Civil War Encyclopedia: Hos-Hyd

Hospitals through Hydesville, Illinois Creek


Hospitals through Hydesville, Illinois Creek

HOSPITALS are under the immediate direction of their respective surgeons. The general regulations of the army prescribe the allowance of attendants; the issues to hospitals, &c., &c. (See AMBULANCE; SURGEON; SURGERY.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 344).

HOT SHOT. The charges for hot shot are from to the weight of the shot. With small velocities, the shot splits and splinters the wood, so as to render it favorable for burning. With great velocity, the ball sinks deep into the wood, is deprived of air by the closing of the hole, and chars instead of burning the surrounding wood. It should not penetrate deeper than 10 or 12 inches. Red-hot balls do not set fire to the wood until some time after their penetration. They retain sufficient heat to ignite wood after having made several ricochets upon water. The wads are made of clay or hay. Clay wads should consist of pure clay, or fuller's earth free from sand or gravel well kneaded with just enough moisture to work well. They are cylindrical and one calibre in length. Hay wads should remain in the tub to soak, at least ten or fifteen minutes. Before being used, the water is pressed out of them. When hay wads are used, vapor may be seen escaping from the vent on the insertion of the ball; but as this is only the effect of the heat of the ball on the water contained in the wad, no danger need be apprehended from it. With proper precautions in loading, the ball may be permitted to cool in the gun without igniting the charge. The piece, however, should be fired with as little delay as possible, as the vapor would diminish the strength of the powder. FURNACES FOR HEATING SHOT are erected at the forts on the sea-coast. These furnaces hold sixty or more shot. The shot being placed, and the furnace cold, it requires one hour and fifteen minutes to heat them to a red heat; but after the furnace is once heated, a 24-pdr. shot is brought to a red heat in twenty-five minutes; the 32-pdr. and 42-pdr. shot require a few minutes longer. Three men are required to attend the furnace: one takes out the hot shot, and places them on the stand to be scraped; another scrapes them and puts them in the ladle; and the third supplies cold shot and fuel; (GIBBON.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 344).

HOTCHKISS, Benjamin Berkely, inventor, born in Connecticut in 1830; died in Paris, France, 14 February, 1885. He was brought up as a machinist, and as early as 1856 designed a rifle field-gun, which was purchased by the Mexican government. In 1860 he submitted to the U. S. government an improved system of rifling-belt and percussion fuse for projectiles, and after their adoption he engaged in their manufacture in New York. During the Civil War, more Hotchkiss shells were used than any other variety except the Parrott shell. Mr. Hotchkiss visited Paris in 1867, and invented an improved metallic cartridge-case as a substitute for the paper-case then used in the French Army. This form was purchased by the French authorities, and its manufacture begun at St. Etienne. He remained in Paris, where he made important improvements in the guns used by different nations, including his revolving cannon, which was adopted in Germany, Holland, Denmark, Russia. Italy, Austria, Chili, China, Norway, and the United States. His next invention of importance was that of a magazine-rifle, devised in 1875, and followed in 1882 by a quick-firing gun that has since been adopted in trance, England, and the United States. During 1882 the firm of Hotchkiss and Company was formed, and the policy was introduced of manufacturing the guns in the different countries using them. In this manner connections were established in Germany, Austria, Italy, England, and Russia. At the time of his death, Mr. Hotchkiss had the reputation of being the first artillery engineer in the world, and up to July, 1886, his factories had delivered 5,037 guns, of which but two had ever failed. The Hotchkiss Ordnance Company, in which the three original partners are managing directors, was formed in 1887, and arrangements were made by the U. S. government for the establishment of one of the company's factories in this country. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 269.

HOTCHKISS, Giles, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, voted for Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery (Congressional Globe)

HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS, February 4, 1864. 3d Missouri Cavalry. Houlka Swamp, Mississippi, February 17, 1864. Cavalry of Meridian Expedition. While Brigadier-General William Sooy Smith, commanding the cavalry, was advancing rapidly on Houston he encountered a body of state troops 10 miles out who fled at the f1rst fire. At the crossing of a swamp, which could only be passed by a corduroy road a mile in length, the enemy was again met and was driven back after some sharp f1ghting. The casualties, if any, were not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 504.

HOUGH, Reuben, Whitesboro, New York, abolitionist leader, Executive Committee member and founding officer of the New York State Anti-Slavery Society, Utica, New York, October 1836. (Sorin, 1971; Minutes, First Annual Meeting of the New York State Anti-Slavery Society, Utica, New York, October 19, 1836)

HOUGH, Stanley, New York, abolitionist leader, editor, newsletter of the New York Anti-Slavery Society (NYASS), Friend of Man, after 1839.  (Sernett, 2002, p. 53; Sorin, 1971)

HOUGHTON, Henry Oscar (ho'-ton), publisher, born in Sutton, Vermont, 30 April, 1823. He attended the academy in Bradford, Vermont, learned the printer's trade in Burlington, and worked at it in Nunda, New York. He was graduated at the University of Vermont in 1846, and failing to obtain a place as teacher went to Boston and engaged as reporter for the " Traveller." In 1849 he became a member of the firm of Bolles & Houghton, printers, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and in 1852 established in that city the Riverside Press, under the firm-name of H. O. Houghton and County, of which he is still (1887) the head. In 1864 he became a member of the publishing-firm of Hurd and Houghton, which in 1878 was succeeded by that of Houghton, Osgood and County, and in 1880 by that of Houghton, Mifflin and Company. By the change of 1878 it acquired the large list of the old Ticknor and Fields house, which included many famous American authors of the generation of Emerson, Longfellow, Whittier, and Holmes. When Mr. Houghton was an apprentice in Burlington, an unknown man one day walked into the office, handed him a printed slip, and said: "My lad, when you use these words, spell them as here, theater, center,'' etc. It was Noah Webster, whose great dictionary is now printed at the Riverside Press, where several presses are constantly at work upon it. Among the notable books that have been produced there are facsimile reprints of the " Bay Psalme Book." and Cromwell's "Souldier's Bible,' "Notes on Columbus," edited by Harrisse, Winsor's "History of America," and the illustrated edition of Longfellow's works. In 1872 Mr. Houghton was elected mayor of Cambridge.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 272.

HOURS OF SITTING. (See COUNTS-MARTIAL.) HOUSINGS. The cloth covering for saddles prescribed as part of the uniform of the army in regulations. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 344).

HOUSATONIC, U. S. STEAMER, February 17, 1864. For the destruction of the Housatonic in Charleston harbor, on this date, see Naval volume. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 504.

HOUSE, James Alford
, inventor, born in New York City, 6 April, 1838. He was educated as an architect, but his taste was for invention, and in 1864 he became the mechanical engineer of the Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company. The button-hole machine made by this corporation was invented by him in 1862, and the button-hole attachment for their family sewing-machine was patented by him in 1866. He has also invented an India-rubber trunk shield and several sewing machine improvements, including an ingenious adaptation of the variable motion by means of a steel pin moving over unequal distances in equal times in a slotted disk.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 273

HOUSE, Royal Earl, inventor, born in Rockingham, Vermont, 9 September, 1814. He early became interested in mechanics, chemistry, and magnetism, and devoted much time to their study. The practicability of the printing-telegraph became manifest to him, and he invented a keyboard, a single line of insulated electric conductors, magnets, typewheels, automatic platens, and paper-carriers, for several stations, adapted for transmitting and printing messages in Roman characters. This invention was first put in operation and exhibited at the Mechanics' Institute, New York, in 1844. Although the first of its kind, it attained a speed of transmission of over fifty words a minute. Subsequently efforts were made by the representatives of the Morse patents to enjoin the use of the printing-telegraph; but after much litigation Mr. House was sustained. He has since made other important inventions in the art of telegraphy.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 273.

