for the law and his aversion to politics. In September, 1834, he was admitted to the bar. During the month that he passed in Washington, Sumner described his first impression of the unfortunate race to whose welfare his life was to be devoted: “For the first time I saw slaves [on the journey through Maryland], and my worst preconception of their appearance and ignorance did not fall as low as their actual stupidity. They appear to be nothing more than moving masses of flesh, unendowed with anything of intelligence above the brutes. I have now an idea of the blight upon that part of our country in which they live.” Anticipating hearing Calhoun, he says: “He will be the last man I shall ever hear speak in Washington.” In 1835 he was appointed by Judge Story a commissioner of the circuit court of the United States and reporter of Story's judicial opinions, and he began to teach in the Law-school during the judge's absence. This service he continued in 1836-'7, and he aided in preparing a digest of the decisions of the Supreme Court of Maine. He wrote upon literary and legal topics, he lectured and edited and pleaded, and he was much overworked in making a bare livelihood. In 1835 his interest in the slavery question deepened. The first newspaper for which he subscribed was “The Liberator,” and he writes to Dr. Francis Lieber, then professor in the college at Columbia, South Carolina: “What think you of it? [slavery] Should it longer exist? Is not emancipation practicable? We are becoming Abolitionists, at the north, fast.” The next year, 1836, his “blood boils” at an indignity offered by a slave master to the Boston counsel of a fugitive slave. Sumner now saw much of Channing, by whose wisdom and devotion to freedom he was deeply influenced. His articles in the “Jurist” had opened correspondence with many eminent European publicists. His friends at home were chiefly among scholars, and already Longfellow was one of his intimate companions. In the summer of 1836 he made a journey to Canada, and in December, 1837, he sailed for France.

He carried letters from distinguished Americans to distinguished Europeans, and his extraordinary diligence in study and his marvellous memory had equipped him for turning every opportunity to the best account. During his absence he kept a careful diary and wrote long letters, many of which are printed in the memoir by Edward L. Pierce, and there is no more graphic and interesting picture than they present of the social and professional life at that time of the countries he visited. Sumner remained in Paris for five months, and carefully improved every hour. He attended 150 university lectures by the most renowned professors. He walked the hospitals with the great surgeons. He frequented the courts and theatres and operas and libraries and museums. He was a guest in the most famous salons, and he saw and noted everything, not as a loiterer, but as a student. On 31 May, 1838, he arrived in England, where he remained for ten months. No American had ever been so universally received and liked, and Carlyle characteristically described him as “Popularity Sumner.” He saw and studied England in every aspect, and in April, 1839, went to Italy and devoted himself to the study of its language, history, and literature, with which, however, he was already familiar. In Rome, where he remained for some months, he met the sculptor Thomas Crawford, whom he warmly befriended. Early in October, 1839, he left Italy for Germany, in the middle of March, 1840, he was again in England, and in May, 1840, he returned to America.

He showed as yet no sign of political ambition. The “hard-cider campaign” of 1840, the contest between Harrison and Van Buren, began immediately after his return. He voted for Harrison, but without especial interest in the measures of the Whig Party. In announcing to a brother, then in Europe, the result of the election, he wrote: “I take very little interest in politics.” The murder of Lovejoy in November, 1837, and the meeting in Faneuil Hall, where Wendell Phillips made his memorable speech, and the local disturbances that attended the progress of the anti-slavery agitation throughout the northern states, had plainly revealed the political situation. But Sumner's letters during the year after his return from Europe do not show that the question of slavery had especially impressed him, while his friends were in the most socially delightful circles of conservative Boston. But in 1841 the assertion by Great Britain, of a right to stop any suspected slaver to ascertain her right to carry the American flag, produced great excitement. Sumner at once showed his concern for freedom and his interest in great questions of law by maintaining in two elaborate articles, published in a Boston newspaper early in 1842, the right and the justice of such an inquiry. Kent, Story, Choate, and Theodore Sedgwick approved his position. This was his first appearance in the anti-slavery controversy. In 1842 Daniel Webster, as Secretary of State, wrote his letter upon the case of the “Creole,” contending that the slaves who had risen against the ship's officers should not be liberated by the British authorities at Nassau. Sumner strongly condemned the letter, and took active part in the discussion. He contended that the slaves were manumitted by the common law upon passing beyond the domain of the local law of slavery; and if this were not so, the piracy charged was an offence under the local statute and not under the law of nations, and no government could be summoned to surrender offenders against the municipal law of other governments. In April, 1842, he writes: “The question of slavery is getting to be the absorbing one among us, and growing out of this is that other of the Union.” He adjured Longfellow to write verses that should move the whole land against the iniquity. But his social relations were still undisturbed, and his unbounded admiration of Webster showed his generous mind. “With the moral devotion of Channing,” he said of Webster, “he would be a prophet.”

In July, 1843, Sumner published in the “North American Review” an article defending Commodore Alexander Slidell Mackenzie for his action in the case of the “Somers” mutiny, when a son of John C. Spencer, Secretary of War, was executed. He published also a paper upon the political relations of slavery, justifying the moral agitation of the question. In this year he contributed largely to the “Law Reporter,” and taught for the last time in the Law-school. In the election of 1844 Sumner took no part. He had no special sympathy with Whig views of the tariff and the bank, and already slavery seemed to him to be the chief public question. He was a Whig, as he said in 1848, because it seemed to him the party of humanity, and John Quincy Adams was the statesman whom he most admired. He was overwhelmed with professional work, which brought on a serious illness. But his activity was unabated, and he was elected a member of various learned societies. His letters during 1844 show his profound interest in the slavery question. He speaks of the “atrocious immorality of John Tyler in seeking to absorb Texas,” and “the disgusting vindication of slavery” by Calhoun, which he regrets that he is too busy to answer. In 1845 he was deeply interested in the question of popular education, and was one of the intimate advisers of Horace Mann. Prison-discipline was another question that commanded his warmest interest, and his first public speech was made upon this subject at a meeting of the Prison-discipline Society, in May, 1845. This was followed, on 4 July, by the annual oration before the civil authorities of Boston, upon “The True Grandeur of Nations.” The oration was a plea for peace and a vehement denunciation of war, delivered, in commemoration of an armed revolutionary contest, to an audience largely military and in military array. This discourse was the prototype of all Sumner's speeches. It was an elaborate treatise, full of learning and precedent and historical illustration, of forcible argument and powerful moral appeal. The effect was immediate and striking. There were great indignation and warm protest on the one hand, and upon the other sincere congratulation and high compliment. Sumner's view of the absolute wrong and iniquity of war under all circumstances was somewhat modified subsequently; but the great purpose of a peaceful solution of international disputes he never relinquished. The oration revealed to the country an orator hitherto unknown even to himself and his friends. It showed a moral conviction, intrepidity, and independence, and a relentless vigor of statement, which were worthy of the best traditions of New England. Just four months later, on 4 November, 1845, Sumner made in Faneuil hall his first anti-slavery speech, at a meeting of which Charles Francis Adams was chairman, to protest against the admission of Texas. This first speech had all the characteristics of the last important speech he ever made. It was brief, but sternly bold, uncompromising, aggressive, and placed Sumner at once in the van of the political anti-slavery movement. He was not an Abolitionist in the Garrisonian sense. He held that slavery was sectional, not national; that the constitution was meant to be a bond of national liberty as well as union, and nowhere countenanced the theory that there could be property in men; that it was to be judicially interpreted always in the interest of freedom; and that, by rigorous legal restriction and the moral force of public opinion, slavery would be forced to disappear. This was subsequently the ground held by the Republican Party. Sumner added to his reputation by an elaborate oration at Cambridge, in August, 1846, upon “The Scholar, the Jurist, the Artist, the Philanthropist,” of which the illustrations were his personal friends, then recently dead, John Pickering, Judge Story, Washington Allston, and Dr. Channing. The reference to Channing gave him the opportunity, which he improved, to urge the duty of anti-slavery action. It was the first time that the burning question of the hour had been discussed in the scholastic seclusion of the university.

In September, 1846, at the Whig State Convention held in Faneuil Hall, Sumner spoke upon the “Anti-Slavery Duties of the Whig Party,” concluding with an impassioned appeal to Mr. Webster to lead the Whigs as an anti-slavery party. He sent the speech to Mr. Webster, who, in replying coolly, politely regretted that they differed in regard to political duty. In October, Sumner wrote a public letter to Robert C. Winthrop, representative in Congress from Boston, censuring him severely for his vote in support of the Mexican War. He wrote as a Whig constituent of Mr. Winthrop's, and during his absence from Boston he was nominated for Congress, against Mr. Winthrop, by a meeting of Whigs, including Charles Francis Adams and John A. Andrew. But he immediately and peremptorily declined, and he warmly supported Dr. Samuel G. Howe, who was nominated in his place. During this period, when “Conscience Whigs” were separating from “Cotton Whigs,” Sumner was untiring in his public activity. He spoke often, and he argued before the supreme court of the state the invalidity of enlistments for the Mexican War, and delivered a lecture upon “White Slavery in the Barbary States,” which was elaborated into a pamphlet, and was a valuable historical study of the subject. In June, 1847, a speech upon prison-discipline showed his interest in the question to be unabated. On 29 September, 1847, he spoke for the last time as a Whig, in the State Convention at Springfield, in support of a resolution that Massachusetts Whigs would support only an anti-slavery man for the presidency. The resolution was lost, and upon the Whig nomination of General Zachary Taylor, 1 June, 1848, a convention of anti-slavery men of both parties was called at Worcester on 28 June, at which Sumner, Charles Francis Adams, Samuel Hoar (who presided), and his son, E. Rockwood Hoar, with many other well-known Whigs, withdrew from the Whig Party and organized the Free-soil Party. “If two evils are presented to me,” said Sumner in his speech, alluding to Cass and Taylor, “I will take neither.” Sumner was chairman of the Free-Soil State Committee, which conducted the campaign in Massachusetts for Van Buren and Adams, nominated at the Buffalo Convention. In October, 1848, he was nominated for Congress in the Boston District, receiving 2,336 votes against 1,460 for the Democratic candidate. But Mr. Winthrop received 7,726, and was elected. In May, 1849, he renewed his plea for peace in an exhaustive address before the American peace Society on “The War System of the Commonwealth of Nations,” and on 5 November, 1850, his speech, after the passage of the Fugitive-Slave Law, was like a war-cry for the Free-Soil Party, and was said to have made him senator. In the election of members of the legislature the Free-Soilers and Democrats united, and at a caucus of members of the Free-Soil Party Sumner was unanimously selected as their candidate for U. S. Senator. He was more acceptable to the Democrats because he had never been an extreme Whig, and the Democratic caucus, with almost equal unanimity, made him its candidate. The legislature then chose George S. Boutwell governor, Henry W. Cushman lieutenant-governor, and Robert Rantoul, Jr., senator for the short term. These were all Democrats. The House of Representatives voted, on 14 January, 1851, for senator, casting 381 votes, with 191 necessary to a choice. Sumner received 186, Robert C. Winthrop 167, scattering 28, blanks 3. On 22 January, of 38 votes in the Senate, Sumner received 23, Winthrop 14, and H. W. Bishop 1, and Sumner was chosen by the Senate. The contest in the house continued for three months. Sumner was entreated to modify some expressions in his last speech; but he refused, saying that he did not desire the office, and on 22 February he asked Henry Wilson, President of the Senate, and the Free-Soil members, to abandon him whenever they could elect another candidate. On 24 April, Sumner was elected senator by 193 votes, precisely the necessary number of the votes cast.

When he took his seat in the Senate he was as distinctively the uncompromising representative of freedom and the north as Calhoun had been of slavery and the south. But it was not until 26 August, 1852, just after the Democratic and Whig national Conventions had acquiesced in the compromises of 1850, that Sumner delivered his first important speech, “Freedom National, Slavery Sectional.” It treated the relations of the national government to slavery, and the true nature of the constitutional provision in regard to fugitives. The speech made a profound impression. The general view was accepted at once by the anti-slavery party as sound. The argument seemed to the anti-slavery sentiment to be unanswerable. Seward and Chase both described it as “great,” and it was evident that another warrior thoroughly equipped was now to be encountered by the slave power. On 23 January, 1854, Stephen A. Douglas introduced the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, by which the Missouri Compromise was repealed, and on 21 February, 1854, Sumner opposed it in a speech characteristically comprehensive and exhaustive, reviewing the history of the restriction of slavery. On the eve of the passage of the bill he made a solemn and impressive protest, and his reply to assailants, 28 June, 1854, stung his opponents to madness. He was now the most unsparing, the most feared, and the most hated opponent of slavery in Congress. On 17 March, 1856, Mr. Douglas introduced a bill for the admission of Kansas as a state. On 19 and 20 May, Sumner delivered a speech on the “Crime against Kansas,” which again aroused the country, and in which he spoke, in reference to the slave and free-soil factions in Kansas, of “the fury of the propagandists and the calm determination of their opponents,” who through the whole country were “marshalling hostile divisions, and foreshadowing a conflict which, unless happily averted by freedom, will become war—fratricidal, parricidal war.” It provoked the bitterest rejoinders in the Senate, to which Sumner replied contemptuously. In his speech he had sharply censured Senator Butler, of South Carolina, and Senator Douglas, and two days after the delivery of the speech, as Sumner was sitting after the adjournment writing at his desk alone in the Senate-chamber, Preston Smith Brooks, a relative of Butler's and a representative from South Carolina, entered the chamber, and, after speaking a few words to Sumner, struck him violently upon the head with a bludgeon, and while Sumner was trying in vain to extricate himself from the desk and seize his assailant, the blows continued until he sank bloody and senseless to the floor. This event startled the country as a presage of civil war. The excitement was universal and profound. The House of Representatives refused to give the two-third vote necessary to expel Brooks, but he resigned and appealed to his constituents, and was unanimously re-elected. Sumner was long incapacitated for public service. On 3 November, 1856, he returned to Boston to vote, and was received with acclamation by the people and with the highest honor by the state and city authorities. On 13 January, 1857, he was re-elected senator, receiving all but ten votes, and on 7 March, 1857, he sailed for Europe, where he submitted to the severest medical treatment. With characteristic energy and industry, in the intervals of suffering, he devoted himself to a thorough study of the art and history of engraving.