HOUSTON, David Crawford, engineer, born in New York City, 5 December, 1835. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1856, and was retained at the academy as assistant professor of natural and experimental philosophy until September, 1857, when he was placed on construction of fortifications at Hampton Roads, Virginia. From 1856 till 1860 he commanded a detachment of engineer troops in Oregon, after which he was assistant engineer in the construction of a fort on Sandy Hook, New Jersey. During the Civil War, as 1st lieutenant of the Engineer Corps, he aided in constructing the defences of Washington. D. C. He was at Blackburn's Ford and Bull Run as engineer of General Tyler's division, and as chief engineer 1st Army Corps, department of the Rappahannock. He was with the 3d Army Corps in the second battle of Bull Run and of Cedar Mountain, after which he was brevetted captain. He became chief engineer of the 1st Corps, Army of the Potomac, in the Maryland Campaign, and was engaged in the battles of South Mountain and Antietam, where he was brevetted major, 17 September, 1862. He was in charge of the defences of Harper's Ferry, Virginia, and of the Department of the Gulf during the siege of Port Hudson, Louisiana, in March, 1863, for which service he was brevetted lieutenant-colonel, 17 June, 1863. He took part in the expedition to the mouth of the Rio Grande, 1863, and in the Red River Campaign in April, 1864. He was a member of the special board of engineers for the defences of San Francisco, California, in 1864-'5. On 13 March, 1865, he was brevetted colonel for "gallant and meritorious services during the rebellion." He served on the board for defences of Willet's Point, New York, in 1865, and from 1865 till 1867 on the board to carry out in detail the modifications of the defences near Boston, as proposed by the board of 27 January, 1864. He was also superintending engineer of the construction of the defences of Narragansett Bay. Rhode Island, in 1865; of the river and harbor improvements in Rhode Island and Connecticut from 1866 till 1870: and of surveys and improvements of various rivers in Wisconsin since July, 1870. In 1868 he was a member of the board of engineers on Block Island breakwater, on the wreck of the steamer "Scotland,” and on the improvement of Ogdensburg and Oswego Harbors. In 1869 he served on the Wallabout Channel and in the New York Navy yard. In 1871 he was charged with the plans for docks in Chicago breakwater, and from 1872 till December, 1875, was engaged in constructing harbors in the northwest. He was also superintending engineer on modifications proposed for Michigan City Harbor, Indiana, in July, and on the improvement of Fox and Wisconsin Rivers in August, 1878. He became major of the Corps of Engineers on 7 March, 1867, lieutenant-colonel, 30 dune, 1882, and since 1886 has been a member of the board of engineers for fortifications and river and harbor improvements.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 273.

HOUSTON, George Smith, governor of Alabama, born in Williamson County, Tennessee, 17 January, 1811; died in Athens, Limestone County, Alabama, 17 January, 1879. At an early age he moved to Limestone County, Alabama, where he studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1831. He practised with success, and served in the state legislature for two sessions. In 1836 he became state's attorney for the Florence Judicial District, after which he served a second time in the legislature. He was elected as a Democrat to Congress in 1841, and was so continued by successive elections till 1849, when he resumed his law practice. In 1851 he was again elected to Congress, serving on several important committees, and officiating as chairman of the committee on the Judiciary and on that of Ways and Means. He was also a member of the special committee of thirty-three. He retired in 1861, when Alabama seceded. He was a delegate to the Philadelphia National Union Convention of 1866. In 1874 he was governor of Alabama.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 273.

HOUSTON, Samuel, president of Texas, born in Rockbridge County, Virginia, 2 March, 1793; died in Huntsville, Walker County, Texas, 26 July, 1863. He was of Scotch-Irish descent. On the death of his father, the family moved to a place in Tennessee near the Cherokee territory. He received but little education, and spent much of his time with the Indians, by one of whom he was adopted. In 1813 he enlisted in the 7th U. S. Infantry, and soon became a sergeant. He was present at the battle of the Horseshoe Bend (Tohopeka). where he attracted the attention of General Jackson by his desperate bravery, and was several times wounded. He was made ensign in the 39th U.S. Infantry, 29 July, 1813, and in the following May became 2d lieutenant. For a time he acted as sub-agent for the Cherokees, at Jackson's request. He became 1st lieutenant in March, 1818, but resigned in the following May on account of criticism emanating from the War Department, of which John C. Calhoun was secretary, touching the smuggling of Negroes from Florida into the United States. This he had tried to prevent, and, being accused of complicity, he demanded an investigation and was fully exonerated. He began the study of law at Nashville, in June, 1818, obtained his license in a few months, and commenced practice at Lebanon. In 1819 he was elected district attorney of the Davidson District, whereupon he moved to Nashville. He was also appointed adjutant-general of the state. In 1821 he was elected major-general, and within a year resigned the district attorney-ship. In 1823 he was elected to Congress, and in 1825 was re-elected. In the last year of his term, he fought a duel with General White, whom he wounded. In 1827 he was a candidate for governor, and was elected by an overwhelming majority. In January, 1829, he married a Miss Allen, of Sumner County, Tennessee, but a few weeks after the marriage Houston suddenly separated from his wife without a word of explanation. He always protested that the cause of separation in no manner affected his wife's character. He left the state amid a storm of vituperation, and made his way up the Arkansas to the mouth of the Illinois, where lived his former Cherokee father-by-adoption. Here he remained about three years. In 1832 he made a trip to Washington in the interest of the Indians. He wore the Indian garb, and was warmly received by President Jackson. While in Washington he was accused by William Stansberry, of Ohio, a member of Congress, of attempting to obtain a fraudulent contract for furnishing the Indians supplies. In retaliation, he attacked Stansberry, and beat him severely. He received a mild reprimand at the bar of the house, and was fined $500, but Jackson remitted the fine. This year he made a trip to Texas. He was elected a member of the convention called to meet at San Felipe de Austin, 1 April, 1833, where a constitution was adopted, in which Houston had inserted a clause, forbidding the legislature to establish banks. Shortly afterward. Houston was elected general of Texas, east of Trinity River. He was also a member of the so-called "General Consultation " that met in October, 1835, for the purpose of establishing a provisional government, he successfully opposed a declaration of absolute independence as premature. He was here elected commander-in-chief of the Army of Texas, and at once proceeded to perfect the military organization of the scattered population, though constantly hampered by the bickerings and jealousies of those in control of the law-making power, who soon deprived him of his office. He was elected a member of the convention that met at New Washington, and adopted a declaration of absolute independence, 2 March, 1836, which also re-elected him commander-in-chief. The Mexicans, under Santa-Anna, began the invasion of Texas, about 5,000 strong, in three columns. On 6 March the Alamo fell, and 185 men were put to death, Bowie, David Crockett, and Travis among the number. A few days later, Goliad was captured by the Mexicans, and 500 men were put to death. After some manoeuvring, Houston, on 21 April, 1836, with 750 men, met the main division of the Mexicans, 1,800 strong, under Santa-Anna, on the banks of the San Jacinto, near the mouth of Buffalo bayou. The American battle-cry was "Remember the Alamo!" The fight lasted less than an hour, and the Mexicans were totally routed, losing 630 killed and 730 prisoners, among them Santa-Anna. Houston, wounded in the ankle, was treated with great indignity by the civil authorities immediately after the battle, and retired to New Orleans. In the autumn of 1836, when he returned to Nacogdoches, Mirabeau B. Lamar had been made commander-in-chief. An election for president of the republic had been ordered by the March convention, and Houston announced himself a candidate twelve days before the day of election. In a total vote of 5,104, he received 4,374, and on 22 October, 1836, he became first president of the republic of Texas. His term expired 12 December, 1838. He left the country in a healthy condition, its treasury notes at par, at peace with the Indians, and on a friendly footing with Mexico, although a permanent peace had not yet been negotiated. Houston had been in the Texan Congress for the two terms 1839-'41. In April, 1840, he married Margaret Moffette, having been divorced from his first wife. His second wife, who exercised an ennobling and restraining influence over him, was from Alabama. In 1841 he was re-elected to the presidency. From 12 December 1841, till 9 December, 1844, Houston's work was to undo the mischief of his predecessor, Lamar. He probably saved the government from disbanding. Congress, in June, 1842, passed a bill making him dictator, and 10,000,000 acres of land were voted to resist the threatened Mexican invasion. Houston vetoed these measures, and the danger of invasion soon passed away. In 1838 he had taken the first step toward securing the annexation of Texas to the United States. Van Buren hesitated, when Houston began to coquette, as he afterward said, with Spain, France, and England, knowing that the United States dreaded the intrusion of a European power upon American soil. On 29 December 1845, Texas entered the Union, and in March, 1846, Houston entered the U. S. Senate, and served till 1859. He was a pronounced Unionist, voted against and strenuously opposed the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, and voted for all compromise measures during the slavery agitation. He opposed the Kansas and Nebraska bill, and in 1858 voted against the Lecompton Constitution of Kansas. He refused to sign the Southern address. Constantly, during his term of service, he earnestly advocated the cause of the Indians. A favorite and oft-quoted maxim of his was that no treaty, made and carried out in good faith, had ever been violated by the Indians. His availability as a presidential candidate became patent, and at one time his nomination was regarded as a foregone conclusion. In 1852 he received eight votes on the first ballot in the convention that nominated Franklin Pierce. His popularity was somewhat impaired in the Democratic Party by his sympathetic course toward the Know-Nothings. On 11 October, 1854, a meeting of Democrats at Concord, New Hampshire, had put Houston forward as the people's candidate, in opposition to caucus or convention nomination. In the American convention that met, 22 February, 1856, and nominated Millard Fillmore, Houston received three votes. The convention of the Constitutional Union Party met at Baltimore, 9 May, 1860, and on the first ballot John Bell, of Tennessee, received 68, and Houston 57 votes. On the next ballot Bell was nominated. In November, 1857, Houston had been defeated for governor of Texas by Harrison B. Runnels, the regular nominee of the Democratic Party. In 1859, as an independent candidate, he defeated Runnels. In the presidential election of 1860 his preference was for any Union man that could defeat Lincoln, and in his message to the legislature he deeply deplored Lincoln's election, but saw in this no grounds for secession. At the election, 23 February, 1861, the state was carried for secession, and all state officers were required to take the oath of allegiance to the Confederate States. This Houston refused to do, and on 18 March he was deposed. U. S. troops were offered him, but he refused their aid. On 10 May, 1861, he made a speech at Independence, Texas, in which he defined the position of southern Unionists. He said: "The voice of hope was weak, since drowned by the guns of Fort Sumter. . . . The time has come when a man's section is his country. I stand by mine. . . . Whether we have opposed this secession movement or favored it, we must alike meet the consequences. ... It is no time to turn back now." He took no part in public life after this. See his life, anonymous (New York, 1855).  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 274-275.

HOUSTON, MISSISSIPPI, February 19, 1864. Detachment of 2nd Tennessee Cavalry. During the Meridian expedition Colonel Lafayette McCrillis, commanding the 3d cavalry brigade, sent a portion of the 2nd Tennessee under Major William F. Prosser toward Houston, from Okolona. Prosser proceeded to within 6 miles of Houston, where he fell upon and engaged the rear-guard of Chalmers' brigade, and then moving southward drove them as far as Buena Vista. He then fell back on the Pikeville road and rejoined his brigade at midnight. No casualties were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 504.

HOUSTON, MISSOURI, September 12, 1863. Detachment of 5th Missouri State Militia Cavalry. Captain S. B. Richardson with 10 men after a pursuit of nearly 70 miles came upon the camp of a band of guerrillas. Of the 4 in camp 3 were killed and the other was severely wounded. A number of horses, saddles, harness, etc., was captured in the camp. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 504.

HOVEY, Charles Edward, lawyer, born in Thetford, Orange County, Vermont, 26 April, 1827, was graduated at Dartmouth in 1852, after which he became principal of the high-school in Farmington, Massachusetts, and of the boy's high-school in Peoria, Illinois. He assisted in organizing the Illinois Normal University in Normal, of which he was president from 1857 till the Civil War, and on the organization of a system of public schools in that city, in 1856, he was appointed superintendent, and assisted in forming the State Teachers' Association, of which he was president in 1856. On 15 August, 1861, he entered the national service as colonel of the 33d Illinois Volunteer Infantry, a regiment composed chiefly of young men from the state colleges. In 1862 he was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general, and on 5 September, 1862, to that of major-general by brevet, for gallant and meritorious conduct in battle, particularly at Arkansas Post, 11 January, 1863. He left the military service in May, 1863, and has since practised law. He delivered a number of addresses in Illinois, was a member of the state board of education there, was the editor of the "Illinois Teacher," and contributed also to other educational periodicals from 1852 till 1861.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 276.

HOVEY, Alvin Peterson, soldier, born in Posey County, Indiana, 6 September, 1821. He was educated in the Mount Vernon common schools, studied law, was admitted to the bar of Mount Vernon in 1843, and practised with success. He was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention of Indiana in 1850. In 1851 he became circuit judge of the 3d Judicial Circuit of Indiana, which office he held until 1854, when he was made judge of the Supreme Court of Indiana. From 1856 till 1858 he served as U. S. District Attorney for Indiana. During the Civil War he entered the national service as colonel of the 24th Indiana Volunteers, in July, 1861. He was promoted brigadier-general of volunteers on 28 April, 1862, and brevetted major-general for meritorious and distinguished services in July. 1864. He was in command of the Eastern District of Arkansas in 1863, and of the District of Indiana in 1864-'5. General Grant, in his official report, awards to General Hovey the honor of the key-battle of the Vicksburg Campaign, that of Champion's Hill. General Hovey resigned in October, 1865, and was appointed minister to Peru, which office he resigned in 1870. He was elected to Congress as a Republican in 1880.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 276.

HOWARD, Benjamin Chew, 1791-1872, Maryland, statesman, U.S. Congressman.  Manager of the Maryland Society of the American Colonization Society. 

(Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 276-277; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 5, Pt. 1, p. 275; Staudenraus, P. J. The African Colonization Movement, 1816-1865. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961, p. 111)

HOWARD, Benjamin Chew, Baltimore County, Maryland, 5 Nov., 1791; died in Baltimore, Maryland, 6 March, 1872. He was graduated at Princeton in 1809, studied law, and practised in Baltimore. In 1814 he assisted in organizing troops for the defence of Baltimore, and commanded the “Mechanical Volunteers” at the battle of North Point on 12 September of that year. He served in Congress in 1829-'33, having been chosen as a Democrat, and again in 1835-'9, when he was chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations, and drew up its report on the boundary question. From 1843 till 1862 he was reporter of the Supreme Court of the United States, and in 1861 he was a delegate to the Peace Congress. Princeton gave him the degree of LL. D. in 1869. He published “Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of the United States from 1843 till 1855” (Baltimore, 1855). Appletons’ Cylcopædia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 276-277

HOWARD, Jacob Merritt, senator, born in Shaftsbury, Vermont, 10 July, 1805; died in Detroit, Michigan, 2 April, 1871. By teaching he gained the means of obtaining an education at Williams College, where he was graduated in 1830. Moving to Detroit, Michigan, in 1832, he studied law, was admitted to the bar the next year, and was a member of the legislature in 1838. In 1840 he was elected to Congress, serving from 1841 till 1843, and in 1854-'8 was Attorney-General of Michigan. In 1854 Mr. Howard drew up the platform of the first convention ever held by the Republican Party, and is accredited with giving the party its name, he was elected to the U. S. Senate in 1862, as a Republican, to fill the unexpired term of Kinsley S. Bingham, deceased, was re-elected in 1865, and served until 3 March, 1871. During his term as senator he was chairman of the Ordnance Committee. He was a delegate to the Philadelphia Loyalist Convention of 1866, and in that year Williams gave him the degree of LL. D. He published a "Translation from the French of the Secret Memoirs of the Empress Josephine " (New York, 1847).  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 277.

HOWARD, Oliver Otis, 1830-1919, abolitionist, Union Major General, commander of the 11th Corps of the Army of the Potomac and the Army of the Tennessee, the Right Wing of General Sherman’s March to the Sea, and the Carolinas Campaign, November 1864-April 1865.  Recipient of the Medal of Honor.  Founder and director of the Freeman’s Bureau, 1865-1874.  Founder of Howard University, Washington, DC. 

(Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 278; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 5, Pt. 1, p. 279; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 11; Cullum, 1891; U.S. War Department. The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. 128 vols. Washington, DC: GPO, 1881-1901. Series 1; Warner, 1964.)

HOWARD, Oliver Otis, soldier, born in Leeds, Maine, 8 November, 1830. He was graduated at Bowdoin in 1850, and at the U. S. Military Academy in 1854, became 1st lieutenant and instructor in mathematics in 1854, and resigned in 1861 to take command of the 3d Maine Regiment. He commanded a brigade at the first battle of Bull Run, and for gallantry in that engagement was made brigadier-general of volunteers, 3 September, 1861. He was twice wounded at the battle of Fair Oaks, losing his right arm on 1 June, 1862, was on sick-leave for six months, and engaged in recruiting service till September of this year, when he participated in the battle of Antietam, and afterward took General John Sedgwick's division in the 2d Corps. In November, 1862, he became major-general of volunteers. He commanded the 11th Corps during General Joseph Hooker's operations in the vicinity of Fredericksburg, 2 May, 1863, served at Gettysburg, Lookout Valley, and Missionary Ridge, and was on the expedition for the relief of Knoxville in December, 1863. He was in occupation of Chattanooga from this time till July, 1864, when he was assigned to the Army of the Tennessee in the invasion of Georgia, was engaged at Dalton, Resaca, Adairsville, and Pickett's Mill, where he was again wounded, was at the surrender of Atlanta, and joined in pursuit of the Confederates in Alabama, under General John B. Hood, from 4 October till 13 December, 1864. In the march to the sea and the invasion of the Carolinas he commanded the right wing of General William T. Sherman's army. He became brigadier-general in the U. S. Army, 21 December, 1864. He was in command of the Army of the Tennessee, and engaged in all the important battles from 4 January till 26 April, 1865, occupying Goldsborough, North Carolina, 24 March, 1865, and participating in numerous skirmishes, terminating with the surrender of General Joseph E. Johnston at Durham, North Carolina, 26 April, 1865. In March of this year he was brevetted major-general for gallantry at the battle of Ezra Church and the campaigns against Atlanta, Georgia. He was commissioner of the Freedmen's bureau at Washington from March, 1865, till July, 1874, and in that year was assigned to the command of the Department of the Columbia. In 1877 he led the expedition against the Nez Perces Indians, and in 1878 led the campaign against the Bannocks and Piutes. In 1881-'2 he was superintendent of the U. S. Military Academy. In 1886 General Howard was commissioned major-general, and given command of the Division of the Pacific. Bowdoin College gave him the degree of A. M. in 1853, Waterville College that of LL. D. in 1865, Shurtleff College the same in 1865, and Gettysburg theological seminary in 1866. He was also made a chevalier of the Legion of honor by the French government in 1884. General Howard has contributed various articles to magazines, his latest being an account of the Atlanta Campaign in the “Century” for July, 1887, and has published “Donald's School Days” (1879); “Chief Joseph, or the Nez Perces in Peace and War” (1881); and is the author and translator of a “Life of Count Agenor de Gasparin.” Appleton’s 1990, Vol. III. p. 278.