For nearly four years he was absent from his seat in the Senate, which he resumed on 5 December, 1859, at the opening of the session. He was still feeble, and took no part in debate until the middle of March, and on 4 June, 1860, on the question of admitting Kansas as a free state, he delivered a speech upon “The Barbarism of Slavery,” which showed his powers untouched and his ardor unquenched. Mr. Lincoln had been nominated for the presidency, and Sumner's speech was the last comprehensive word in the parliamentary debate of freedom and slavery. The controversy could now be settled only by arms. This conviction was undoubtedly the explanation of the angry silence with which the speech was heard in the Senate by the friends of slavery. During the winter of secession that followed the election Sumner devoted himself to the prevention of any form of compromise, believing that it would be only a base and fatal surrender of constitutional principles. He made no speeches during the session. By the withdrawal of southern senators the Senate was left with a Republican majority, and in the reconstruction of committees on 8 March, 1861, Sumner was made chairman of the committee on foreign affairs. For this place he was peculiarly fitted. His knowledge of international law, of the history of other states, and of their current politics, was comprehensive and exact, and during the intense excitement arising from the seizure of the “Trent” he rendered the country a signal service in placing the surrender of Slidell and Mason upon the true ground. (See MASON, JAMES MURRAY.) While there was universal acquiescence in the decision of the government to surrender the commissioners, there was not universal satisfaction and pride until on 9 January, 1862, Sumner, in one of his ablest speeches, showed incontestably that our own principles, constantly maintained by us, required the surrender. One of the chief dangers throughout the Civil War was the possible action of foreign powers, and especially of England, where iron-clad rams were being built for the Confederacy, and on 10 September, 1863, Sumner delivered in New York a speech upon “Our Foreign Relations,” which left nothing unsaid. Happily, on 8 September, Lord Russell had informed the American minister, Charles Francis Adams, that the rams would not be permitted to leave English ports.

Throughout the war, both in Congress and upon the platform, Sumner was very urgent for emancipation, and when the war ended he was equally anxious to secure entire equality of rights for the new citizens. But while firm upon this point, and favoring the temporary exclusion of recent Confederates from political power, he opposed the proposition to change the jury law for the trial of Jefferson Davis, and disclaimed every feeling of vengeance. He was strong in his opposition to President Andrew Johnson and his policy. But the great measure of the Johnson administration, the acquisition of Alaska by treaty, was supported by Sumner in a speech on 9 April, 1867, which is an exhaustive history of Russian America. He voted affirmatively upon all the articles of impeachment of President Johnson, which in a long opinion he declared to be one of the last great battles with slavery.

Early in the administration of President Grant, 10 April, 1869, Sumner opposed the Johnson-Clarendon Treaty with England, as affording no means of adequate settlement of our British claims. In this speech he asserted the claim for indirect or consequential damages, which afterward was proposed as part of the American case at the Geneva arbitration, but was discarded. In his message of 5 December, 1870, President Grant, regretting the failure of the treaty to acquire Santo Domingo, strongly urged its acquisition. Sumner strenuously opposed the project on the ground that it was not the wish of the “black republic,” and that Baez, with whom, as president of the Dominican Republic, the negotiation had been irregularly conducted, was an adventurer, held in his place by an unconstitutional use of the navy of the United States. Sumner's opposition led to a personal rupture with the president and the Secretary of State, and to alienation from the Republican senators, in consequence of which, on 10 March, 1871, he was removed, by the Republican majority of the Senate, from the chairmanship of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. He was assigned the chairmanship of the Committee on Privileges and Elections; but, upon his own motion, his name was stricken out. On 24 March he introduced resolutions, which he advocated in a powerful speech, severely arraigning the president for his course in regard to Santo Domingo. In December, 1871, he refused again to serve as chairman of the Committee on Privileges and Elections. Early in 1872 he introduced a supplementary civil-rights bill, which, since January, 1870, he had vainly sought to bring before the Senate. It was intended to secure complete equality for colored citizens in every relation that law could effect; but it was thought to be unwise and impracticable by other Republican senators, and as drawn by Sumner it was not supported by them. He introduced, 12 February, 1872, resolutions of inquiry, aimed at the administration, into the sale of arms to France during the German War. An acrimonious debate arose, during which Sumner's course was sharply criticised by some of his party colleagues, and he and Senators Trumbull, Schurz, and Fenton were known as anti-Grant Republicans.

Sumner was urged to attend the Liberal or anti-Grant Republican Convention, to be held at Cincinnati, 1 May, which nominated Horace Greeley for the presidency, and the chairmanship, and authority to write the platform were offered to him as inducements. But he declined, and in the Senate, 31 May, declaring himself a Republican of the straitest sect, he denounced Grantism as not Republicanism in a speech implying that he could not support Grant as the presidential candidate of the party. The Republican Convention, 5 June, unanimously renominated Grant, and the Democratic Convention, 9 June, adopted the Cincinnati platform and candidates. In reply to a request for advice from the colored citizens of Washington, 29 July, Sumner, in a long letter, advised the support of Greeley, on the general ground that principles must be preferred to party. In a sharp letter to Speaker Blaine, 5 August, he set forth the reasons of the course he had taken.

But the strain of the situation was too severe. His physicians ordered him to seek recreation in Europe, and he sailed early in September, leaving the manuscript of a speech he had proposed to deliver in Faneuil Hall at a meeting of Liberal Republicans. He opposed the election of Grant upon the ground that he was unfaithful to the constitution and to Republican principles, and otherwise unfitted for the presidency; and he supported Greeley as an original and unswerving Republican, nominated by Republicans, whose adoption as a candidate by the Democratic Party proved the honest acquiescence of that party in the great results of the Civil War. He returned from Europe in time for the opening of the session, 2 December, 1872. The Republican majority omitted him altogether in the arrangement of the committees, leaving him to be placed by the Democratic minority. But Sumner declined to serve upon any committee, and did not attend the Republican caucus. On the first day of the session he introduced a bill forbidding the names of battles with fellow-citizens to be continued in the army register or placed on the regimental colors of the United States. From this time he took no party part and made no political speech, pleading only for equality of civil rights for colored citizens. At the next session, 1 December, 1873, he was placed on several committees, not as chairman, but as one of the minority, and he did not refuse to serve, but attended no meetings. During this session the cordial relations between Sumner and the Republicans were almost wholly restored, and in Massachusetts the Republican feeling for him was very friendly. Again, promptly but vainly, 2 December, 1873, he asked consideration of the civil-rights bill. On 27 January, 1874, he made for the bill a last brief appeal, and on 11 March, 1874, after a short illness, he died. The bill that was his last effort to serve the race to whose welfare his public life had been devoted was reported, 14 April, 1874, substantially as originally drawn, and passed the Senate, 22 May. But it failed in the house, and the civil-rights bill, approved 1 March, 1875, was a law of less scope than his, and has been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

Sumner's death was universally lamented. One of the warmest and most striking eulogies was that of Lucius Q. C. Lamar, then a representative in Congress from Mississippi, who had been a sincere disciple of Calhoun and a Confederate officer, but who recognized in Sumner a kindred earnestness and fidelity. The later differences with his party were forgotten when Sumner died, and only his great service to the country in the most perilous hour, and his uncompromising devotion to the enslaved race, were proudly and enthusiastically remembered. Among American statesmen his life especially illustrates the truth he early expressed, that politics is but the application of moral principles to public affairs. Throughout his public career he was the distinctive representative of the moral conviction and political purpose of New England. His ample learning and various accomplishments were rivalled among American public men only by those of John Quincy Adams, and during all the fury of political passion in which he lived there was never a whisper or suspicion of his political honesty or his personal integrity. He was fortunate in the peculiar adaptation of his qualities to his time. His profound conviction, supreme conscientiousness, indomitable will, affluent resources, and inability to compromise, his legal training, serious temper, and untiring energy, were indispensable in the final stages of the slavery controversy, and he had them all in the highest degree. “There is no other side,” he said to a friend with fervor, and Cromwell's Ironsides did not ride into the fight more absolutely persuaded that they were doing the will of God than Charles Sumner. For ordinary political contests he had no taste, and at another time and under other circumstances he would probably have been an all-accomplished scholar or learned judge, unknown in political life. Of few men could it be said more truly than of him that he never lost a day. He knew most of the famous men and women of his time, and he was familiar with the contemporaneous political, literary, and artistic movement in every country. In public life he was often accounted a man of one idea; but his speeches upon the “Trent” case, the Russian treaty, and our foreign relations showed the fulness of his knowledge and the variety of his interest. He was dogmatic, often irritable with resolute opposition to his views, and of generous self-esteem, but he was of such child-like simplicity and kindliness that the poisonous sting of vanity and malice was wanting. During the difference between Sumner and his fellow-Republicans in the Senate, one of them said that he had no enemy but himself, and Sumner refused to speak to him for the rest of the session. But the next autumn his friend stepped into an omnibus in New York in which Sumner was sitting, and, entirely forgetting the breach, greeted him with the old warmth. Sumner responded as warmly, and at once the old intimacy was completely restored. From envy or any form of ill-nature he was wholly free. No man was more constant and unsparing in the warfare with slavery and in the demand of equality for the colored race; but no soldier ever fought with less personal animosity. He was absolutely fearless. During the heat of the controversy in Congress his life was undoubtedly in danger, and he was urged to carry a pistol for his defence. He laughed, and said that he had never fired a pistol in his life, and, in case of extremity, before he could possibly get it out of his pocket he would be shot. But the danger was so real that, unknown to himself, he was for a long time under the constant protection of armed friends in Washington. The savage assault of Brooks undoubtedly shortened Sumner's life, but to a friend who asked him how he felt toward his assailant, he answered: “As to a brick that should fall upon my head from a chimney. He was the unconscious agent of a malign power.” Personally, in his later years, Sumner was of commanding presence, very tall, and of a stalwart frame. His voice was full, deep, and resonant, his elocution declamatory, stately, and earnest. His later speeches in the Senate he read from printed slips, but his speech upon Alaska, which occupied three hours in the delivery, was spoken from notes written upon a single sheet of paper, and it was subsequently written out. Few of the bills drawn by him became laws, but he influenced profoundly legislation upon subjects in which he was most interested. He was four times successively elected to the Senate, and when he died he was the senior senator of the United States in consecutive service. In October, 1866, when he was fifty-five years old, Sumner married Mrs. Alice Mason Hooper, of Boston, daughter-in-law of his friend, Samuel Hooper, representative in Congress. The union was very brief, and in September, 1867, Mr. and Mrs. Sumner, for reasons that were never divulged, were separated, and they were ultimately divorced. Of the “Memoir and Letters of Charles Sumner,” written by his friend and literary executor, Edward L. Pierce, two volumes, covering the period to 1845, have been published (Boston, 1877). His complete works in fifteen volumes are also published (Boston, 1870-'83). The notes by himself and his executors supply a chronology of his public career. There are several portraits of Sumner. A crayon drawing by Eastman Johnson (1846) hung in Longfellow's study, and is engraved in Pierce's memoir. A large daguerreotype (1853) is also engraved in the memoir. A crayon by William W. Story (1854) for Lord Morpeth is now at Castle Howard, Yorkshire. An oil portrait by Moses Wight (1856) is in the Boston public library, another by Morrison (1856) in the library of Harvard College. A portrait by Edgar Parker was painted several years before his death. There is a photograph in the “Memorial History of Boston”; a photograph (1869) engraved in his works; another (1871) engraved in the city memorial volume of Sumner; a full-length portrait by Henry Ulke (1873) for the Haytian government—copy presented to the state of Massachusetts by James Wormely (1884), now in the State library; a photograph (1873), the last likeness ever taken, engraved in the state memorial volume; Thomas Crawford's bust (1839) in the Boston art museum; Martin Milmore's bust (1874) in the state-house, a copy of which is in the Metropolitan art museum, New York; a bronze statue by Thomas Ball (1878) in the Public garden, Boston; and a statuette in plaster by Miss Whitney (1877), an admirable likeness. The illustration on page 747 represents Mr. Sumner's tomb in Mt. Auburn cemetery, near Boston. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 744-750.


SUMNER, Charles Allen, stenographer, born in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, 2 August, 1835. His father, Judge Increase Sumner, was a distant relative of the Increase that is noted elsewhere. The son studied at Trinity, but was not graduated. He subsequently studied law, and was admitted to the bar, but his chief attention was given to the practice of stenography. In 1856 he sailed for California, and reported for the legislature in 1857–61. He settled at San Francisco, and between the legislative sessions he was engaged in the state and county courts, in law-reporting, and general editorial duties till 1860, when he entered the Republican canvass. The following year he edited the “Herald and Mirror,” in which his opposition to the “Shafter” Land Bill succeeded in defeating it. Removing to Virginia City, Nevada, Mr. Sumner was made assistant-quartermaster in the U.S. forces in 1862, became colonel in 1864, and served as state senator in 1865–8, being pro tempore during one session. Meanwhile he had been twice an unsuccessful Republican candidate for Congress. He returned to San Francisco in 1868, and began to advocate a government postal telegraph in the “Herald,” of which he was editor. After this he was appointed official note-taker of the city, and in 1875 and 1880 official reporter of the Supreme Court. In 1878 he was defeated as a Democratic candidate for Congress, but he was elected in 1882. There he opposed the Pacific Railroads, and introduced a postal telegraph bill. Trinity gave him the degree of A. M. in 1887. He has published “Shorthand and Reporting” (New York, 1882); “Golden Gate Sketches” (1884); “Travel in Southern Europe” (1885); and “Sumner’s Poems,” with his brother, Samuel B. Sumner (1887). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 750

SUMNER, Edwin Vose, soldier, born in Boston, Massachusetts., 30 January, 1797; died in Syracuse, New York, 21 March, 1863. Young Sumner was educated at Milton (Massachusetts.) Academy, and entered the army in 1819 as 2d lieutenant of infantry. He served in the Black Hawk War, became captain of the 2d U.S. Dragoons in 1833, and was employed on the western frontier, where he distinguished himself as an Indian fighter. In 1838 he was placed in command of the School of Cavalry Practice at Carlisle, Pennsylvania. He was promoted major in 1846, and in the Mexican War led the cavalry charge at Cerro Gordo in April, 1847, commanded the reserves at Contreras and Churubusco, and at the head of the cavalry at Molino del Rey checked the advance of 5,000 Mexican lancers. He was governor of New Mexico in 1851–’3, when he visited Europe to report on improvements in cavalry. In 1855 he was promoted colonel of the 1st U.S. Cavalry, and made a successful expedition against the Cheyennes. In command of the Department of the West in 1858 he rendered efficient service during the Kansas troubles. In March, 1861, he was appointed brigadier-general in the regular army, and sent to relieve General Albert Sidney Johnston, in command of the Department of the Pacific, but was recalled in the following year to the command of the 1st Corps of the Army of the Potomac. He commanded the left wing at the siege of Yorktown, At Fair Oaks, where McClellan's army was divided by the Chickahominy and the left wing was heavily attacked, the orders to Sumner to cross the river and re-enforce that wing found him with his corps drawn out and ready to move instantly. In the seven days' battles he was twice wounded. In 1862 he was a appointed major-general of volunteers, led the 2d Corps at the battle of Antietam, where he was wounded, and commanded one of the three grand divisions of Burnside's army at Fredericksburg, his division being the first to cross the Rappahannock. At his own request, he was relieved in 1863, and, being appointed to the Department of the Missouri, he was on his way thither when he died. He was brevetted lieutenant-colonel for Cerro Gordo, colonel for Molino del Rey, and major-general in the regular army for services before Richmond. General Sumner's last words, as he with great effort waved a glass of wine above his head, were: “God save my country, the United States of America.”—His son, Edwin Vose, served with merit through the Civil War, and was appointed major of the 5th U.S. Cavalry in 1879, and inspector of rifle practice, Department of the Missouri, which place he still holds. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 751.

SUMTER, C. S. S., CAPTURE OF, March 13, 1864. Colonel W. R. Barton, of the 48th New York infantry, reported from Palatka on the 15th: "The steamer Sumter was captured on the 13th inst. in Big Lake George, 75 miles distant from this place, by the U. S. gunboat Columbine." A Confederate transport of the same name was sunk by the Union batteries on Sullivan's island, South Carolina (See Naval Volume for operations about Charleston Harbor.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 861.

SUMTERVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA, April 9, 1865. (See Dingle's Mill, same date.)

SUNDERLAND, Le Roy, Reverend, 1802-1885, Andover, Massachusetts, and New York, author, orator, abolitionist.  Manager, 1833-1836, 1836-1837, and founding member of the American Anti-Slavery Society, December 1833.  Sunderland was a member of the Executive Committee of the American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, 1840-1841.  Co-founder of anti-slavery Wesleyan Connection of America.  Founded first anti-slavery society in the Methodist Church.  Became editor of Zion’s Watchman anti-slavery periodical of the organization.

(Dumond, 1961, pp. 187, 349; Matlack, 1849, p. 162; Pease, 1965, pp. 280-297, 439-445; Sorin, 1971; Yellin, 1994, p. 43n; Abolitionist, Vol. I, No. XII, December, 1833; Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 1; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 9, Pt. 2, p. 222; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 21, p. 153)

SUNDERLAND, Le Roy, author, born in Exeter, Rhode Island, 18 May, 1802; died in Quincy, Massachusetts, 15 May, 1885. He was apprenticed to a shoemaker at East Greenwich, Rhode Island, was converted to Methodism, became a preacher at Walpole, Massachusetts, in 1823, and was soon known as an orator of great power. He was prominent in the temperance and anti-slavery movements, presided at the meeting in New York City in October, 1834, when the first Methodist anti-slavery society was organized, and in December wrote the “Appeal” to Methodists against slavery, which was signed by ministers of the church in New England. He was appointed a delegate to the first anti-slavery convention in the west at Cincinnati, in 1841, and to the World's Convention in 1843, in London. His preaching was attended by strange phenomena. Under his first sermon the entire audience was “struck down by the power of God,” as it was then called; and ever afterward when he preached with reference to the awakening of sinners such manifestations appeared to a greater or less extent. His study of such phenomena had doubtless a determinative effect in his subsequent denial of Christianity, which he opposed during forty years preceding his death. He edited “The Watchman” in New York in 1836-'43; “The Magnet” in 1842-'3; “The Spirit World,” at Boston, in 1850-'2; and was a large contributor to various religious periodicals. He published “Biblical Institutes” (New York, 1834); “Appeal on the Subject of Slavery” (Boston, 1834); “History of the United States” (New York, 1834); “History of South America” (1834); “Testimony of God against Slavery” (Boston, 1834); “Anti-Slavery Manual” (New York, 1837); “Mormonism Exposed” (1842); “Pathetism, with Practical Instructions” (1843); “Book of Health” (1847); “Pathetism: Man considered in Respect to his Soul, Mind, Spirit” (1847); “Pathetism: Statement of its Philosophy, and its Discovery Defended” (1850); “Book of Psychology” (1852); “Theory of Nutrition and Philosophy of Healing without Medicine”; “Book of Human Nature” (1853); and “The Trance, and how it Introduced” (Boston, 1860). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, pp. 1.

SUNDERLAND, Mehitable, abolitionist, wife of Reverend Le Roy Sunderland (Yellin, 1994, p. 43n40)

SUPERINTENDENT. The chief of the corps of engineers present at the Military Academy is the superintendent; (Act March 16, 1802.) The selection of the commander of the corps of engineers shall not be confined to said corps; (Act April 29, 1812.) Officers of engineers may be transferred at the discretion of the President from one corps to another, regard being paid to rank; (ART. 63.) The superintendent, “ while serving as such by appointment from the President, shall have the local rank, pay, and allowances of colonel of engineers; and the commandant of cadets, while serving as such by appointment from the President, shall have the local rank, pay, and allowances of lieutenant-colonel of engineers;” (Act June 12, 1858.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 582).


SUPERNUMERARY. Graduates of Military Academy, where there are no vacancies among the commissioned officers of the army, may be attached as supernumeraries by brevet of the lowest grade of commissioned officer, not exceeding one to each company; (Act April 29, 1812.)

By Act March 3, 1847, the President was authorized to attach in the same manner as supernumerary officers of the lowest grade in any corps in the army, any non-commissioned officer who should distinguish himself in service, and be recommended by the commanding officer of his regiment. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 582).

SUPPLIES. The departments of supply to the army are 1. The Ordnance Department, which provides ordnance and ordnance stores; 2. The Quartermaster's Department, which furnishes quarters, forage, transportation, clothing, camp and garrison equipage; 3. The Subsistence Department, which furnishes subsistence; and 4. The Medical Department, which provides medicines and hospital stores. The Ordnance and Medical Departments, requiring special knowledge for their peculiar duties, could not be relieved of any part of the duties belonging to them respectively; but the want of connection between the Quartermaster's and Subsistence Departments may in war be attended with serious inconvenience, and no good reasons whatever, it is believed, exist for not uniting the two departments in one. Under the orders of one chief in the field, acting, of course, in subordination to the commander of the army, such a department might originate and direct such measures for the supply of the army as had not been provided for; control expenditures; insure a prompt and correct accountability for alt disbursements and distributions, and do away with all antagonism of interest caused by the requirement that one department shall furnish subsistence stores, and the other transports. These with clothing and other supplies furnished by the Quartermaster, Ordnance, and Medical Departments, are the great wants of the soldier in active service. A well-armed and well-equipped soldier cannot dispense with food, transportation, and clothing, and the means of providing such necessities in war demand earnest thought, and are happily suggested in the following passages from the work of M. VAUCHELLE, Cours d Administration Militaire:

“ We have seen military administration in times of peace conducted upon complete principles and regulations; services regularly organized, and efficiently supported by the natural resources of a fertile and industrious country; sufficient funds always available; the immediate supervision and protection of the war ministry; independence assured to the control of military expenditure and consumption by well-defined laws; nothing wanting, in short, to satisfy all the wants of the army, and to provide them with regularity, order, and economy.

“ It is not so, it cannot be so, in a state of war. In the field the frequency of movements, the rapidity of marches, the uncertainty of events, the ever-varying chances, the imperfection of means, the insufficiency of resources the time ever too short for all that has to be provided and done embarrass, retard, and paralyze administrative action. Every emergency exacts its immediacy appropriate measure, and the least foreseen accident may in a moment frustrate the most wise arrangement, and upset the surest calculations. The duties of administration now assume an entirely new character; they become immense in their extent, limited only, indeed, by the intelligence of the administrator himself, who is charged with their execution.

 “ The first of all rules, that which the greatest captains, and the most enlightened administrators have never failed to enforce in their writings, and of which experience has everywhere proclaimed the value, is the formation of depots beforehand, and to such an extent that the army may not only be subsisted during the opening of the campaign, but as long after as the interests of military operations may require, or as distance may permit. A certain mistrust of the country about to become the seat of war is indeed prudent, for it is generally a country unknown to administration, or perhaps little or ill known, and which cannot fail to be opposed to its operations, since they are so apt to wound it in its interests or in its feelings. The subjects of which a knowledge appears the most important are: 1. The divisions of the territory into governments, provinces, counties, or departments, into districts, cantons, &c. 2. The organization of its territorial, military, civil, and financial administration. 3. Its natural products. 4. The periods of seed time and harvest of every description of grain, and the proportion between (local) produce and consumption. 5. The localities of large markets and fairs, the periods of these commercial gatherings, and the more important objects of their traffic. 6. The subsistence which might most conveniently be substituted in lieu of those established by our regulations, and the relative proportion to be established in such substitution. 7. The different branches of commerce and industry. 8. The means of re-mount, both as regards cavalry and general transport. 9. The manufacture of cloth, leather, and other material, suitable for the preparation of clothing, equipments, harness, &c. 10. The articles of consumption drawn from other countries, the designation of those countries, and the objects of exchange in importations and exportations. 11. The weights, measures, and coinage, with relative value to our own. 12. The current prices of articles of consumption. 13. Barracks, quarters, hospitals, magazines, and other establishments of administration, and their capacities, throughout the various towns and fortresses. 14. The most convenient spots for forming temporary establishments. 15. The principal points of communication by land and sea, with the distances between them, distinguishing the different routes, and indicating, as regards the roads, the spots at which they cease to be passable for carriages; and as regards rivers and canals, the places where they cease to be navigable. 16. In the large towns or fortresses the nature and quantities of the provisions stored therein, the means of grinding corn and baking, the principal mercantile firms, and the heads of large manufactories or workshops with whom it would be safe to deal for military supplies.

“ One may easily conceive how useful such admirable statistics would be. On the outbreak of war the minister would feel no uncertainty either as to the nature or the extent of the arrangements he should have to make for himself, or as to the instruction to give to his commissary-general. How many false moves would thus be avoided; how many useless and heavy expenses saved; how many unknown and lost resources would thus be discovered and employed for the benefit of the army and the relief of the country which has to support it. A commissariat should regulate its arrangements on the double chances of presumed success or failure, according to the peculiar nature of the war to be undertaken. In the case of success, then in proportion to the advance into the enemy's country, it should form its depots in the rear of the army, and establish by stages, on the line of operations, bakeries, magazines, hospitals, convalescent stations, regular convoys, &c., always taking care to select localities with reference to the most favorable means of communication and of defence. In the case of a reverse, the army falling back upon itself will thus find its administrative services secured by means of the supplies which prudence shall thus have collected. The rights of war, which are but the rights of the most powerful, tempered only by the interests of him who wields them, render an army, whatever it may be, absolute master of the provisions and other useful resources which exist, whether they have been provided as depots by the enemy, or destined for other purposes. Administration requires a numerous personnel, active, intelligent, and faithful, always ready to avail themselves of supplies for future use, for transmission elsewhere, or for immediate distribution to the troops, wherever they may be stationed. A commissariat requires an extensive and perfectly organized transport; this is the sine qua non to enable an army to subsist in the field. Transport is indispensable, and must be obtained at any price; it must, moreover, be well adapted to the locality, in order to be able to follow or rejoin bodies of troops in all directions. Thus it is to be understood that the country occupied must be expected to furnish a large proportion of the requisite transport. Although acting in the midst of a state of things essentially inimical to fixed regulations and established forms, the commissariat should prescribe for itself a strict and scrupulous system. In the face of so many pressing and urgent wants, which, if not supplied with regularity, may disturb the discipline and compromise even the honor of the army, it is not enough for the administrator to prove himself intelligent and economical in the dispensation of resources obtained with difficulty and labor; he should further, courageously attacking all abuses and repressing with severity all wastefulness and fraud, secure to himself the means of justifying his expenditure and distribution by authentic accounts, a duty but too rarely accomplished, but which should never be permitted to be neglected.

“ War, it is said, should feed war; the axiom may be true, if not just, but in no case should it be pushed to extremes; circumstances may occur, indeed, to render its application impolitic and dangerous. Under no circumstances, however, can the enemy's country under occupation be altogether relieved from the charges of war; it must inevitably bear a large share, even though its contributions may occasionally be considered as advances only. But whatever their nature, these exactions from an enemy's country should be imposed with discernment and moderation, with reference to the population and the nature of the produce, the geographical position and the wealth of the country and, when possible, with consideration for the feelings of the vanquished. Pillage a country and you reduce the inhabitants to misery, to despair, to flight, and thus not only deprive yourself of assistance, but in the day of reverse find implacable and cruel adversaries.”

All that can be done when a country yields nothing is to form depots wherever bodies of troops are likely to be stationed; to have the largest possible reserves at head-quarters; and to be prepared with a sufficient land transport establishment to carry all requisite supplies in the event of an advance or a change of position. But this is an exceptional state of things; in general the country can be placed under contribution, either voluntary or coercive, for the supply of provisions and forage, and the commissariat officer then enters upon his legitimate functions. Several measures are open to his adoption; he may avail himself of the enterprise of local contractors; he may make his purchases directly from the owners at the market price; he may fix an arbitrary rate for the different articles of supply; and lastly, he may levy contributions on the people and compel them to furnish according to their means the provisions required for the army. His own judgment must guide him in the choice of these measures. The employment of contractors, in time of peace undoubtedly advantageous, is attended with certain-objections during a period of war. Sir Randolph Routh says truly, “ the best and surest contractor is the country occupied by the troops and its natural resources carefully and duly economized; “ and he proceeds to cite instances within his experience of the inconvenience arising from too great a confidence in contractors “ who swarm about an army when it is prosperous to prey upon its wants, but are the first to fly in the event of a reverse.”

 The commissariat has to consult at once the wants of the army, the economy of the state, and the resources and feelings of the country in which he is acting. To seize supplies, unless from an enemy in arms, is to be deprecated; to pay for them more than their value, is equally objectionable; unnecessary force creates an ill feeling which may defeat the objects of administration; to submit to imposition enhances the difficulty of the service; but conciliation and fair dealing, backed by decision, will never fail to prove a good policy and enable the army to procure supplies without unnecessary expense to the public or uselessly exasperating the population. If the territory be that of a friendly or a neutral power, every effort should be made by the commissariat to arrive at a just estimate of its resources in grain, cattle, fuel, and other articles of supply, to ascertain their current market value, and having obtained all possible information on these points, the people should be invited, either through the local authorities, or the agency of private individuals, to furnish whatever is required, with the understanding that the usual price will be paid for the supplies brought in, and that the head-quarters of the army will prove a profitable market to them.

When confidence in the good faith of the purchaser has been once established, the population of a country occupied by a military force will be willing enough to sell, and should a disposition to hold back supplies in the hope of enhancing their value be shown, the interposition of the local authorities should be sought in preference to the adoption of arbitrary measures. Conciliation and firmness, temper and justice combined, will seldom fail to induce the inhabitants, even when their sympathies tend in another direction, to contribute to the extent of their means to the maintenance of the army quartered upon them.