HOWARD, Roland, abolitionist.  Brother of General Oliver Otis Howard.  (Marching in Proud Company, Civil War Recollections of Oliver Otis Howard [pamphlet, reprint], Anthoensen Press, Portland, ME, 1983)

HOWARD, William A., revenue officer, born in Maine in 1807: died 18 November, 1871. When a boy he distinguished himself by leading an expedition to rescue a United States vessel that had been seized by the British for infringing the fishery laws. In 1824 he entered the U. S. Navy, and in 1828 resigned his commission to receive a captaincy in the revenue marine. So successful was he in assisting vessels in distress on the coast of New England that the merchants of Boston presented him with a valuable service of silver. In 1848 the German confederation appointed him second in command of the fleet on the Weser, and he there constructed a navy-yard and dock, and remained in charge until the breaking up of the fleet. At the beginning of the Civil War Captain Howard raised a regiment of marine artillery, which was attached to the Burnside expedition. On returning north he began organizing in New York a regiment of heavy artillery, and raised 2,500 men, who were detailed for active service with the Army of the James. As colonel he commanded the defences around Portsmouth and Norfolk, and at the close of the war resumed his commission as captain in the revenue marine. He hoisted the flag of the United States in Alaska soon after its transference by Russia. His last service was superintending the building of steam-launches for the revenue marine.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 278-279.

HOWARD, William Alanson, lawyer, born in Hinesburg, Chittenden County, Vermont, 8 April. 1813; died in Washington, D. C., 10 April, 1880. When fourteen years of age he was apprenticed to the cabinetmaker's trade at Albion, New York. He remained there four years, and in 1832 entered an academy at Wyoming, where he studied three years, and in 1839 was graduated from Middlebury. In 1840 he became tutor of mathematics in the Michigan University, he studied law, and was admitted to the bar of Detroit in 1842. He was elected a representative in Congress from Michigan for three successive terms, serving from 3 December, 1855, till 3 March, 1861. While in the House of Representatives he took a decided stand in opposition to slavery. In 1861 he was appointed postmaster at Detroit, and in 1869 declined an appointment as minister to China. He was a delegate to the National Republican Conventions of 1868, 1872, and 1876. In 1869 he was appointed land-commissioner of the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railway, and in 1872 of the Northern Pacific. He was appointed governor of Dakota Territory in 1878, and spent the remainder of his life at Yankton.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 279.

HOWARD COUNTY, MISSOURI, August 28, 1862. 4th Missouri Militia Cavalry. Howard's Gap, North Carolina, April 22, 1865. Cavalry Division, Stoneman's Expedition. This skirmish was an incident of an expedition into southwestern Virginia and western North Carolina. Gillem's cavalry passed through Howard's gap of the Blue Ridge mountains on the 22nd, the small force of the enemy posted there offering but slight resistance. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 504.

HOWE, Albion Paris, soldier, born in Standish, Maine, 13 March, 1818. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1841, entered the 4th U.S. Artillery, and from 1843 till 1846 was a teacher of mathematics at West Point. He served with credit in the Mexican War, was brevetted captain for his conduct at Contreras and Churubusco, and became captain, 2 March, 1855. He was General McClellan's chief of artillery in western Virginia in 1861, and commanded a brigade of light artillery in the Army of the Potomac during the campaign on the Peninsula in 1862. He was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers, 11 July, 1862, and was assigned to a brigade in Couch's division, 4th Army Corps. He was in the battles of Manassas, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Gettysburg. He was in command of the artillery depot, Washington, D. C, in 1864-'6, and was brevetted major-general, U. S. Army, 13 March, 1865. for meritorious service during the rebellion. He was retired from the army in 1882, after serving for several years on the Pacific Coast with the 4th U.S. Artillery, of which he was major.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 279.

HOWE, Eber Dudley, 1798-1885, abolitionist.  Publisher of the newspaper, Painesville Telegraph, in Painsville, Ohio, which had an anti-slavery editorial policy.  Howe was active in the Underground Railroad.

HOWE, Ellias, inventor, born in Spencer, Massachusetts, 9 July, 1819; died in Brooklyn, New York, 3 October, 1867. He was the son of a farmer and miller, and assisted his father in these pursuits, also attending school during the winter months. In 1835 he went to Lowell, and served for a time with a manufacturer of cotton machinery, earning but fifty cents a day. The financial panic of 1837 threw him out of employment, and he then went to Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he was given work in the shop of Ari Davis, a Boston machinist. It was at this time that he conceived the idea of making a sewing-machine, and he diligently labored upon it in spare hours after his day's work. After five years of continuous experimenting he succeeded in completing his invention in May. 1845, but not until he had received pecuniary aid from an old school-fellow, George Fisher, with whom he formed a partnership. He obtained, on 10 September, 1846, a patent for the first practical sewing-machine, but in consequence of the opposition to any labor-saving machines, the artisans of Boston were unwilling to use it, and for a brief time Mr. Howe obtained employment on a railroad as an engineer until his health failed. In 1847 he visited England, hoping for success in that country, but after two years he returned to the United States, utterly destitute, after working his way home as a common sailor. While in England he disposed of his rights in that country to William Thomas, and adapted the machine to the business of corset, umbrella, and valise making. During his absence the machine had been imitated and introduced through the country regardless of his patents. Friends were now easily found who were willing to help him to establish his patent, and in 1854, after much litigation, he was successful in establishing his prior right to the invention. His prosperity was thenceforth assured, and a year later he had repurchased all of the patents that he had sold during his season of adversity. Mr. Howe then received a royalty on every sewing-machine that was manufactured in the United States, and his income grew from $300 a year until it reached $200,000. It was estimated that up to September, 1867, the date of the expiration of the patent, he had realized about $2,000,000. In 1863 he organized a company of which he was made president, and erected a large sewing-machine factory at Bridgeport, Connecticut During the Civil War he contributed largely to the support of the government, enlisting as a private soldier in the 17th Connecticut Regiment, with which he served until failing health compelled his resignation, and later, when the government was pressed for funds, he advanced money to pay the regiment. Mr. Howe received numerous medals, including the gold medal of the World's Fair held in Paris in 1867, where he also was given the cross of the Legion of Honor. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 279-280.

HOWE, Dr. Samuel Gridley, 1801-1876, abolitionist leader, philanthropist, physician, reformer.  Actively participated in the anti-slavery movement.  Free Soil candidate for Congress from Boston in 1846.  From 1851-1853 he edited the anti-slavery newspaper, the Commonwealth.  Active with the U. S. Sanitary Commission during the Civil War.  Member of the American Freedman’s Inquiry Commission, 1863. Supported radical abolitionist John Brown. Husband of Julia Ward Howe. 