Amid a hostile population a conquering army should exercise its power with every possible regard to justice. Fair treatment may reconcile a people to the presence of a conqueror, and induce it to submit to superior strength. No effort should be left untried to produce such a result, since a resort to force, although it may provide for immediate want, inevitably destroys the sources of supply. The best course to be adopted in levying supplies in an enemy's country is, having first ascertained the resources of the district, to demand, through the local authorities, the head men of villages, or other channels, that certain quantities of provisions should be brought at a given time to the head-quarters of the army, care being taken that the demand be not beyond the means of the district, and a fair price should be paid whenever a disposition is shown to comply promptly with these requisitions. Such a measure will rarely fail of effect, and when the inhabitants feel certain that there is no alternative between selling their produce and having it seized, they will submit to the necessities of war in its least aggravated form, and yield to a compulsion which, though it do violence to their national feelings, consults their individual interests. Nor is it only in the supply of provisions that the theatre of war should be laid under contribution; labor and transport may likewise be attained by means of judicious administrative arrangement. The stern rules of war justify the exaction of all the resources within its influence; it is for administration to render these exactions as little oppressive as possible when dealing with a class of people which, as a rule, is the most innocent of the causes of war, the most exposed to its ravages, and the least benefited by its results. In proportion as tact and moderation are displayed by the agents employed in levying supplies upon the population, so will the resources of the country become available and productive. Violence and wrong will convert the peaceable peasant into a desperate and implacable foe; conciliation and fair dealing may make him, if not an ally, at least a profitable neutral. Interests far beyond the hour may be involved in the action of military administration under such circumstances, and the seeds of rancor or good-will, sown to-day on the scene of contending armies, may bring forth fruit to influence the destinies of nations long after the combatants themselves have ceased to struggle.

If it be necessary at established stations that a prompt settlement should be effected for all services rendered to the army, and that every engagement entered into by the commissariat should be most scrupulously complied with, how much more so is this the case in the field. The love of gain that mainspring of human action under all circumstances, and in all places is seldom appealed to in vain; but the feeling must be supported by confidence; for one man who will run a risk for a remote prospect of reward, a hundred will toil for a certain remuneration, and it should be one of the first aims of administration to inspire all classes among which it is called upon to act, with a full and entire confidence in its good faith. A breach of faith involves more than immediate consequences: it permanently destroys credit; (FONBLANQUE.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, pp. 582-588).

. A staff-officer of the medical department. He has the rank of major, but “ shall not in virtue of such rank be entitled to command in the line or other staff departments of the army; “ (Act Feb. 11, 1847. See ARMY for the organization of the Medical Department.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 588).

SURGEON-GENERAL. The chief of the Medical Department, with the rank of colonel, but subject to the same restriction of command as other officers of the Medical Department. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 588).

SURGERY, (Military.) Restricted to its rigorous signification, military surgery is the surgical practice in armies; but in its broad and ordinary acceptation embraces many other branches of art, comprehending the practice of medicine, sanitary precautions, hospital administration, ambulances, &c. The military surgeon must not only be a skilful physician and surgeon, but he must have a constitution sufficiently strong to resist the fatigues of war, and all inclemencies of weather; a solid judgment and a generous activity in giving prompt assistance to the wounded without distinction of rank or grade, and without even excluding enemies. lie must have the courage to face dangers without the power, in all cases, of combating them; he must have great coolness in order to act and operate in the most difficult positions, whether amidst the movement of troops, the shock of arms, the cries of the wounded when crowded together, in a charge, in a retreat, in intrenchments, under the ramparts of a besieged place, or at a breach. He must have inventive ingenuity which will supply the wants of the wounded in extreme cases, and a compassionate heart, with strength of will which will inspire confidence in those with whom he is brought so closely in -contact. The military surgeon, with his flying ambulance, throws himself into the field of battle, through the melee, under the fire of the enemy, runs the risk of being taken prisoner, being wounded, or being filled, and is worthy of all the honors that should be bestowed on bravery and skill in the performance of his high functions. Additional grades, as hospital-surgeons, surgeons of divisions, surgeons-in-chief, and inspector-generals of hospitals, &c., are required for every army in the field. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, pp. 588-589).

SURVEYS, (Military or Expeditions.) In military surveys the first thing done is to determine by triangulation, the principal points, to which surveys of details are subsequently referred.

Triangulation. A base is chosen from the extremities of which a large extent of the ground to be surveyed may be seen. The length of the base ought to be in proportion to the extent of the triangle to be constructed; the equilateral form being preferable. This base is sometimes furnished by the regular charts from the topographical bureau. If not, it is measured by chain or by paces. From the base, pass by the fewest possible stations to two points occupying central positions in the survey, and suitable for stations; from these two points let lines radiate, cutting those that are known, and their intersections serve as points of data in details; multiply in this way the number of triangles, always diminishing the length of their sides; intermediate details may be determined by paces. Such is the process.

Plane Table. For these operations a plane table and the ALIDADE are sufficient. The plane table used is of small dimensions. Commander Salneuve advises a plane table made of several rulers equal in length and breadth, united by parchment and strong cloth, upon which they are folded. When the plane table is used, the rulers are kept in the same plane by means of two other rulers which take a rectangular position towards the others by being revolved on one of their extremities and are then kept in place by means of a little hook at the other extremity of each. (See Fig. 217.)

When the work is ended or suspended, these two rulers are unhooked and turned so as to cover the last two of the parallel rulers, and the whole may then be folded and put in a pistol-holster. This plane table has besides an upright stick with an iron ferrule which supports the table horizontally on being stuck in the ground. If such a plane table has not been provided, however, it is easy to procure a small flat board, which will answer the same purpose.

Alidade. For an alidade, a triangular rule of a double decimetre may be used, upon which are fastened two nails or pins which serve as sights. The problems resolved by means of the plane table and alidade arc the following: 1. To determine the projection of an accessible point by means of two other points R and P given and also accessible. 2. To determine the same thing by means of two other points, only one of which, R, is accessible. 3. To determine the same thing by means of two others, R and P, which are inaccessible, but upon whose direction we can find stations. 4. To determine the same thing by means of two others not only inaccessible, but upon whose direction it is impossible to find a station. 5. The same determination by means of three points, R, P, Z, inaccessible.

Adjusting. The first thing to be done at each station is to adjust the plane table. Let R P be the base, (Fig. 218.) Assume r h arbitrarily as its projection on a sheet of paper corresponding to the scale of say 1/20000. At the station R place the instrument horizontally by means of a plumb-line, and let one of the sides of the alidade (using the same side for all operations) rest upon the projection, turning it until the side covers r h. Turn then the plane table until P is seen in the prolongation of the sights. The plane table is then adjusted, and it must be maintained in that position while at the station.

To adjust with reference to the meridian trace this line upon the leaf and afterwards turn the side of the frame until it has the same direction; the problem is resolved by means of corresponding heights of the sun. Let R P be a side upon the ground, and of its provisional projection; (Fig. 219.) Erect upon the horizontal plane a vertical stile terminated by a plate of blackened iron, pierced with a little hole at its centre m, and disposed in such manner as to receive nearly perpendicularly the rays of the sun at noon. Project the centre m in m' upon the plan by a plumb-line, and from m' as centre describe several circumferences n o' n' p o"  p'. Observe the march of the sun a little before and a little after noon. Divide in two equal parts the circumferences intercepted by the solar spectrum: the middle points belong to the meridian, whose projection we thus have. Measure then the angle o made with the side of the frame A B; lay off by the line r p' an equal angle; then turning the plane table until this line r p' corresponds in direction with the line that it represents: the side of the frame indicates the meridian of the place. The questions may then be thus resolved:

First Question, (Fig. 218.) Take a station at R; adjust upon P; look at #, the point sought, by turning the alidade around the point r, the projection of R, and trace r x the projection of R x. Go to P; operate in the same manner, and the intersection of the two right lines r x and h x gives the projection of the point sought. This is the method of intersection.

Second Question. Take a station at R; adjust upon P: radiate on X; go to X; adjust upon R, following the indefinite projection already traced; turn the alidade around p until P is seen: the intersection of the right line thus traced with the first gives X. This is a method of offset. (Fig. 220.) FIG. 220.

Third Question. Assume upon r h a point a', (Fig. 218 ;) supposed projection of A any point whatever; look at X; draw the assumed line through a: this line of direction will serve for adjusting when at X; for, although not the true projection of A X, it is necessarily parallel to it; go to X, adjust upon A; it is only necessary to draw two lines passing through R and P, turning the alidade on h and r: the point of intersection of these lines is the projection sought.

Fourth Question. Take a fourth point Y, (Fig. 221,) at which the observer may place himself, and from which the other three may be seen; construct afterwards upon the leaf a quadrilateral similar to that made upon the ground, and then construct an equal quadrilateral upon r p: for this purpose, go to X, of which we have the arbitrary projection x 1; look at R, P, and Y, tracing these directions upon paper; go to Y, of which we have also the projection y' upon the line leaving X and drawn through a?'; adjust upon x 1 y' and look at R and P; the points of intersection determine two angles r' and p 1 of a quadrilateral, of which the two others are x 1 and y', similar to that made upon the ground by R, P, X, and Y, and similar also to the projection sought; nothing more is necessary than to establish the relation on r p.

Fifth Question. Measure at x (Fig. 222) the angles r x p, p x z, and make at r and z two angles a r p } b z p, which shall be respectively equal; through the middle of the lines r p and z p erect perpendiculars j at z and r raise also perpendiculars to a r and b z; the points of FIG. 222. meeting o and o 1 are the centres of two circumferences which will intersect in x the projection sought: this is the method by capable segments. Or (Fig. 223) let r, p, z be the projections on the plan of three points FIO. 223. of ground R, P, Z. To determine X without change of station, adjust partially the plane table with reference to X. Afterwards, through R P Z or their projections, draw three right lines which will cut each other and form a triangle a b c. If the plan had been perfectly adjusted, the three lines would have cut each other at the same point x, the projection of X. It is necessary, then, to turn the plane table so that the three lines by their intersections will form another triangle a f b' c' smaller than the first. Continue thus until the triangle is reduced to a point. The intersection of the three curves a a 1 a ff , b b f b fl , and c c f c", gives the projection sought. These are the different means employed to determine the points of stations. When each is obtained, all details to the right and left of a direction may be filled up by sight and by paces; one of the sides of the triangle being taken for the direction, an angle made with it may be traced by means of the alidade, or else observed in number and degree with an instrument, and subsequently drawn with a protractor. Observations of Angles. A pocket sextant may be employed; or, in the survey of details, the operation may be accelerated by a compass. This instrument may be even used in the first triangulation, if the sides of the triangle are not too great. Time is gained, and the results are sufficiently satisfactory for an expeditious survey. The compass is nothing more than a magnetic needle in a rectangular box, at the bottom of which a limb turns in such a manner that the north and south line is exactly parallel to the larger side of the box. This instrument, when adapted to the plane table, greatly abridges the operations by the facility it gives for adjusting the survey. Thus the magnetic needle or magnetic meridian makes with the astronomical meridian an angle called the declination. If O be the declination, put the compass on the plane table in such a manner that the needle coincides with the north and south line. Turn it afterwards until the needle passes over the number of degrees equal to the declination O. Then the long side of the box is parallel to the meridian, and if it is wished that one of the sides of the survey should have this meridian direction, the needle is made to describe, by turning the plane table, an angle equal to that made by the side of the triangle with the side of the compass.

When without instruments, the adjustment of a survey may be determined by setting up vertically upon the plane table a pin or needle, and tracing by means of a watch the shadow of this pin at different hours of the day. The solar spectrum thus formed serves on subsequent days to adjust the plane table in the same manner. It is sufficient to do so to look at your watch and turn the table until the shade of the pin corresponds to the same indication of the hour. Or, the sides of hills in expeditious surveys are obtained as in regular surveys, by calculating them by means of the base and the angle of fall.

To level and measure angles without any instrument. We may obtain the principal angles graphically as follows: plant a staff vertically in the ground by means of a plumb-line; trace upon a leaf of the sketch book a vertical line representing the height of the staff; rest upon the paper a rule, directing it upon the object whose relative height is to be determined; trace this line with a pencil, and the angle of depression or ascension is concluded from that made by the two lines, and the right angle formed by the vertical and horizontal. The difference of level between two points may also be determined by means of two staves of different heights: let the shorter be placed at the station and the other upon the direction of the point whose elevation is sought in such a position that the point of sight and the tops of the two staves may be on the same line. The difference of level is determined by the similitude of the two triangles. The angle of depression is found by placing the longer staff at the station. With the angle of elevation or depression, the height is always found approximately by means of a table of tangents: let h be the height, b the base, c the angle; then h b tan. c in right-angled triangles.

Or, when the angle of ascension or depression is known, differences of level may be determined graphically as follows: let A B (Fig. 224) represent a length of 1,000m. by the scale lay off the line A C, making an angle of 25 with A B; draw the perpendicular B C: B C, multiplied by the denominator of the scale, will give a height corresponding to a base of 1,000m. at an angle of ascension of 25. If lines then radiate from A, making angles of 5 with their adjacent radii, and the base is divided into parts of 50m., and perpendiculars are erected at the points of division, a figure is obtained by which all differences of level will be approximately determined. FIG. 225. FIG. 224.  All plans are accompanied by a graphic scale which makes known the length of lines on the ground by means of their representations upon the plan and reciprocally; (Fig. 225.) This figure represents a scale of 1/20000 is to save a scale by which 1 metre on paper is equivalent to 20,000 metres on the ground.

Reduction of Plans. It may be necessary to copy a plan and reduce the scale. This is done by tracing an outline in which the desired relation is preserved. The different parts are then reduced by means of an angle of reduction. This angle is constructed by tracing a line a b; (Fig. 226.) From b as a centre describe an arc of a circle with the radius b c so chosen that = , being the relation between the a b n 1 two scales; draw then the tangent a c. It results from this that if a c, for example, is a line to be reduced, in describing from the point d an arc of a circle tangent to a c, e being the point of tangency, d e will be the desired reduction. FIG. 227.

To trace a meridian at night. The means of establishing the meridian by the solar spectrum have been indicated. The meridian may be determined at night by passing a plane through a plumb-line and the north star. The trace of this plane on a horizontal plane will be the projection of the meridian sought; the north star being only 1 from the true pole. It is easy to recognize the north star; it is the seventh star of the little bear, and is found precisely in the prolongation of the two first stars of the Great Bear, (Grande Ourse,) a constellation disposed in symmetrical order as in Fig. 227; (Aide Memoire d'Etat Major.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 589-596).

SUSPENSION. In cases where a court-martial may think proper to sentence a commissioned officer to be suspended from command, they shall have power to suspend his pay and emoluments for the same time, according to the nature and heinousness of the offence; (ART. 84.) Rank and command are distinct. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 596-597).

SUTHERLAND'S STATION, VIRGINIA, April 2, 1865. 1st Division, 2nd Army Corps. At 9 a. m. the division, Bvt. Major-General N. A. Miles commanding, drove the Confederates from the White Oak road and pursued to Sutherland's station on the South Side railroad, 8 miles from Petersburg, where a larger force was found intrenched, with artillery. Miles ordered Nugent's and Madill's brigades to charge, which was gallantly done, but the position proved too strong to be carried by a direct assault over the uneven ground in front. Madill was severely wounded in the charge and Brigadier-General MacDougall took command of the brigade. About noon the artillery of the division came up and began a vigorous shelling of the works, under cover of which MacDougall made another charge, but it was also repulsed. Miles then pushed forward a strong skirmish line against the enemy's right to engage his attention, while Ramsey's brigade was moved rapidly through the woods and down a ravine on the Confederate left. At 2:45 Ramsey advanced on the double-quick, struck the enemy in flank, and then swept down inside the works, capturing a large number and scattering the remainder. Those who escaped were driven toward the Appomattox river, where they were picked up in the woods that afternoon and the next morning. Miles captured 600 prisoners, 1 battle flag and 2 pieces of artillery. His loss for the day was 33 killed, 236 wounded and 97 missing. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 861.