(Filler, 1960, pp. 43, 56, 117, 181, 204, 214, 238, 241, 268; Mitchell, 2007, pp. 32, 117, 119-120, 213; Rodriguez, 2007, pp. 165, 207, 327, 388, 341; Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 283; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 5, Pt. 1, p. 296; American Reformers: An H.W. Wilson Biographical Dictionary, New York, 1985, pp. 453-456; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 11, p. 342)

HOWE, Samuel Gridley, philanthropist, born in Boston, Massachusetts, 10 November, 1801; died there, 9 January, 1876. He was graduated at Brown in 1821, and at the Harvard Medical school in 1824. After completing his studies he went to Greece, where he served as surgeon in the war for the independence in 1824-'7, and then as the head of the regular surgical service, which he established in that country. In 1827 he returned to the United States in order to obtain help for the Greeks when they were threatened with a famine, and later founded a colony on the isthmus of Corinth, but in consequence of prostration by swamp-fever he was obliged in 1830 to leave the country. In 1831, his attention having been called to the need of schools for the blind, for whose education no provision had been made in this country, he again visited Europe in order to study the methods of instruction then in use for the purpose of acquiring information concerning the education of the blind. While in Paris he was made president of the Polish committee. In his efforts to convey and distribute funds for the relief of a detachment of the Polish Army that had crossed into Prussia, he was arrested by the Prussian authorities, but, after six weeks' imprisonment, was taken to the French frontier by night and liberated. On his return to Boston in 1832 he gathered several blind pupils at his father's house, and thus gave origin to the school which was afterward known as the Perkins institution, and of which he was the first superintendent, continuing in this office until his death. His greatest achievement in this direction was the education of Laura Bridgman (q. v.). Dr. Howe also took an active part in founding the experimental school for the training of idiots, which resulted in the organization of the Massachusetts school for idiotic and feeble-minded youth in 1851. He was actively engaged in the anti-slavery movement, and was a Free-Soil candidate for Congress from Boston in 1846. During 1851-'3 he edited the “Commonwealth.” Dr. Howe took an active part in the sanitary movement in behalf of the soldiers during the Civil War. In 1867 he again went to Greece as bearer of supplies for the Cretans in their struggle with the Turks, and subsequently edited in Boston “The Cretan.” He was appointed, in 1871, one of the commissioners to visit Santo Domingo and report upon the question of the annexation of that Island to the United States, of which he became an earnest advocate. In 1868 he received the degree of LL. D. from Brown. His publications include letters on topics of the time; various reports, especially those of the Massachusetts commissioners of idiots (Boston, 1847-'8); “Historical Sketch of the Greek Revolution” (New York, 1828); and a “Reader for the Blind,” printed in raised characters (1839). See “Memoir of Dr. Samuel G. Howe,” by Mrs. Julia Ward Howe (Boston, 1876). —

His wife,
Julia Ward, born in New York City, 27 May, 1819, is the daughter of Samuel Ward, a New York banker. Her mother, Julia Rush Ward, was the author of various occasional poems. Julia was carefully educated, partly at home and partly in private schools in New York. Her tutor in German and Latin was Dr. Joseph G. Cogswell. At an early age Miss Ward wrote plays and poems. After her father's death she visited Boston, and met there Dr. Howe, whom she married in 1843. She afterward continued her studies, learned to speak fluently in Italian, French, and Greek, and became a student of Kant, Hegel, Spinoza, Comte, and Fichte. She also wrote philosophical essays, which she read at her house before her literary friends. For some time before the Civil War she conducted with her husband the Boston “Commonwealth,” an anti-slavery paper. In 1861, while on a visit to the camps near Washington, with Governor John A. Andrew and other friends, Mrs. Howe wrote the “Battle-Hymn of the Republic,” which soon became popular. She espoused the woman-suffrage movement in 1869, and was one of the founders of the New England women's club, of which she has been president since 1872. She has also presided over several similar associations, including the American woman-suffrage association. In 1872 she was a delegate to the World's prison reform Congress in London, and in the same year aided in founding the Woman's peace association there. In 1884-'5 she presided over the Woman's branch of the New Orleans exposition. She has delivered numerous lectures, and has often addressed the Massachusetts legislature in aid of reforms. She has preached in Rome, Italy, Santo Domingo, and from Unitarian pulpits in this country. She has also read lectures at the Concord school of philosophy. Mrs. Howe has published two volumes of poems, entitled “Passion Flowers” (Boston, 1854), and “Words for the Hour”(1857); “The World's Own,” a drama, which was acted at Wallack's theatre, New York, in 1855 (1857); “A Trip to Cuba” (1860); “Later Lyrics” (1866); “From the Oak to the Olive” (1868); “ Modern Society,” two lectures (1881); and “Life of Margaret Fuller” (1883). She has also edited “Sex and Education,” a reply to Dr. Edward H. Clarke's “Sex in Education” (1874); and wrote for Edwin Booth, in 1858, “Hippolytus,” a tragedy, which has been neither acted nor published. — Their daughter, Julia Romana, educator, born in Rome, Italy, 12 March, 1844; died in Boston, Massachusetts, 10 March, 1886, became proficient in history and languages, and was an instructor in the Perkins institution, where at one time she taught German to a blind class so well that her pupils were able to converse fluently in that language. She was the founder and for some time president of the Metaphysical club in Boston, and published a sketch of the Concord school of philosophy, also “Stray Chords” (Boston, 1884), a volume of poems. In December, 1870, she married Michael Anagnos, who succeeded her father as superintendent of the Perkins institution. — Their son, Henry Marion, mining engineer, born in Boston, Massachusetts, 2 March, 1848, was graduated at Harvard in 1869, and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1871. His attention was then turned to mining engineering and metallurgy, and he has had charge of various works in the United States and Canada. Mr. Howe is an active member of the American Institute of mining engineers, was its vice-president in 1879-'81, and has been a manager since 1886. His publications, consisting of professional papers, have been contributed to the transactions of the mining engineers, and treat principally of the metallurgy of iron, steel, copper, and nickel. He has also written valuable treatises for the “Bulletins of the U. S. Geological Survey,” such as “Copper Smelting” (Washington, 1885), and “Metallurgy of Steel” (1887). — Another daughter, Maud, author, born in Boston, Massachusetts, 9 November, 1855, married in February, 1887, John Elliott, an English artist. She has published “San Rasario Ranch” (Boston, 1884); “A Newport Aquarelle” (1885); and “Atalanta in the South” (1886).  Appleton’s, 1892.

HOWARD, William Alanson, lawyer, born in Hinesburg, Chittenden County, Vermont, 8 April. 1813; died in Washington, D. C., 10 April, 1880. When fourteen years of age he was apprenticed to the cabinetmaker's trade at Albion, New York. He remained there four years, and in 1832 entered an academy at Wyoming, where he studied three years, and in 1839 was graduated from Middlebury. In 1840 he became tutor of mathematics in the Michigan University, he studied law, and was admitted to the bar of Detroit in 1842. He was elected a representative in Congress from Michigan for three successive terms, serving from 3 December, 1855, till 3 March, 1861. While in the House of Representatives he took a decided stand in opposition to slavery. In 1861 he was appointed postmaster at Detroit, and in 1869 declined an appointment as minister to China. He was a delegate to the National Republican Conventions of 1868, 1872, and 1876. In 1869 he was appointed land-commissioner of the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railway, and in 1872 of the Northern Pacific. He was appointed governor of Dakota Territory in 1878, and spent the remainder of his life at Yankton.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 279.

HOWELL, James B., senator, born near Morristown, New Jersey, 4 July. 1816; died in Keokuk, Iowa, 17 June, 1880. His father, Elias, moved with his family to Ohio in 1819, and, settling in Licking County, was state senator, and in 1830 a member of Congress. James was graduated at Miami University in 1839, and settled in Newark, Ohio. In 1841 he moved to Kosauque, Iowa, practised law, and engaged in politics, and was the editor of the "Des Moines Valley Whig." In 1849 he moved with his paper to Keokuk, and abandoning law devoted himself to politics and to his journal, which he now published under the title of the 'Daily Gate City." He was one of the earliest advocates for the formation of the Republican Party in the state, and in 1856 was a delegate from Iowa to the convention that nominated John C. Fremont for president. He supported Abraham Lincoln in the presidential campaign of 1861, and vehemently opposed slavery. In 1870 he was elected to the U. S. Senate as a Republican, to fill the unexpired term of James W. Grimes, and served till 3 March, 1871. Shortly after the close of the session of 1871, President Grant selected him as one of the three commissioners that were authorized by the act of 3 March, 1871, to examine and report on claims for stores and supplies that had been taken or furnished for the use of the National Army in the seceded states. He was engaged in this work until 10 March, 1880.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 284-285.

HOWELL, John Adams, naval officer, born in New York, 16 March, 1840. He was graduated at the U. S. Naval Academy in 1858; became a lieutenant in April, 1861; lieutenant-commander in March, 1865; and commander, 6 March, 1872. He served as executive officer of the steam-sloop " Ossipee" at the battle of Mobile Bay, 5 August, 1864, and was honorably mentioned by his commanding officer in his despatches. He was promoted to captain on 1 March, 1884, and in 1887 was a member of the naval advisory board. He is the inventor of a torpedo (the result of sixteen years of study) which naval officers regard as probably superior to any other in use.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 285.

HOWELL, John Cumming, naval officer, born in Philadelphia, 24 November, 1819, was educated at Crawford's classical school in that city, and at Washington College, Pennsylvania, entering the U.S. Navy as an acting midshipman, 9 June, 1830. He became lieutenant in August. 1849; commander, 16 July, W02; and captain, 25 July, 1866. He served in the " Minnesota," of the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron, in 1861, and was her executive officer at the battle of Hatteras Inlet. He commanded the steamer " Tahamo," Eastern Gulf Blockading Squadron, in 1862-'3, and the "Nereus," of the North Atlantic Squadron, in 1864-'5, and participated in the two actions at Fort Fisher in 1864-'5. For his cool performance of duty he was recommended for promotion by Rear-Admiral Porter, 28 January, 1865. From 1868 till 1870 he was fleet-captain of the European Squadron, and from 1870 till 1872 commandant of the U.S. Navy-yard at League Island, Philadelphia. He was commissioned commodore, 29 January, 1872, had command of the U.S. Navy-yard at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, till 1874, and from that year till 1878 was chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks. He became a rear-admiral, 25 April, 1877, commanded the North Atlantic and European Squadrons in 1878-'81, and was acting Secretary of the Navy at various times from 1874 till 1878.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 285.

HOWELL'S FERRY, GEORGIA, October 19, 1864. (See Turner's Ferry, same date.)

HOWE'S FORD, KENTUCKY, April 28, 1863. 1st Kentucky Cavalry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 505.

HOWITZER. A chambered cannon. (See CALIBRE.) HURDLES. Pickets three feet high united by pliable twigs, so as to make a breadth of two feet. They are used to render batteries firm; to pass over boggy ground or muddy ditches. (See REVETMENT.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 344).

HOWLAND, Emily, 1827-1929, Sherwood, Cayuga County, New York, opponent of slavery, philanthropist, educator.  Society of Friends, Quaker.  Worked with freed slaves and on Underground Railroad.  Teacher at the Normal School for Colored Girls in Washington, DC, 1857-1859.  (Breault, 1981; Sernett, 2002, pp. 264-265, 338-339n29)

HOYT, Henry Martyn, governor of Pennsylvania, born in Kingston, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, 8 June, 1830. His parents were natives of Connecticut and among the earliest settlers in the Wyoming Valley. He was graduated at Williams in 1849, taught for a year in Towanda, Pennsylvania, and in 1851-'3 was professor of mathematics in Wyoming Seminary. He then read law with Chief-Justice George W. Woodward, and was admitted to the bar in 1853. At the beginning of the Civil War he was active in raising the 52d Pennsylvania Regiment, of which he was appointed lieutenant-colonel. He served in the Army of the Potomac till January, 1863, was engaged in the siege of Morris Island under General Quincy A. Gillmore, and was captured in a night attack on Fort Johnson, in which he successfully led a division of boats, landed, and entered the fort, which he was unable to hold by reason of the failure of his support to come to his aid. After being confined some time in Macon, Georgia, he was taken back to Charleston and made his escape, but was recaptured. On his exchange he rejoined his regiment, with which he remained till the close of the war, when he was mustered out with the
rank of brevet brigadier-general. He then resumed his law-practice, and in 1867 was appointed by Governor Geary additional law-judge of the courts of Luzerne County. In 1875 he was chairman of the Republican state committee. He was elected governor of Pennsylvania in November, 1878, and held the office till 1883, when he again resumed his law practice. During his term the debt of the state was reduced to $10,000,000, and refunded at the rate of three per cent. In 1881 he received the degree of LL. D. from the University of Pennsylvania and also from Lafayette College. He has published " Controversy between Connecticut and Pennsylvania" (Philadelphia, 1879); and "Protection vs. Free Trade" (New York, 1885).  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 289-290.

HUBBARD, Asahel W., Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, voted for Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery (Congressional Globe)

HUBBARD, David, Congressman, born in Virginia in 1806. He moved at an early age to Alabama, practised law, and became solicitor of his judicial district. He was a member of the state senate in 1830, and served in the legislature in 1831-'53. He was elected to Congress as a state rights Democrat in 1838, served till 1841, was a presidential elector on the Polk and Dallas ticket in 1845, and was re-elected to Congress in 1849, serving till 1851. He was a presidential elector on the Breckenridge ticket in 1860, a member of the 1st Confederate Congress, and in 1861 was appointed by it Commissioner of Indian Affairs. After the close of the Civil War he moved to Nashville, Tennessee, where he has since resided.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 292.

HUBBARD, John H., Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, voted for Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery (Congressional Globe)

HUBBARD, Lucius Frederick, governor of Minnesota, born in Troy, New York, 26 January, 1836. He was but three years old when he lost his father, Charles P. Hubbard, sheriff of Rensselaer County, and was sent to live with an aunt at Chester, Vermont He was educated in the academy at Granville, New York, and apprenticed to the tinner's trade, at which he worked in Chicago for three years, and in 1857 he moved to Red Wing, Minnesota, where he established the "Republican." He was elected register of deeds in 1858, and in 1861 was a Republican candidate for the state senate, but lacked seven votes of being elected. He enlisted as a private in the 5th Minnesota Infantry in December, 1861, became captain in February, and lieutenant-colonel in March, 1862, and was severely wounded in the first battle of Corinth. He was promoted colonel, 31 August, 1862, commanded his regiment in the battle of Iuka and the 2d brigade of the 1st Division, Army of the Mississippi, in the battles of Jackson and Mississippi Springs, and remained in command of the brigade till the spring of 1863, when the 5th Minnesota was transferred to the 15th Army Corps and took part in the siege of Vicksburg. After the fall of that city he resumed command of his brigade, which in March, 1864, was assigned to the 16th Corps under General A. J. Smith, took part in General Banks's Red River Expedition, and within a very brief period was in seven battles, the last being that of Greenfield, Louisiana, where the enemy was routed and the Mississippi River relieved from blockade. Afterward he was in several engagements in northern Mississippi, marched across Arkansas and Missouri to the Kansas line to attack Price's force, and then returned to Memphis, where Colonel Hubbard's regiment re-enlisted as veterans and was furloughed. Under his command his brigade, in the battle of Nashville, 16 December, 1864, was in the first line of the assaulting column, and captured seven pieces of artillery, several stand of colors, and many prisoners. But it suffered heavy loss, and Colonel Hubbard was severely wounded. He was brevetted brigadier-general for "conspicuous gallantry" in this battle. In the campaign of Mobile, under General E. R. S. Canby, his brigade was one of the foremost in the siege and capture of Spanish Fort. He was mustered out of the service in October, 1865. In 1866 he engaged in the grain business at Red Wing, and afterward in milling. He projected and secured the construction of the Midland Railway from Wabashaw to Zumbrota, and the Cannon Valley Railway from Red Wing to Waterville. In 1872 and 1874 he was elected as a Republican to the state senate. He was one of the arbitrators to settle the dispute between the state and the prison contractors, and also one of a commission to investigate the state railroad bonds. In 1881 he was elected governor of Minnesota by a majority of 27,857. He entered upon his office 10 January, 1882, and was re-elected in 1883, serving till January, 1887. In 1886 he contributed a paper on Minnesota to the "North American Review."  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 293.

HUDNOT'S PLANTATION, LOUISIANA, May 1, 1864. Cavalry of the 19th Corps. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 505.

HUDSON, Erasmus Darwin, 1805-1880, Torrington, Connecticut, abolitionist, temperance advocate, physician.  Lecturing agent for the Connecticut Anti-Slavery Society, 1837-1849.  General Agent for the American Anti-Slavery Society.  Wrote article on abolition.  (Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 296)

HUDSON, Erasmus Darwin, surgeon, born in Torringford, Connecticut, 15 December, 1805; died in Riverside, Greenwich, Connecticut, 31 December, 1880. He was educated by a private tutor and at Torringford Academy, and was graduated in medicine at Berkshire Medical College in 1827. He practised in Bloomfield, and became a member of the Connecticut Medical Society. In 1828 he lectured on temperance, and from 1837 till 1849 was lecturing agent of the Connecticut Anti-Slavery Society and general agent of the American Anti-Slavery Society. During the civil war he was appointed by the U. S. government to fit apparatus to special cases of gunshot injuries of bone, resections, ununited fractures, and amputations at the knee- and ankle-joints. He invented several prosthetic and orthopedic appliances, which received awards at the Exposition universelle of Paris in 1857, and at the Centennial exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. From 1850 till his death he resided in New York, devoting himself to orthopedic surgery and mechanical apparatus for deformities, artificial limbs, etc. He was a contributor to “The Liberator” and the “Anti-Slavery Standard” (Boston and New York, 1837-'49), was co-editor of “The Charter Oak” (Hartford, 1838-'41), and published numerous reported cases in the “Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion” (Washington, 1870-'2). He wrote an “Essay on Temperance” (1828), and published monographs on “Resections” (New York, 1870); “Syme's Amputation” (New York, 1871); and “Immobile Apparatus for Ununited Fractures” (New York, 1872). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 296.