SUTLERS. All sutlers and retainers to the camp, and all persons whatsoever, serving with the armies in the field though not enlisted soldiers, are to be subjected to orders, according to the rules and discipline of war; (ART. 60.) All officers commanding in the field, forts, barracks, or garrisons of the United States, are hereby required to see that the persons permitted to sutle shall supply the soldiers with good and wholesome provisions or other articles at a reasonable price; (ART. 30.) Sutlers not to sell or keep their shops open after nine at night, or on Sundays during divine service or sermon; (ART. 29.) Exorbitant prices not to be exacted from sutlers by commanding officers for the hire of stalls or houses let out. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 597).

SUTRO, Adolph Heinrich Joseph, mining engineer, born in Aix-la-Chapelle, Rhenish Prussia, 29 April, 1830. He was educated in his native place. His father was a cloth-manufacturer, and Adolph learned the details of the business and travelled for the factory, but the elder Sutro died before the son was old enough to continue the business, and the family, consisting of seven sons and four daughters, came to New York in 1850. During the voyage Adolph had learned of the gold fever in California, and, soon after establishing the family in Baltimore, he set out for the Pacific coast. Having studied mineralogy in the best polytechnic schools in Germany, he was much better prepared for mining operations than the majority who at that time were flocking to the gold-fields. He visited Nevada in 1860, and, after a careful inspection of the mining region there, he planned the now famous Sutro tunnel through the heart of the mountain where lay the Comstock lode. Having interested capitalists in the project, he obtained a charter from the Nevada legislature on 4 February, 1865, and the authorization of Congress on 25 July, 1866. The mining companies agreed to pay a toll of $2 for each ton of ore, from the time when the tunnel should reach and benefit their mines. The work was begun on 19 October, 1869. It proceeded as rapidly as its character would permit, and before the close of 1871 four vertical shafts were opened along the line of the tunnel, one of which was 552 feet deep. The distance from the mouth of the tunnel to the Savage mine, where, at a depth of 1,050 feet from the surface, it formed the first connection with the Comstock Lode, is 20,000 feet. Lateral tunnels connect it with the mines on either side of the main bore. In 1879 the great tunnel was finished, and its projector became a millionaire many times over. Some of the mines at the level of the tunnel were flooded with water to the depth of one hundred feet or more, and had long been abandoned; others were unworkable on account of the heat and noxious gases. The tunnel with its shafts effectually ventilated them, and within a few days they were rid of the accumulated water, which had a temperature in some mines of 100° Fahrenheit. Mr. Sutro has devoted a part of his fortune to the collection of a fine library and art gallery in San Francisco. In 1887 he presented that city with a copy of Frederic A. Bartholdi's statue of  “Liberty enlightening the World."  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 2

SUTTER, John Augustus, pioneer, born in Kandern. Baden. 15 February, 1803; died in Washington, D. C, 17 June, 1880. He was of Swiss parentage, and his family name was originally Suter. He was graduated at the military college at Berne in 1823, entered the French service as an officer of the Swiss guard, and served in 1823-'4 through the Spanish Campaign. In 1834 he emigrated to this country and settled in St. Louis. Afterward he carried on at Santa Fe a profitable trade with Indians and trappers, whose accounts of California induced him m 1838 to cross the Rocky mountains. He first went to Oregon, descended Columbia River to Fort Vancouver, and thence sailed to the Sandwich Islands, where he purchased a vessel and went to Sitka, Alaska. After disposing of his cargo to advantage there, he sailed along the Pacific coast, and on 2 July, 1839, was stranded in the Bay of Yerba Buena (now San Francisco). Penetrating into the interior amid great difficulties, he founded in the same year the earliest white settlement on the site of Sacramento, received a considerable grant of land from the Mexican government, and in 1841 built a fort, calling it New Helvetia, which was afterward the first settlement that was reached by overland emigrants to California. The Mexican government appointed him governor of the northern frontier country, but. as he favored the annexation of California to the United States, the Mexicans regarded him with suspicion. When Captain Charles Wilkes's exploring expedition reached San Francisco, Sutter gave him aid and information, and he extended a similar welcome to John C. Fremont and his party. When California was ceded to the United States in February, 1848, Sutter was the owner of a large tract of land, many thousands of cattle, and other property, but the discovery of gold on his estate near Coloma, El Dorado County, at the same time (see Marshall, James Wilson), proved his financial ruin. His laborers deserted him, his lands were overrun by gold-diggers, and the claim he had filed for thirty-three square leagues, which had been allowed by the commissioners, was decided against him on appeal to the Supreme Court. Despoiled of his property and reduced to want, he was granted by the California legislature a pension of $250 a month. In 1864 his homestead was burned, and in 1873 he moved to Litiz, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. After California had been annexed to this country Sutter was elected first alcalde of his district, and a delegate to the convention to form a state constitution, and he was also an Indian Commissioner. The illustration shows the mill on Sutter's property, near which gold was first discovered. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 2.

SUTTON, VIRGINIA, September 23, 1862. 10th West Virginia Infantry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 861.

SUTTONVILLE, WEST VIRGINIA, December 29, 1861. U. S. Troops of Department of Western Virginia. The following is an extract from the "Record of Events," of the Department of Western Virginia, for the month of December, 1861: "On the 29th, Suttonville. garrisoned by one company (Rowand's) 1st Virginia cavalry, was attacked by 135 rebel guerrillas. The company retreated to Weston, and the guerrillas burned the town and what commissary stores were there. Colonel Crook, with four companies went in search of the same gang from Summersville, encountered the flying rascals in Clay and Braxton, killed 6, and chased and scattered them into the mountain toward the Glades." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 861.

SUWANO GAP, NORTH CAROLINA, April 23, 1865. Gillem's Cavalry. Swallow Bluffs, Tennessee, September 30, 1863. Detachments of 7th Illinois Mounted Infantry and 7th Kansas Cavalry. Colonel Richard Rowett with five squadrons of the two regiments made an expedition from Corinth into West Tennessee. At Swallow bluffs the Confederates were engaged just as they were about to cross the river. At the same time a company of the dismounted infantry moved down the stream and captured a major and 20 men. Three of the Confederates were killed or wounded, while Rowett had 1 man killed and 2 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 862.

SWAIM, David Gaskill, soldier, born in Salem, Columbiana County, Ohio, 22 December, 1834. He was educated at Salem Academy, studied law, and after admission to the bar in 1858 began practice in Salem. At the beginning of the Civil War he left a prosperous law-practice and entered the National service, being commissioned 2d lieutenant in 1861, and 1st lieutenant, 4 November, 1861, in the 65th Ohio Regiment. He was promoted to captain and assistant adjutant-general, 16 May, 1862, and engaged in the battles of Shiloh, Murfreesboro, and Perryville. He was in Washington, D. C, till December, 1862, was assistant adjutant-general on the staff of General William S. Rosecrans and General George Thomas till November, 1863, and was present at Chickamauga, where he was wounded, and at Missionary Ridge. From January till October, 1864, he was on mustering duty at Wilmington, Delaware, and afterward, till September, 1866, was assistant adjutant-general, Department of Missouri, He was brevetted major, lieutenant-colonel, and colonel for faithful and meritorious services during the war, and appointed 2d lieutenant in the 34th U.S. Infantry, 28 July, 1866, was promoted major and judge-advocate, 9 December, 1869, and became judge-advocate-general of the army with the rank of brigadier-general, 18 February, 1881. In 1884, he was court-martialed on various charges and suspended for ten years. He was the intimate friend and companion of President Garfield.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 3

SWAIM, Mary A., Indiana, abolitionist, American Anti-Slavery Society, Manager, 1840-1841, 1846-1853.

SWAIN, David Lowry, governor of North Carolina, born in Asheville. Buncombe County, North Carolina, 4 January, 1801; died in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 3 September, 1868. After receiving his education at the University of North Carolina he studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1823, and practised in Raleigh. In 1824 he was elected to the legislature, and in 1831 he was appointed a judge of the state supreme court. From 1832 till 1835 he was governor of North Carolina, being the youngest man to fill that office. He was elected president of the University of North Carolina in 1835 and filled this post until his death, contributing effectively to the improvement of the institution. In 1865 he was invited by President Andrew Johnson to advise with him regarding the reconstruction of the Union. The degree of LL. D. was conferred on him by Princeton in 1841, and by Yale in 1842. He wrote many valuable historical papers, and published "The British Invasion of North Carolina in 1776" in the " North Carolina University Magazine," for May, 1853, which was afterward included in a volume of lectures, entitled " Revolutionary History of North Carolina" (New York, 1853).  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 3

SWAIN, James Barrett, editor, born in New York City, 30 July, 1820. He learned the printing business with Horace Greeley, with whom he was a partner in the publication of the "Log Cabin" in 1840, and in 1838-'9 was private secretary to Henry Clay. In 1843-'9 he was editor of the "Hudson River Chronicle " in Sing-Sing, serving also as clerk of the state-prison there in 1848-'9. He was city editor of the New York "Tribune" in 1850, of the "Times" in 1851-2, editor of the "American Agriculturist " in 1852, a political contributor to the " Times" in 1853-'9, and its Washington correspondent in 1860-'l. He was also editor of the "Free State Advocate" (a campaign paper published in New York in 1856 by the National Republican Committee), of the Albany " Daily Statesman" from 1857 till 1861, and again of the " Hudson River Chronicle" from 1870 till 1885. He was a railroad commissioner for New York State in 1855-'7, 1st lieutenant in the 1st U. S. Cavalry and also colonel of the 1st U. S. Volunteer Cavalry in 1861-'4, engineer-in-chief of the National Guard of New York in 1865-'6. U. S. weigher in 1867-'70, and post-office inspector in 188l-'5. Mr. Swain is the author of " Life and Speeches of Henry Clay" (2 vols., New York, 1842; 3d ed., 1848); "Historical Notes to a Collection of the Speeches of Henry Clay" (2 vols., 1843); and "Military History of the State of New York " (3 vols.. 1801-'5).  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 3.

SWAN, Caleb, abolitionist, Underground Railroad activist, Easton, Massachusetts  (Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, pp. 3-4)

SWAN, Joseph Rockwell, 1802-1884, jurist, legal writer, judge of the Supreme Court of Ohio, ardent abolitionist.  Overrode court judgment in U.S. District Court of a Negro prisoner convicted of violation of the Fugitive Slave Law. (Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 4; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 9, Pt. 2, p. 234; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 21, p. 184)

SWAN, Joseph Rockwell, jurist, born in Westernville, Oneida County, New York, 28 December, 1802; died in Columbus, Ohio, 18 December, 1884. He was educated in Aurora, New York, and in 1824 moved to Columbus, Ohio, where he studied law in the office of his uncle, Judge Gustavus Swan, was admitted to the bar, and practised in Franklin and the adjoining counties. In 1830, he was made prosecuting attorney, and in 1834 he was elected judge of the court of common pleas, but he resigned this post in 1815, and practised his profession until 1854. In that year he was elected judge of the Supreme Court, serving until 1859, when his most important decision was delivered. The Supreme Court of the state, under a writ of habeas corpus, sought to override the judgment of the U. S. District Court in Ohio in attempting to discharge from jail a prisoner that had been sentenced by that court for violation of the Fugitive-Slave Law. Judge Swan decided that the state could not interfere with the action of the U. S. Courts, and the discharge of the prisoner was refused. At the same time he said that if he were appealed to personally he would protect any slave from his pursuers. He was the author of important statutes that were passed by the legislature and a delegate to the Constitutional Convention of Ohio in 1850. In 1860 he became president of the Columbus and Xenia Railroad, and from that time till 1876 he acted as solicitor for several railroads. He published “Treatise on Justices of the Peace and Constables in Ohio” (Columbus, 1836; 12th ed., 1885); “Statutes of Ohio” (1841); “Manual for Executors and Administrators” (1843); “Practice in Civil Actions and Proceedings at Law in Ohio and Precedents in Pleading” (2 vols., 1845); “Swan's Pleading and Practice” (2 vols., 1851); “Commentaries on Pleadings under the Ohio Code” (Cincinnati, 1860); and “Supplement to the Revised Statutes of Ohio, etc., in Force August, 1868,” with notes by Milton Sayler (1869).   Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, pp. 4.

SWAN LAKE, ARKANSAS, April 23, 1864. (See Camden, Arkansas, Expedition to.)

SWAN QUARTER, NORTH CAROLINA, March 18, 1863. Detachments 1st North Carolina Infantry and 3d New York Cavalry. Captain Colin Richardson, with Company F, 3d New York, Company G, 1st North Carolina, and a howitzer, embarked on the steamer Escort at New Berne, at 5 p. m. on the 1st, and proceeded to Rose Bay bridge, where part of the command was detailed to destroy the bridge and the remainder proceeded some distance up the north side of the lake and encamped. At daybreak on the 2nd the enemy's pickets were driven in, and when within 3 miles of Fairfield another detachment of Confederates was encountered and driven back through the town which was found to be almost deserted. A boat was captured and manned with a small detail of the infantry, with instructions to row around to Lake Landing and save the bridge if possible, while the main body proceeded to the same point by land. On the morning of the 4th, while on the march, the column was fired into by some of the enemy stationed in and about some houses on the right of the road. The cavalry was deployed as skirmishers in front and rear and the infantry, with the howitzer, advanced against the enemy, who scattered in all directions. The enemy's headquarters were burned, and Richardson continued to Lake Landing, where the bridge was found destroyed, but it was rebuilt and the command moved on toward Swan Quarter. When within a mile and a half of that place the column was attacked from the swamp on the right of the road, by about 80 guerrillas, who fired one shot as Richardson's vedettes were passing, when Lieutenant Benson charged with the first platoon of cavalry, and received a volley, by which 3 men were killed and several wounded, including Benson. Richardson then ordered the infantry to deploy into the woods as skirmishers, and the howitzer was brought into action, supported by the second platoon of cavalry. The enemy were dispersed with heavy loss, the captain being among the killed. After the Confederates had tied and Richardson had cared for his dead and wounded he moved on to Swan Quarter, where he learned that a body of about 300 guerrillas was lying in ambush about 3 miles distant. Deeming it inexpedient to encounter this force, he embarked his command and returned to New Berne. The Federal casualties were 3 killed and 15 wounded. The enemy's loss was not learned. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 862.

SWANSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, April 29-30, 1864. Detachment of the 9th Vermont Infantry. Captain Kelley, with a small expedition, left Newport on the evening of the 29th. to capture or break up a small Confederate detachment at Swansboro. He returned the next day with 15 prisoners, having captured 3 or 4 boats, and destroyed about 225 barrels of salted fish, without casualty. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 862.