HUDSON, MISSOURI, December 21, 1861. Detachment of 7th Missouri Cavalry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 505.

HUDSON'S CROSSING, INDIAN TERRITORY, June 4, 1864. Detachment of the Indian Brigade of Home Guards. Forty bushwhackers attacked the detachment, under Captain Craft, near Hudson's crossing of the Neosho river but were easily repulsed. Craft pursued them to their camp, which he burned. No casualties were mentioned. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 505.

HUDSONVILLE, MISSISSIPPI, November 8, 1862. 7th Kansas and 2nd Iowa Cavalry. This was an incident of a reconnaissance from La Grange, Tennessee, toward Holly Springs, Mississippi. For the result of the movement see La Grange. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 505.

HUDSONVILLE, MISSISSIPPI, June 21, 1863. Detachment of 4th Cavalry Brigade, 16th Army Corps. A portion of the brigade, while operating with the remainder of the left wing in northwestern Mississippi, encountered a considerable Confederate force at Hudsonville, near the Coldwater river. Three of the four companies were cut off from the main column and after a fight lasting three-quarters of an hour it was necessary to charge through the lines of the enemy's greatly superior numbers in order to regain the column. In the movement 1 man was killed, 2 were wounded and 26 captured; the rest made their way to their command. The Confederates had 1 killed, 18 wounded and 2 captured, according to Federal reports, but their own make no mention of any casualties. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 505.

HUDSONVILLE, MISSISSIPPI, February 25, 1864. 1st Cavalry Brigade, 16th Army Corps. On the morning of the 25th Waring's brigade was in the advance of Smith's column on its retreat from before West Point and as it neared Hudsonville the head of the column was fired into. One man was killed and 2 were wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 505.

HUEBSCHMANN, Francis, physician, born in Riethnordhausen, grand-duchy of Weimar, 19 April, 1817; died in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 21 March, 1880. He was educated at Erfurt and Weimar, and was graduated in medicine at Jena in 1841. He came to the United States in 1842, and settled in Milwaukee, where he resided until his death. He was school-commissioner from 1843 till 1851, a member of the first constitutional convention in 1846, and served on the committee on suffrage and elective franchise. He was the especial champion of the provision in the constitution granting foreigners equal rights with Americans. He was presidential elector in 1848, a member of the city council and county supervisor from 1848 till 1867, and state senator m 1851-2, 1862, and 1871-2. From 1853 till 1857 he was superintendent of Indian Affairs of the north. During the Civil War he entered the national service in 1862 as surgeon of the 26th Wisconsin Volunteers. He was surgeon in charge of a division at the battle of Chancellorsville, and of the 9th Army Corps at Gettysburg, where he was held by the Confederates for three days. He was also at the battle of Chattanooga, in charge of the corps hospital in Lookout Valley in 1864, and brigade surgeon in the campaign to Atlanta. He was honorably discharged in that year, and, returning to Milwaukee, became connected with the United States General Hospital.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 299.

HUFF'S FERRY, TENNESSEE, November 14, 1863. 107th Illinois and 13th Kentucky Infantry. On the 13th the 2nd brigade, under Colonel Marshal W. Chapin, was sent to make a reconnaissance in the direction of Huff's ferry near Maryville. The next day, when within two and a half miles of his destination, Chapin came upon the Confederate pickets. The 107th Illinois and the 13th Kentucky were deployed and drove the enemy for 2 miles, where he took position on the top of a wooded hill. The enemy's attack was centered on the Kentucky regiment, which was in an exposed position in an open field. Being unable to dislodge the Confederates by skirmishing, the two regiments charged up the hill, forcing the enemy to abandon his position. The 2nd brigade occupied the hill during the night and next day covered the retreat of the column toward Loudon. The casualties were not reported for this one engagement, but during the three days' reconnaissance the two regiments lost 5 killed and 40 wounded. The Confederate loss was not reported. Humansville, Missouri, March 26, 1862. Detachment of Missouri Militia Cavalry. On the afternoon of the 26th a Confederate force advanced on Humansville from the east. The Federal troops were in position along a fence and when the enemy charged he was met by a galling fire which forced him to fall back. Captain Gravely with 25 men followed for some distance, but did no more than hasten the Confederate retreat. The Union casualties were 12 wounded. The enemy lost 6 killed and 30 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 505.

HUGER, Thomas Bee, born in Charleston, South Carolina, 12 July, 1820; died in New Orleans, Louisiana, 10 May, 1862, entered the U. S. U.S. Navy as a midshipman, July, 1835. During the Mexican War he was at the siege of Vera Cruz, serving with the land forces. On the secession of South Carolina he resigned his commission and returned home. During the bombardment of Fort Sumter he commanded a battery on Morris Island. As lieutenant-commander in the Confederate Navy, he fought his vessel, the "McCrae," a converted merchant steamer, when the National fleet under Farragut forced its way up to New Orleans, where he fell mortally wounded, 24 April, 1862. He married Miss Mariamne Meade, a sister of General George G. Meade of the U. S. Army.—  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 302.

HUGER, Benjamin, soldier, born in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1806; died there, 7 December, 1877, was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1825, and brevetted 2d lieutenant in the 3d U.S. Artillery. He served on topographical duty till 1828, when he went to Europe on leave of absence. He became a captain of ordnance, 30 May, 1832, and was in command of Fort Monroe Arsenal, Virginia, from 1832 till 1839. From 1839 till 1846 he was a member of the Ordnance Board, and in 1840-'l of a military commission on professional duty in Europe, and he was again in command of Fort Monroe Arsenal from 1841 till 1846. In 1847-'8 he was chief of ordnance in the army under General Winfield Scott in the war with Mexico, having charge of the siege-train at Vera Cruz, and was brevetted major for gallantry, 29 March, 1847. He was brevetted lieutenant-colonel at Molino del Rey, 8 September, 1847, and colonel at Chapultepec, 13 September, 1847. In 1852 South Carolina presented him with a sword of honor for meritorious conduct and gallantry in the war with Mexico. From 1848 till 1851 he again held command of the Fort Monroe Arsenal, and from 1849 till 1851 was a member of a board to devise "a complete system of instruction for siege, garrison, sea-coast, and mountain artillery," adopted, 20 May, 1851, for the U. S. service. In 1851-'4 he commanded the armory at Harper's Ferry, Virginia. He became major on 15 February, 1855, and was stationed at Pikesville Arsenal, Maryland, in 1854-'60, and the Charleston Arsenal, South Carolina, in 1860. On 22 April, 1861, he resigned, and was made a brigadier-general in the Confederate Army. He commanded, with the rank of major-general, at Norfolk, before its occupation by the National forces, 10 May, 1862. and subsequently led a division in the Seven Days' fight in front of Richmond. He was relieved from command of his division in consequence of his failure to cut off McClellan's retreat after the battle of Malvern Hill, 1 July, 1862. He was assigned to duty in the ordnance department in the trans-Mississippi, where he continued until the end of the war. He then became a farmer in Virginia.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 302.

HUGHES, Aaron K., naval officer, born in New York City, 31 March, 1822. He entered the U.S. Navy as a midshipman, 20 October, 1838; became a lieutenant, 9 September, 1853; commander, 10 November, 1862; captain, 10 February, 1869; commodore in 1875, and rear-admiral in 1882. He made a voyage to Puget Sound in the sloop-of-war "Decatur" in 1855, and had a fight on shore at the town of Seattle with 500 Indians, whom he defeated, 25 January, 1855. He commanded the "Water-Witch,'' of the Gulf Squadron, in 1861-2; the steamer "Mohawk," of the South Atlantic Squadron, 1862-'3, and the steamer " Cimmaron " of that squadron in 1863-'4, and participated in the bombardment of the other works in Charleston Harbor. In 1884 he was retired from the service.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 302.

HUGHES, Francis Wade, lawyer, born in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 30 August, 1817; died in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, 25 October, 1885. He was educated at Milton academy, Pennsylvania, studied at the law-school in Carlisle, was admitted to the bar in 1837, and began practice in Pottsville. He was appointed deputy Attorney-General of Pennsylvania in 1839, resigned the office there several times, but was reappointed and held it for eleven years. In 1843 he was elected to the state senate as a Democrat by the largest majority ever given in the county of Schuylkill; but he resigned this office in the following year and returned to his practice. In 1851 he was appointed Secretary of State, and in 1853 Attorney-General of the state, which office he filled until 1855. He was a Democratic presidential elector in 1856, and was a delegate to many state and national conventions, over some of which he presided. In February, 1861, he was a member of the state convention at Harrisburg, known as the Peace Convention, and was a member of the committee on resolutions. When the war began, his support of the Union was prompt, energetic, and valuable. He aided in fitting out one of the first five companies that reached Washington, and maintained with voice and pen the legal right of the government to put down rebellion by force of arms. He originated and aided in many extensive enterprises, among which were the opening and working of coal and iron mines, and the establishment of iron-works and other factories.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 303.