SWANK, James Moore, statistician,  born in Loyalhanna, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, 12 July, 1832. He was educated at Elderidge Academy and at the preparatory department of Jefferson College. Pennsylvania In 1852, he published a weekly Whig newspaper at Johnstown, Pennsylvania, where, in 1853, he established the "Tribune," with which he was connected until 1870. He was superintendent of public schools in Cambria County. Pennsylvania, in 1861, and in 1871-'2 was chief clerk of the department of agriculture in Washington. Since 1873 he has been secretary of the American iron and steel association, and in 1885 he was appointed its general manager, which office he now (1888) holds. He is the editor of its weekly "Bulletin." compiles its annual statistical reports, is the author of its tariff tracts, and has edited nearly all its statistical and miscellaneous publications. In 1880, he was appointed agent of the U. S. Census, to collect the iron and steel statistics, his report appearing in 1881. He has published a " History of the Department of Agriculture" (Washington, 1871); "Centennial Report of the American Iron and Steel Association on the American Iron Trade" (Philadelphia, 1876); "Historical Account of Iron-Making and Coal-Mining in Pennsylvania" (1878): and "History of the Manufacture of Iron in all Ages" (1884).  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 4

SWANN, Thomas, governor of Maryland, born in Alexandria, Virginia, in 1805; died near Leesburg, Virginia, 24 July, 1883. His father was U. S. district attorney for the District of Columbia. After receiving his education at Columbian College and at the University of Virginia the son studied law with his father, and was made secretary to the Neapolitan Commission. He settled in Baltimore in 1834. and became a director of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in 1836, of which he was president from 1847 till 1853, and he was also president of the Northwestern Virginia Railroad. After his return from Europe he was elected mayor of Baltimore in 1856, and re-elected in 1858. Before the Civil War he emancipated his slaves, and he was an earnest supporter of the Union throughout the contest. He was elected governor of Maryland in 1864, and served from 1 January, 1865, until 1 January, 1869, refusing to leave the executive chair when he was elected U. S. Senator in 1866. He was afterward chosen to Congress as a Democrat for five successive terms, serving from 4 March, 1869, till 3 March, 1879.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, pp. 4-5.

SWARTOUT, Samuel, naval officer, born in New York City, 10 May, 1804; died in Brooklyn, New York, 5 February, 1867, entered the U.S. Navy as a midshipman, 10 May, 1820, became passed midshipman, 4 June, 1831, and in 1834-'5 cruised in the schooner "Grampus," suppressing piracy in the West Indies, and in 1836-'7 hi the "St. Louis" on the same duty. He was promoted to lieutenant, 9 February, 1837, was inspector of provisions and clothing at the New York Navy-yard in 1841-'5, and cruised in the sloop "Vincennes" in the East Indies in 1845-'7, after which he was stationed at the New York Navy-yard until 1850. In 1851 he served on the coast survey. He was promoted to commander, 14 September, 1855, and had the steamer "Massachusetts," of the Pacific Squadron, in 1855-'7, during which time he had several engagements with Indians in Puget Sound. In 1861-'3 he commanded the sloop "Portsmouth," of the Western Gulf Blockading Squadron, in which he took part in the engagements with Forts Jackson and St. Philip, on the lower Mississippi River, and the consequent capture of New Orleans. He was then placed on waiting orders, his health failed, and he was retired, 10 May. 1866. His sister, Frances, married Admiral Charles H. Bell.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 5.

SWAYNE, Noah Haynes, 1804-1884, lawyer, jurist, anti-slavery activist.  Represented former slaves in fugitive slave cases.  Appointed by President Abraham Lincoln as a justice to the U. S. Supreme Court.  (Appletons’, 1888, Vol. VI, pp. 5-6; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 9, Pt. 2, p. 239)

SWAYNE, Noah Haynes, jurist, born in Culpeper County, Virginia, 7 December, 1804; died in New York City, 8 June, 1884. ancestor, Francis Swayne, came to this country with William Penn, and the farm on which he settled near Philadelphia is still in possession of his descendants. Noah's father, Joshua, moved to Virginia, and the son, after receiving a good education in Waterford, Virginia, studied law in Warrenton, was admitted to the bar in 1823, moved to Ohio, and in 1825 opened an office in Coshocton. In 1826-'9 he was prosecuting attorney of the county, and he then entered the Ohio legislature, to which he was elected as a Jefferson Democrat. He was appointed U. S. district attorney for Ohio in 1831, moved to Columbus, and served until 1841. In 1833 he declined the office of presiding judge of the common pleas. Subsequently he practised law until he was appointed, with Alfred Kelly and Gustavus Swan, a fund commissioner to restore the credit of the state. He also served on the commission that was sent by the governor to Washington to effect a settlement of the boundary-line between Ohio and Michigan, and in 1840 was a member of the committee to inquire into the condition of the blind. The trial of William Rossane and others in the U. S. circuit court at Columbus in 1853 for burning the steamboat “Martha Washington,” to obtain the insurance, was one of his most celebrated cases. He also appeared as counsel in fugitive-slave cases, and, owing to his anti-slavery opinions, joined the Republican Party on its formation, liberating at an early date the slaves that he received through his marriage in 1832. In 1862 he was appointed by President Lincoln a justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, and he served until 1881, when he resigned on account of advanced age. The degree of LL. D. was conferred on him by Dartmouth and Marietta in 1863, and by Yale in 1865.—His son, Wager, lawyer, born in Columbus, Ohio, 10 November, 1834, was graduated at Yale in 1856, and at the Cincinnati law-school in 1859. On his admission to the bar he practised in Columbus. He was appointed major of the 43d Ohio Volunteers on 31 August, 1861, became lieutenant-colonel on 14 December, 1861, colonel on 18 October, 1862, served in all the marches and battles of the Atlanta Campaign, lost a leg at Salkahatchie, South Carolina, and was brevetted brigadier- general, U. S. volunteers, on 5 February, 1865, becoming full brigadier-general on 8 March, 1865, and major-general on 20 June, 1865. He was made colonel of the 45th regular Infantry on 28 July, 1866, and on 2 March, 1867, was brevetted brigadier-general, U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the action of. Rivers Bridges, South Carolina, and major-general for services during the war. He was mustered out of the volunteer service on 1 September, 1867. General Swayne was a commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau in Alabama, where he commanded the U. S. forces, and was also intrusted with the administration of the Reconstruction Acts of Congress, organizing an extensive system of common schools for colored children, who had none, and establishing at Montgomery, Selma, and Mobile important high-schools, which still remain, and also Talladega College. He retired on 1 July, 1870, and practised law in Toledo, Ohio, but in 1880 he moved to New York City, where he is counsel for railroad and telegraph corporations. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, pp. 5-6.

SWAYNE, Wager, lawyer, born in Columbus, Ohio, 10 November, 1834, was graduated at Yale in 1850, and at the Cincinnati law-school in 1859. On his admission to the bar he practised in Columbus. He was appointed major of the 43d Ohio Volunteers on 31 August, 1861, became lieutenant-colonel on 14 December, 1861, colonel on 18 October. 1862, served in all the marches and battles of the Atlanta Campaign, lost a leg at Salkahatchie, South Carolina and was brevetted brigadier-general, U. S. volunteers, on 5 February, 1865, becoming full brigadier-general on 8 March, 1865, and major-general on 20 June, 1865. He was made colonel of the 45th regular Infantry on 28 July, 1866, and on 2 March, 1867, was brevetted brigadier-general, U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the action of Rivers Bridges, South Carolina, and major-general for services during the war. He was mustered out of the volunteer service on 1 September, 187. General Swayne was a commissioner of the Freedman’s Bureau in Alabama, where he commanded the U. S. forces, and was also intrusted with the administration of the Reconstruction Acts of Congress, organizing an extensive system of common schools for colored children, who had none, and establishing at Montgomery, Selma, and Mobile important high schools, which still remain, and also Talladega College. He retired on 1 July, 1870, and practised law in Toledo, Ohio, but in 1880 he moved to New York City, where he is counsel for railroad and telegraph corporations.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 6.

SWEEDEN'S COVE, TENNESSEE, June 4, 1862. U. S. Troops under Brigadier General James S. Negley. By making a forced march of 20 miles over a bad road Negley succeeded in surprising and capturing the Confederate pickets and attacked the camp of General Adams' command at Sweeden's cove, near Jasper. The enemy formed in line and fired, but artillery was opened upon him and he soon fled, closely pursued by the 5th Kentucky and a battalion of the 7th Pennsylvania cavalry. The Federal loss was 2 killed and 7 wounded, and the Confederates acknowledged having sustained casualties to the extent of 100 killed and missing. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 862-863.

SWEENY, Thomas William, soldier, born in Cork, Ireland, 25 December, 1820. He came to the United States in 1832. and at an early age was apprenticed to the printing business. When a young man he joined the Baxter blues, a military organization in New York City, and in 1846, at the beginning of the war with Mexico, he became 2d lieutenant in Ward B. Burnett's 1st New York Volunteers. He participated in the campaign under General Winfield Scott from the siege of Vera Cruz to the storming of Churubusco, where he received wounds that necessitated the amputation of his right arm. On his return to New York City he was given a reception ball at Castle Garden by the printers of the city, and he received the brevet of captain from the governor of the state and a silver medal from the city of New York. He was given the commission of 2d lieutenant in the 2d U. S. Infantry, and served in California, in charge of Port Yuma, and elsewhere in the west, being engaged in frequent actions with hostile Indians. While stationed at Fort Yuma, the command under Maj. Samuel P. Heintzelman was compelled to fall back on San Diego for want of supplies, and Sweeny was ordered to remain with ten men. The Indians besieged his camp from 5 June until 6 December, 1851, but he was finally extricated by a government exploring expedition under Captain Lorenzo Sitgreaves. After other duties at various posts he was promoted captain, 19 January, 1861. Soon after the beginning of the Civil War he was ordered to St. Louis and given command of the arsenal, which contained immense quantities of munitions of war of all kinds, sufficient fully to arm and equip 60,000 men, together with over forty tons of powder. Captain Sweeny had but forty unaligned recruits under him. while in St. Loins there were nearly 3,000 hostile minute-men. fully equipped. Advances were made to induce him to surrender the arsenal; but the reply, that if a serious attempt should be made to capture the arsenal he would blow it to atoms, prevented any action on the part of the Confederate sympathizers. He was second in command of the union troops at the surrender of the state forces at Camp Jackson, and conducted the final negotiations, in consequence of General Nathaniel Lyon's having been disabled. Subsequently he was instrumental in the organization of the Missouri three-months' volunteers, and he was appointed brigadier-general on 20 May, 1861. In the campaign that followed he took an active part with General Lyon, and was severely wounded at the battle of Wilson's Creek, and later he was acting assistant adjutant general under General John C. Fremont. He then accepted the command of the 52d Illinois Volunteers, and was attached to the army under General Grant, participating in the capture of Port Donelson, after which he took 6,000 prisoners to Alton, Illinois. At a critical moment toward the close of the first day of the battle of Shiloh a gap existed between the right flank of Sweeny's brigade and General William T. Sherman's left. The defence of this position, which was the key of the situation, was intrusted to him by Sherman, who has since said: "I attach more importance to that event than to any of the hundred achievements which I have since heard saved the day." His commission of brigadier-general of volunteers dates from 29 November, 1862, and thereafter he commanded a division of the 10th Army Corps and was engaged in protecting the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, he was promoted major of the 16th U.S. Infantry, 20 October, 1863, and in the Atlanta Campaign had the 2d Division of the 16th Corps in the Army of the Tennessee. At Snake Creek gap his command took possession of the gap twenty-four hours in advance of the cavalry, and held it in spite of every effort of the enemy. He took part in the battle of Resaca and forced a passage across Oostenaula River at Lay's Ferry, where he fought a successful battle, which action resulted in General Joseph E. Johnston's retreat southward. He also participated in the battles of Dallas and Kenesaw Mountain, and at the battle before Atlanta on 22 July, 1864, his division drove the enemy back with great slaughter, capturing four battle-flags and 900 prisoners. Subsequently he had command of the post of Nashville until July, 1865, and he was mustered out of volunteer service on 24 August of that year. He participated in the Fenian invasion of Canada in 1866, and was present at the battle of Limestone Ridge. During this period he was out of the National service, but was reinstated by the president soon afterward and given posts in the southern states. General Sweeny was presented with a sword by the city of Brooklyn for services rendered in the Civil War. He was retired on 11 May, 1870, with the rank of brigadier-general.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, pp. 6-7.

SWEET, Alexander Edwin, editor, born in St. John, New Brunswick, 28 March, 1841. His father, James, moved to San Antonio, Texas, in 1849, and was afterward mayor of that town. He also served in the Confederate Army as a lieutenant-colonel. The son was sent to school in Poughkeepsie, New York, and in 1859 went to Europe and entered the Polytechnic institute, in Carlsruhe. Returning to Texas in 1863, he served in the Confederate Army in the 33d Texas Cavalry. After the war he studied law, was admitted to the bar, and practised in San Antonio for several years. In 1879 he became editor of the San Antonio " Express," and, still practicing law, became city attorney. Afterward he was editor of the San Antonio " Herald." and a contributor of humorous paragraphs to the Galveston "News." In May, 1881, he moved to Austin, Texas, and formed there a partnership for the publication of a weekly journal entitled "Texas Sittings," which was moved to New York in 1884. With J. Amory Knox he has published " On a Mexican Mustang through Texas from the Gulf to the Rio Grande" (Hartford, 1883). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 7.

SWEET, Benjamin Jeffrey, soldier, born in Kirkland, Oneida County, New York, 24 April, 1832; died in Washington, D. C, 1 January, 1874. His father was a clergyman in poor health, and at nine years of age the boy was set at work in a cotton-mill. When he was sixteen his father moved to Stockbridge, Wis., and settled upon a piece of wild forest land, where the son spent a year in clearing a homestead for the family. At the age of seventeen he entered Appleton College, but remained only a year, and then returned home, where he alternately taught and worked on his father's farm, his spare hours he devoted to the study of the law. Before he was twenty-seven he was elected to the Senate of Wisconsin, but at the opening of the Civil War he was commissioned major of the 6th Wisconsin Regiment. Soon afterward he resigned and raised two fresh regiments, the 21st and 22d Wisconsin, of the first of which he became colonel. In the battle of Perryville, where it formed a part of one corps that during all of one day sustained an attack from the whole of Bragg's army, it lost 300 in killed and wounded. Colonel Sweet had been for several days confined to an ambulance by malarial fever, but when the battle began he mounted his horse and took command of his regiment. During the battle he received a wound that was supposed to be mortal. His life was saved by the careful tending of his wife, but his health was permanently shattered. He was given a colonelcy in the Veteran reserve corps, and stationed at Gallatin, Tennessee, building a fort there in the winter of 1862-'3. In May, 1864, he was ordered to take command of the prison at Camp Douglas, Chicago, where about 10,000 Confederate soldiers were confined. In June, he discovered that an outbreak had been planned for the 4th of July which should liberate and arm the prisoners, and result in the sacking and burning of Chicago. He quickly strengthened his defences and re-enforced his garrison, and the attempt I was thus rendered hopeless. Early in November, Colonel Sweet received positive information that the I post was to be attacked on election night, only three days following; 5,000 armed men under competent leaders were then in Chicago, ready for the assault on the camp, and muskets were there in abundance to arm the 9,000 prisoners. Chicago was to be burned, and its flumes were to be the signal for a general uprising of 500,000 well-armed men throughout the western country. Even available soldier had been sent to the front by the government, and Sweet had in the garrison but 796 men, most of whom were unfit for active duty. Moreover, it was too late to receive re-enforcements. His only hope of safety lay in the speedy arrest of the Confederate leaders who were then in Chicago. In this emergency he called to his aid one of his prisoners, a Texas ranger named John T. Shanks, who was well acquainted with the Confederate officers, and engaged him to ferret them out. To gain him confidence with the Confederates, he allowed Shanks to escape from the prison, and made great efforts for his recapture. Colonel Sweet thought he could trust the man; but he had him constantly shadowed by detectives pledged to take his life in case of his treachery. Shanks did his work so well that within thirty-six hours the leaders of the intended assault were in irons, and a large quantity of contraband arms was in the possession of the government. When Chicago awoke to the danger it had escaped, its citizens collected at a mass meeting and publicly thanked Colonel Sweet for the service he had rendered. For it also the government promoted him to the rank of brigadier-general of volunteers. When he was mustered out of service at the close of the war he resumed the practice of his profession in Wisconsin, but in 1869 he was appointed U. S. pension-agent at Chicago. He held this position till April, 1870, when he was made supervisor of internal revenue for Illinois. This office he held till January, 1872, when he was called to Washington to be 1st deputy commissioner of internal revenue. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, pp. 7-8.

SWEET, John Edson, inventor, born in Pompey, Onondaga County, New York, 21 October, 1832, was educated in a district school, und in 1873-'9 was professor of practical mechanics at Cornell University. He was a founder of the American society of mechanical engineers, of which he was president in 1883-'4. He is believed to be the first to suggest the use of pipe-lines for transporting oil from the oil-wells, and is the inventor of the straight-line high-speed engine, and one of the first to construct a composing-machine to form a matrix for casting stereotype-plates directly without the use of movable type. He is a contributor to the London " Engineering" and " American Machinist." Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 8.

SWEET, Samuel N., Adams, New York, abolitionist.  Manager and founding member of the American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS). (Abolitionist, Vol. 1)

SWEET SULPHUR SPRINGS, WEST VIRGINIA, June 23, 1864. Supply Train of the Army of West Virginia. Major-General David Hunter, in reporting the operations of the army while retiring from before Lynchburg, states that when he arrived at the springs he learned that "the supply train and convoy under Colonel Putnam had been attacked by guerrillas, led by one Thurmond, and that it had turned aside from the Lewisburg route." This is the only official mention of the affair. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 863.

SWEETWATER, TENNESSEE, September 6, 1863. 45th Ohio Mounted Infantry. On the 5th the regiment, Lieutenant-Col George E. Ross commanding, was sent to Sweetwater to take possession of the arms and stores left there by the enemy. Early on the morning of the 6th the pickets on the Athens road were attacked, but the Confederates were repulsed and hotly pursued for about 4 miles, many of them throwing away their arms, etc., in their flight. The enemy lost 1 killed and 1 badly wounded, while the Union troops suffered no casualty whatever. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 863.

SWEETWATER, TENNESSEE, February 16, 1865. (See Athens, same date.)

SWEET WATER CREEK, GEORGIA, October 2-3, 1864. (See Powder Springs, same date.)

SWEETSER, Henry Edward, journalist, born in New York City, 19 February, 1837; died there, 17 February, 1870. After graduation at Yale in 1858 he devoted himself to mercantile pursuits, and then became a reporter for the New York "Times." In 1860 he was made night editor of the "World." and in 1863 he founded, with his brother, Charles H. Sweetser, the " Round Table," from which he withdrew in 1866, and, after a short visit to Europe. returned to New York and engaged in editorial work until his death.—His brother. Charles Humphreys, journalist, born in Athol, Massachusetts, 25 August, 1841; died in Palatka, Florida, 1 January. 1871, after graduation at Amherst in 1862 engaged in journalistic work, aided in founding the " Round Table." and became connected with the New York "Evening Gazette." He was an originator of the "Evening Mail " in 1867, and the "City" in 1869. After the failure of the latter enterprise he moved to Minnesota, and subsequently to Chicago, where he became literary editor of the " Times," but, owing to impaired health, he went to Florida. He published "Songs of Amherst" (Amherst, 1860; "History of Amherst College" (1860); and " Tourist's and Invalid' Guide to the Northwest" (New York, 1867). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 8.

SWETT, Leonard, lawyer, born near Turner, Maine, 11 August, 1825. He was educated at North Yarmouth Academy and at Waterville (now Colby University)) but was not graduated. He read law in Portland, enlisted as a soldier in the Mexican War, and at its close in 1848 settled in Bloomington, Illinois He travelled the circuit in fourteen counties, and was an intimate friend of Abraham Lincoln and David Davis. In 1865 he moved to Chicago. In 1852-'61 he took an active part in politics, canvassing the state several times, and in 1858, at the special request of Mr. Lincoln, was a candidate for the legislature on the Republican ticket, and was elected by a large majority. This is the only official place he has ever held. When Mr. Lincoln became president Mr. Swett was employed in the trial of government cases, one of the most noted of which was that for the acquisition of the California quicksilver-mines in 1863. In the course of his practice Mr. Swett has defended twenty men indicted for murder, securing the acquittal of nineteen, and a light punishment for the other one. He has also been retained in criminal cases in nearly every part of the country, though his professional work has been mainly devoted to civil suits. His success is attributed to his careful personal attention to details and his eloquence as an advocate. He has rendered much gratuitous service to workingmen, servants, and other poor clients. He delivered the oration at the unveiling of the statue of Abraham Lincoln in Chicago, Illinois, 22 October, 1887, and at the Chicago Republican convention in June, 1888, in an eloquent speech, proposed Walter Q. Gresham, of Illinois, as a candidate for the presidency.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 9.

SWIFT Ebenezer, surgeon, born in Wareham. Massachusetts, 8 October, 1819;. died in Hamilton, Bermuda, 24 September, 1885. He was graduated at the medical department of the University of the city of New York in 1842, and in March, 1847, became acting assistant surgeon in the U. S. Army. His first service was with the army of invasion and occupation of Mexico, and he was on duty at General Winfield Scott's headquarters until July, 1848. Subsequently he served at various posts in the east, in Texas, and on expeditions against hostile Indians until June, 1856. Meanwhile he had been made captain and assistant surgeon on 30 August, 1852. He had command of Fort Chadbourne, Texas, was on temporary duty at Fort Columbus in New York harbor during the prevalence of the cholera, and accompanied the troops under General Albert S. Johnston to Utah in May,1859. After serving at various stations in Missouri, Kansas, and Dakota, he was made full surgeon on 21 May, 1861, and appointed medical director of General Ormsby M. Mitchel's division of the Army of the Tennessee. In December. 1862. He became medical director of that army, and early in 1863 he was transferred to Philadelphia, where he was chief medical officer and superintendent of hospitals in and around Philadelphia, and from November, 1863, till June, 1864, medical director of the Department of the South. He was brevetted lieutenant-colonel and colonel on 13 March, 1865, and from February till June, 1865, held the office of medical director with the ranks of lieutenant-colonel and colonel. On 20 June, 1869, he received the additional brevet of brigadier-general for meritorious services voluntarily rendered during the prevalence of cholera at Fort Harker, Kansas. In 1874 he became medical director of the Department of the South, and thereafter, until his retirement on 8 October, 1883, he was assistant medical purveyor in New York City. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 10.

SWIFT, Jonathan Williams, naval officer, born in Taunton, Massachusetts. 30 March. 1808; died in Geneva, New York, 30 July, 1877. He entered the U.S. Navy as midshipman. 25 August, 1823, and cruised in the sloop "Cyane," of the Mediterranean station, in 1823-'5, and the frigate " Brandywine," of the Pacific station, in 1826-"9. He became passed midshipman, 23 March, 1829, and was then on leave for four years. He was commissioned a lieutenant. 3 March, 1831, and the next year made a short cruise in the sloop "John Adams "in the Mediterranean. After this he was on leave and waiting orders until his death, except for a short cruise in the steamer "Fulton " on the Home station in 1840, and was placed on the reserved list by the action of the board of retirement, 14 September, 1855. He was promoted to commodore on the retired list. 4 April, 1867, and resided at Geneva, N. Y until his death. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 10.

SWIFT CREEK, SOUTH CAROLINA, April 18, 1865. (See Boykin's Mill, same date.)

SWIFT CREEK, VIRGINIA, May 9, 1864. 10th and 18th Army Corps. On the evening of the 8th Major-General Benjamin F. Butler, commanding the Army of the James, issued orders to Major-Generals Q. A. Gillmore and William F. Smith, commanding the 10th and 18th corps, to advance with their commands early the next morning and destroy the Richmond & Petersburg railroad. The railroad was struck near Chester Station and from this point the two corps moved south toward Petersburg, Smith on the left and Gillmore on the right. Near Arrowfield church on the north side of Swift creek, about a mile and a half north of Petersburg, the enemy was encountered in considerable force. Weitzel's and Brooks' divisions of the 18th corps were sent forward and drove the Confederates back across the creek. The bridges were found to be guarded by the enemy's artillery and infantry and the stream was impassable for any kind of troops. Brooks sent forward Hunt's battery, supported by Burnham's brigade, to shell the enemy at the bridge, but without effect. Gillmore and Smith then sent a communication to Butler suggesting that the troops be withdrawn and sent over on a pontoon bridge to the south side of the Appomattox for the purpose of cutting the roads leading to Petersburg from the south. Both generals believed that Petersburg could be captured "without involving us in heavy losses," but Butler refused to sanction their proposal. Had they been permitted to carry out their plan the city might have been taken, as it was then guarded by a very small force. Four days later Beauregard had about 30,000 men in the Petersburg intrenchments and it was then too late to make the attempt. On the morning of the 10th the two corps were withdrawn to the Bermuda Hundred lines. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 863.

SWINBURNE, John, physician, born in Deer River, Lewis County, New York, 30 May, 1820. He was graduated at Albany Medical College in 1846. and began to practice in that city. In 1861 he was appointed chief medical officer on the staff of General John F. Rathbone, and placed in charge of the depot for recruits at Albany. In May, 1862. he was appointed by Governor Edwin D. Morgan auxiliary volunteer surgeon at the front with the rank of medical superintendent, and was reappointed by  Governor Horatio Seymour on 13 June. He was subsequently made a surgeon in the U. S. service, and assigned to duty at Savage's station. He was taken prisoner, 29 June, 1862, and offered his liberty by his captors, but preferred to remain with his patients. He was appointed by Governor Seymour in 1864 health officer of the port of New York, reappointed by Governor Reuben E. Fenton in 1866, and held the post six years. He was surgeon-in-chief of the American ambulance corps in Paris during the siege of that city by the German Army in 1870-'l. In 1882 he was elected mayor of Albany, and in 1884 he was chosen to Congress and served for one term. He has been surgeon-in-chief to the Child's hospital and Homoeopathic hospital at Albany, and has been a frequent contributor to the medical journals and reviews. See "A Typical American, or Incidents in the Life of Dr. John Swinburne" (Albany, 1888).  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 12.

SWINTON. John, journalist, born in Salton, Haddingtonshire, Scotland, 12 December, 1830. He received his early education from his uncle, the Reverend Robert Currie, emigrated in 1843 to Canada, and afterward to the United States, with his family, learned the printer's trade in Illinois, and practised it for some time in New York City. He then received a course of classical instruction at Williston seminary, Massachusetts, and afterward travelled extensively through the United States. Feeling an abhorrence for slavery, he left Charleston, South Carolina, where he resided at the time, in order to take an active part in the free-state contest in Kansas. He returned to New York City in 1857, und began the study of medicine. While thus engaged he contributed articles to the "Times,'' afterward accepted an editorial place on that paper, and soon became managing editor. During the absences of Henry J. Raymond he had the sole control, and wrote a large number of the leading articles. He resigned the post of managing editor at the close of the war, on account of impaired health, but continued his connection with the journal as an editorial writer till the death of Mr. Raymond. Subsequently he was managing editor of the New York "Sun." He became a leader in the movement for labor-reforms, and in 1883 severed his connection with the "Sun" in order to expound his political and social views in a weekly journal that he called "John Swinton's Paper," which he ceased to publish in 1887. Besides other pamphlets, he has published "New Issue: the Chinese American Question" (New York, 1870), and also a "Eulogy on Henry J. Raymond" (1870): "John Swinton's Travels'' (1880); and an " Oration on John Brown" (1881).  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, pp. 12-13.

SWINTON, William, author, born in Salton, Scotland, 23 April, 1833, was educated at Knox College, Toronto, and at Amherst, with the intention of becoming a Presbyterian minister, and in 1853 began to preach, but adopted the profession of teaching. He was professor of ancient and modern languages at the Edgeworth female seminary, Greensborough, North Carolina, in 1853-'4, and afterward went to New York City to take a professorship in Mt. Washington collegiate institute. While in the south he contributed to 'Putnam's Monthly" some critical and philosophical articles, and a series of etymological studies that were afterward published under the title of "Rambles among Words: their Poetry and Wisdom" (New York, 1&59; London, 1861). 'Having previously contributed articles to the New York "Times,'' he was taken on the staff of that journal in 1858, and in 1862 went to the seat of war as a correspondent. He was equipped for this work by close study of military art, and he discussed tactical movements with such freedom that in 1864 General Ambrose K. Burnside, whom he had criticised in his letters, procured an order for his exclusion from the camps of the army. He also, at a later date, incurred the displeasure of General Grant. In 1867 he travelled through the southern states and collected material for a history of the war from the military and civil leaders of the Confederacy. Returning to the office of the "Times." he resumed the work of literary criticism, in which province he had gained a reputation before he became a war-correspondent. Before abandoning journalism, he published in newspaper articles and in a pamphlet an exposure of the machinations of railroad financiers to procure subsidies. In 1869 he became professor of belles-lettres in the University of California, where he remained for five years. Subsequently he made Brooklyn, New York, his residence, devoting himself to the composition of educational works, most of which were widely adopted in public and private schools. For a series of these, which cover most "of the studies pursued in schools, he received a gold medal at the Paris exposition of 1867 'for educational works of remarkable originality and value." His principal military works are " The 'Times's' Review of McClellan: his Military Career Reviewed and Exposed" (1864); "Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac: a Critical History of Operations in Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania" (1866; revised ed., 1886); "The Twelve Decisive Battles of the War: a History of the Eastern and Western Campaigns in Relation to the Actions that Decided their Issue" (1867); and "History of the New York Seventh Regiment during the War of the Rebellion" (Boston, 1870). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 13

SWISSHELM, James (Appletons’, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 32; Blue, 2005, pp. 8, 140-143, 149, 153-154)

SWISSHELM, Jane Grey Cannon, 1815-1884, abolitionist leader, women’s rights advocate, journalist, reformer.  Free Soil Party.  Liberty Party and Liberty League.  Republican Party activist.  Established Saturday Visitor, an abolition and women’s rights newspaper. 

(Appletons’, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 13; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 9, Pt. 2, p. 253; Blue, 2005, pp. 8-9, 50, 138-160, 268, 269; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 21, p. 217; The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography, Vol. II. New York: James T. White, 1892, p. 316; Hinks, Peter P., & John R. McKivigan, Eds., Encyclopedia of Antislavery and Abolition.  Westport, Connecticut, Greenwood, 2007, Vol. 2, pp. 668-670)

SWISSHELM, Jane Grey, born near Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, 6 September, 1815; died in Swissvale, Pennsylvania, 22 July, 1884. When she was eight years of age her father, James Cannon, died, leaving a family in straitened circumstances. The daughter worked at manual labor and teaching till she was twenty-one, when she married James Swisshelm, who several years afterward obtained a divorce on the ground of desertion. Two years later she moved with her husband to Louisville, Kentucky In this city she became an outspoken opponent of slavery, and her first written attack upon the system appeared in the Louisville “Journal” in 1842. She also wrote articles favoring abolition and woman's rights in the “Spirit of Liberty,” of Pittsburg, for about four years. In 1848 she established the Pittsburg “Saturday Visitor,” a strong abolition and woman's rights paper, which, in 1856, was merged with the weekly edition of the Pittsburg “Journal.” In 1857 she went to St. Cloud, Minnesota, and established the St. Cloud “Visitor.” Her bold utterances caused a mob to destroy her office and its contents, and to throw her printing-press into the river. But she soon began to publish the St. Cloud “Democrat.” When Abraham Lincoln was nominated for the presidency, she spoke and wrote in his behalf and for the principles of which he was the representative. When the Civil War began and nurses were wanted at the front, she was one of the first to respond. After the battle of the Wilderness she had charge of 182 badly wounded men at Fredericksburg for five days, without surgeon or assistant, and saved them all. She was a prolific writer for newspapers and magazines, and published “Letters to Country Girls” (New York, 1853), and an autobiography entitled “Half of a Century” (1881). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI. P. 13.

SWITZLER'S MILL, MISSOURI, August 10-13, 1862 (See Grand River.)

SWITZLER'S MILL, MISSOURI, July 12, 1863. Detachment of 9th Missouri State Militia Cavalry. Sergt. Zimmerman and 20 men captured one Watson on the 11th and were taking him to the Federal camp when he escaped. Zimmerman bivouacked at Watson's house, where the next morning his men were attacked by about 100 Confederates and after a 20 minutes' fight succeeded in driving them off. Five Union men were wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 863.

SWITZLER'S MILL, MISSOURI, February 24, 1865. A report from Colonel E. A. Kutzner of the 39th Missouri contains the following: "Jackson, with 7 men, killed a man by the name of Poe at Switzler's mill and hung 2 negroes, besides robbing another citizen. I have sent plenty of men to scour the country." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 863-864.

SWITZLER'S MILL, MISSOURI, May 27, 1865. (See Chariton County, same date.)

SWORD. The foot artillery sword resembles the Roman sword. The BLADE is 19 in. long, straight, two-edged; Body (or blade proper) shoulder rounding, ridges, point bevels, edges; Tang, its riveting and rounding, three holes for the gripe rivets; HILT, (brass, in one piece,) cross, knob, and pommel of the cross; SCABBARD (harness leather jacked) blackened and varnished with mountings and ferrule.

The Infantry Sword. BLADE, (straight, cut, and thrust,) back, edge, groove, bevel point; HILT (surmounting brass) covering of gripe brass with grooves and ridges; GUARD in one piece; SCABBARD, (leather.) This sword is for the non-commissioned officers of foot troops; a similar one, without the guard plate, and with a blade 26 inches long, for musicians. The sword for officers not mounted is also of the same pattern, with ornamented gilt mountings, and a silver gripe; the inner half of the guard plate is made with a hinge. (See SABRE.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 597).

SWORD-BAYONET. Short arms, as carbines, are sometimes furnished with a bayonet made in the form of a sword. The back of the handle has a groove, which fits upon a stud upon the barrel, and the cross-piece has a hole which fits the barrel. The bayonet is prevented from slipping off by a spring-catch; the sword-bayonet is ordinarily carried as a side arm, for which purpose it is well adapted, having a curved cutting edge as well as sharp point. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 597).

SWORDS, Robert Smith, author, born in New York City, 12 July, 1816; died in Newark. New Jersey, 15 January, 1881. He was graduated at Columbia in 1834, and after studying law for three years with Daniel Lord was admitted to the bar. Soon after this he formed a partnership with Sylvester Ward which lasted ten years, when he retired from the practice of his profession, in the meantime serving during several years as judge-advocate for the city of New York. In 1849 he settled on Passaic River, opposite Belleville, New Jersey, and while living there was for twelve years a magistrate for Union township. Although an earnest Democrat and an opponent of the administration of President Lincoln, he placed his services at the disposal of the government, in August, 1862, was commissioned lieutenant-colonel of the 13th New Jersey Volunteers, and was with his regiment in the battles of Antietam and South Mountain, being wounded in the former engagement. He resigned in 1863 and moved to Newark. New Jersey, where he afterward resided. For many years he was secretary of the Board of trade  of Newark, and he was corresponding secretary of the New Jersey state agricultural society, treasurer of the New Jersey society for the prevention of  cruelty to animals, and treasurer of the Board of proprietors of East. New Jersey. In 1867 he became treasurer of the New Jersey historical society, to whose " Proceedings " he contributed a " Memoir of the Life and Character of John Rutherford'' (1872); "The Bones of Columbus" (1879); "The Cathedral Church of San Domingo"'(1879); and other similar papers. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, pp. 13-14.

SWORDS, Thomas, soldier, born in New York City, 1 November, 1806; died there, 20 March, 1886. He was "a grandson of Captain Thomas Swords, a British officer, who died in New York in 1780, and his father was the senior member of the publishing-house of T. and J. Swords, of New York City. The son was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1829, assigned to the 4th U.S. Infantry, and served in various parts of the southern states for four years, when he was appointed 1st lieutenant in the 1st U.S. Dragoons. He was promoted captain, 3 March, 1837, and during nearly the whole of the succeeding twelve years was engaged on frontier duty, serving with General Henry Leavenworth against the Indians in the southwest, and with General Stephen Kearny in the conquest of New Mexico and California, and raised the first American flag over Santa Fe. When General Kearny's force reached San Diego on the Pacific coast in January. 1847, Swords, who was the quartermaster, went to the Sandwich Islands and obtained clothing and supplies for the soldiers. He became captain and assistant quartermaster. 7 July. 1838. major, 21 April, 1846, and lieutenant-colonel and deputy quartermaster-general. 3 August, 1861. He was chief quartermaster of the Army of the West in 1846-'7, was engaged at San Pasqual. California, 6 December, 1846, and at Vera Cruz, and was brevetted lieutenant-colonel, 30 May, 1848, for meritorious services in the enemy's country. He was chief quartermaster of the Departments of the Cumberland and the Ohio in 1861-65, was engaged in the battle of Chickamauga, and brevetted brigadier-general and major-general, U. S. Army. 13 March, 1865. He was retired from active service, 22 February, 1869. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 14.

SYCAMORE CHURCH, VIRGINIA, August 3, 1862. Averell's Cavalry. While the Army of the Potomac was encamped on the north side of the James river, after the Seven Days' battles, General McClellan sent Colonel W. W. Averell, with about 300 of his cavalry, to make a reconnaissance on the south side of the river and try to capture some of the enemy's cavalry in the neighborhood of Sycamore Church. Near the church he found some 500 Confederate cavalry, attacked the advance guards and drove them back to the camp, where a sharp fight occurred in which the enemy were driven off in disorder. Averell then burned the camp, destroyed the stores and recrossed the river, bringing 2 prisoners. The Union casualties were 2 men slightly wounded. The enemy's loss in killed and wounded was not learned. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 864.

SYCAMORE CHURCH, VIRGINIA, August 9, 1864. 1st District of Columbia Cavalry. A little before 8 a. m. the quartermaster of the regiment with 2 teams and wagons was captured by a band of Confederate soldiers and citizens on the stage road near one of the outposts. Major J. S. Baker ordered out the regiment and followed in the direction of Sycamore church, picketing the roads as he went to cut off the return of the captors. The pursuit was continued until 10 o'clock that night and 8 of the gang were captured. The rest, with their booty, made their escape. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 864.

SYCAMORE CHURCH, VIRGINIA, September 16, 1864. 1st District of Columbia and 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry. Sylamore, Arkansas, May 29, 1862. (See Kickapoo Bottom, same date.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 864.

SYKES, George
, soldier, born in Dover, Delaware, 9 October, 1822; died in Brownsville, Texas, 9 February, 1880. He was appointed from Maryland to the U. S. Military Academy, and on his graduation in 1842 was assigned to the 3d U.S. Infantry, with which he served in the latter part of the Florida war, and then in the west and in Texas. He was promoted 1st lieutenant, 21 September, 1846. and during the Mexican war was engaged at Monterey, Vera Cruz. Cerro Gordo (where he was brevetted captain for gallantry), Contreras, Churubusco, and the capture of the City of Mexico. He was commissary of General Twiggs's division in Mexico in 1847-"8, and was then on frontier and garrison duty till the Civil War, taking part in skirmishes with the Apaches in 1854, and in the Navajo Expedition of 1859, and reaching the rank of captain on 30 September. 1855. He became major of the 14th U.S. Infantry, 14 May, 1861, was at the battle of Bull Run, and then commanded the regular infantry in Washington till March, 1862, and was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers, 28 September, 1861. He took part in the Peninsula Campaign at the head of the division of regulars in Fitz-John Porter's corps, receiving the brevet of colonel for gallantry at Gaines's Mills, and in the succeeding operations of the Army of the Potomac, becoming major-general of volunteers on 29 November, 1862, and commanding the 5th Corps after the battle of Chancellorsville. He was at the head of this corps at Gettysburg, and so continued till 20 April. 1864, when he was ordered to Kansas. At the close of the war he received the brevet of brigadier-general, U. S. Army, for services at Gettysburg, and major-general for "gallant and meritorious services in the field " during the war. He had reached the regular army rank of lieutenant-colonel on 16 October, 1863, and on 12 January, 1868, he became colonel of the 20th U.S. Infantry. From this time till his death he commanded various posts, and after 1877 he was in charge of Fort Brown, Texas On motion of Senator Burnside, H appropriated $1,000 for the removal of his remains to the cemetery at West Point, where he now lies buried, and where a fine monument has been erected to his memory by his many friends. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 14.

SYLAMORE, ARKANSAS, January 24-27, 1864. 1st Nebraska and 6th Missouri State Militia Cavalry. Colonel William Baumer, with about 300 men of the two regiments, left Batesville on the 23d to break up some camps of the enemy's. On the afternoon of the 24th his advance guard charged into the town of Sylamore and drove out some Confederates, who took position on some steep hills overlooking the town and continued to fire on the Union troops. Three companies were dismounted and advanced as skirmishers, driving the enemy from his position with a loss of several in killed and wounded. The Federal loss was 1 man wounded. On the 27th Baumer attacked Freeman's camp on Middle Sylamore creek, but the Confederates slipped out on a by-road and made their escape. Captain Ribble, with his company, was sent in pursuit, followed by the entire command. Freeman's train was overtaken, and in the skirmish 8 of the enemy were killed and 7 captured, together with 12 mules, a number of horses and all the wagons. The wagons and their contents were burned. No Federal casualties reported in this action. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 864.

SYLVAN GROVE, GEORGIA, November 27, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3d Cavalry Division, March to the Sea. The brigade, commanded by Colonel Eli H. Murray, went into camp near the little village of Sylvan Grove on the evening of the 26th. As the rear-guard had been skirmishing all day with the enemy, Murray ordered his command to construct barricades in anticipation of a night attack. About 2 a. m. on the 27th Wheeler's entire force made a desperate assault on the 8th Indiana and 2nd Kentucky, but it was promptly repulsed. Two more charges were made, but with no better success on the part of the Confederates. Desultory firing continued until daylight, when the two regiments were withdrawn under a heavy fire and the march was resumed. No report of losses obtainable. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 864.

SYPHER, Josiah Rhinehart, journalist, born in Liverpool, Perry County, Pennsylvania, 12 April, 1832. He was graduated at Union College in 1858, and, after making a tour of the United States, studied law and was admitted to the bar at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, in 1862. While he was travelling he contributed to the Lancaster " Express," and he was its associate editor while studying law. In 1862 he was engaged as war-correspondent of the New York "Tribune." and he was afterward in charge of the correspondence in the Army of the Potomac. In the winter of 1865 he became associate editor of the "Tribune," and in 1870 he established the “Pennsylvania State Journal" at Harrisburg, but at the end of six months he resumed the practice of law in Philadelphia. He has advocated public education and temperance reform, and, in addition to articles for the press and several school-books, has published "History of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps" (Lancaster, 1865), and "School History of Pennsylvania" (Philadelphia. 1868). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 16.

SYRACUSE, MISSOURI, October 5, 1863. Detachment of 7th Missouri State Militia Cavalry. Thirty men under Captain Richard M. Box trailed about 60 of Jackman's guerrillas into the brush near Syracuse and vigorously attacked. Twelve of the outlaws were killed and 4 wounded. No casualties were sustained by the Federals. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 864-865.

SYRACUSE, MISSOURI, October 10, 1863. After Confederate 'General Shelby in his raid into Arkansas and Missouri had entered Tipton he sent a scouting party to Syracuse. The blockhouse there was stormed and the garrison captured. The only mention of the affair is Shelby's report, so there is no way of ascertaining what Union troops participated. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 865.

SZABAD, Emeric, author, born in Hungary about 1822. He was secretary under the Hungarian national government in 1849, was a friend of Louis Kossuth, and gained his first experience as a soldier in his native country. He subsequently served in Italy under Garibaldi, and at the opening of the Civil War came to this country and was appointed on the staff of General John C. Fremont. He served through the war, being on the staff of General Daniel E. Sickles at Gettysburg, and afterward on that of General Gouverneur K. Warren. He wrote a series of letters on the United States Army and its management for the New York "Tribune." and has published " Hungary, Past and Present " (London, 1854); "State Policy of Modern Europe from the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century to the Present I Time"(2 vols., 1857): and "Modern War: its Theory and Practice" (New York, 1863). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 16.