HUIDEKOPER, Henry Shippen, soldier, born in Meadville, Pennsylvania, 17 July, 1839, was graduated at Harvard in 1862. He served in the Civil War from July, 1862, till March, 1864, commanding the 150th Pennsylvania Regiment, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, at Gettysburg, where he was wounded twice and lost his right arm. After the war he served in the National guard of Pennsylvania fifteen years, with one commission as brigadier-general and three as major-general. During the railroad riots of 1877 he commanded the 7th Division, and at Scranton, by prompt decision and timely action, he saved the city from a mob. General Huidekoper was postmaster of Philadelphia in 1880-'5, and now (1887) resides in New York. He has published a "Manual of Service," which is an authority in military matters (Meadville, Pennsylvania, 1879).  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 307.

HULBURD, Calvin T., Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, voted for Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery (Congressional Globe)

HULL, Joseph Bartine, naval officer, born in Westchester, New York, 26 April, 1802. He was appointed midshipman from Connecticut in 1813, lieutenant in 1835, commander in 1841, captain in 1855, commodore in 1802. and on 16 July of that year was retired. He commanded the sloop "Warren" in the Pacific Squadron in 1843-'7, cut out the Mexican gun-brig "Malekadhel" off Mazatlan, and was in command of the Northern District of California for a short time previous to the close of the Mexican War. In 1856-'9 he commanded the frigate "St. Lawrence," of the Brazil Squadron, Paraguay Expedition, and from May till September, 1861, the "Savannah," of the coast blockade. From 1862 till 1864 he superintended the building of gun-boats at St. Louis, commanded at the Philadelphia U.S. Navy-yard in 1866, was president of the examining board at Philadelphia in 1867, and lighthouse-inspector for the 1st District, with headquarters at Portland, Maine, in 1869. His present residence (1887) is Philadelphia.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 311.

HUMANSVILLE, MISSOURI, October 6, 1863. Missouri State Militia. In the report of his raid in Arkansas and Missouri Colonel Joseph O. Shelby (Confederate) states that a force of militia attempted to dispute the march of his army when it reached Humansville, but was driven back without difficulty. No mention is made of casualties. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 505-506.

HUMANSVILLE, MISSOURI, October 17, 1863. 6th Missouri Militia Cavalry. A Confederate account states that during Shelby's raid Col . Shanks encountered a Federal detachment (part of 6th Missouri cavalry) near Humansville, and lost a lieutenant and several men captured, but soon cut his way out. No mention of the affair is to be found in the official records of the war. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 506.

HUMBOLDT, TENNESSEE, December 20, 1862. (See Forrest's Expedition into West Tennessee.)

HUMPHREY, James, lawyer, born in Fairfield, Connecticut, 9 October, 1811; died in Brooklyn, New York, 17 June, 1866, was graduated at Amherst in 1831, studied law, and practised in Louisville, Kentucky, and afterward in New York City, he moved to Brooklyn in 1848, was corporation counsel in 1850-'l, and in 1858 was elected to Congress as a Republican. He served as a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Select Committee on the Seceding States. He was defeated for Congress in 1860 and in 1862, but was re-elected in 1864, and was chairman of the Committee on Expenditures in the Naval Department.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 312.

HUMPHRIES, Andrew Atkinson, soldier, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2 November, 1810; died in Washington, D. C, 27 December, 1883. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1831, assigned to the 2d Artillery, and served at the academy, on garrison duty, in special work, and in the Florida Campaign of 1835. In September, 1836, he resigned, and was employed as a civil engineer by the U. S. government on the plans of Brandywine Shoal Lighthouse and Crow Shoal Breakwater, under Major Hartman Bache. On 7 July, 1838, he was reappointed in the U. S. Army, with the rank of 1st lieutenant in the corps of Topographical Engineers, and served in charge of works for the improvement of various harbors, and in Washington in 1842-'9 as assistant in charge of the Coast-Survey office. Meanwhile, in May, 1848, he was promoted captain, and subsequently was engaged in a topographical and hydrographical survey of the delta of the Mississippi River, with a view of determining the most practicable plans for securing it from inundation and for deepening its channel at the mouth. He was compelled by illness to relinquish the charge of this work in 1851, and went to Europe, where he examined the river deltas of the continent, studying the means that were employed abroad for protection against inundation. On his return in 1854 he was given charge of the office duties in Washington that were connected with the explorations and surveys for railroads from the Mississippi to the Pacific. In 1857 he resumed his work on the survey of the Mississippi Delta, and published in conjunction with Lieutenant Henry L. Abbot a " Report on the Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi River" (Philadelphia, 1861). He was made major in August, 1861,and after the beginning of the Civil War was assigned to duty on General McClellan's staff. During the campaign on the Virginia Peninsula he was chief topographical engineer of the Army of the Potomac, and was made brigadier-general of volunteers on 28 April, 1862. In September, 1862, General Humphreys was given command of a division of new troops in the 5th Corps of the Army of the Potomac, with which he led in the Maryland Campaign. He was engaged in the battle of Fredericksburg and at Chancellorsville. where he was posted on the extreme left of the army, and meanwhile he received the brevet of colonel and was made lieutenant-colonel in the Corps of Engineers. He was then transferred to the command of the 2d Division in the 3d Corps, with which he served in the battle of Gettysburg under General Daniel E. Sickles, where he was promoted major-general in the volunteer army. On 8 July, 1863, he became chief of staff to General Meade, and he continued to fill that place till November, 1864. He was then given command of the 2d Corps, which was engaged under his direction at the siege of Petersburg, the actions at Hatcher's Run, and the subsequent operations, ending with Lee's surrender. General Humphreys received the brevet of major-general in the U. S. Army for services at Sailor's Creek, and, after the march to Washington, was placed in command of the District of Pennsylvania. From December, 1865, till August, 1866, he was in charge of the Mississippi levees, where he was mustered out of the volunteer service. He was then made brigadier-general and given command of the Corps of Engineers, the highest scientific appointment in the U. S. Army, with charge of the Engineer Bureau in Washington. This office he held until 30 June, 1879, when he was retired at his own request, serving during three years on many commissions, including that to examine into canal routes across the isthmus connecting North and South America, and also on the Lighthouse Board. General Humphreys was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society in 1857, a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1863, and was one of the incorporating' members of the National Academy of Sciences in the last-named year. He also held honorary memberships in foreign scientific societies, and received the degree of LL. D. from Harvard in 1868. His literary labors included several reports to the government concerning the engineering work on the Mississippi and on railroad routes across the continent, and he contributed biographical material concerning Joshua Humphreys to Jas. Grant Wilson's " History of the Frigate Constitution." He also published "The Virginia Campaigns of 1864 and 1865 " (New York, 1882), and "From Gettysburg to the Rapidan" (1882).  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 314.

HUNDLEY'S CORNER, Virginia, June 26, 1862. (See Seven Days' Battles.)

HUNNEWELL, MISSOURI, August 17, 1861. Detachment of 16th Illinois Infantry. The train carrying a detachment of troops to Hudson City was fired upon as it left Palmyra and again as it entered Hunnewell. At the latter place it was stopped, the troops were disembarked and drove the Confederates from the track with a loss of 5 killed. One man of the 16th Illinois was killed and another wounded when the train was fired into. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 506.

HUNNEWELL, MISSOURI, January 3, 1862. Four Companies of the 10th Missouri Cavalry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 506.

HUNNEWELL, MISSOURI, April 18, 1864. Three bushwhackers entered Hunnewell and started to plunder the town when the citizens resisted. The result was the killing of 1 of the outlaws, the wounding of another and the escape of the third. One citizen was killed and 2 others were wounded in the affair. Hunter's Farm, Missouri, September 26, 1861. Detachment 8th Illinois Infantry. A small detachment from the companies of Capts. Stewart, Langen and Pfaff, under the command of the first named, met a party of Confederates near the edge of the timber at Hunter's farm, not far from the town of Belmont. By a skillful movement the Confederates were surrounded, 10 or 12 killed and wounded, several men with their horses and equipments captured. No casualties reported on the Union side. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 506.

HUNT, Charles Sedgwick, journalist, born in Litchfield, Connecticut, 7 April, 1842; died in New York City, 15 October, 1876. He entered the Naval Academy at Annapolis in 1855, but left in 1857, and became a student at Phillips Andover Academy. At the beginning of the Civil War he entered the U.S. Navy, and became acting master on the war-sloop "Juniata," but resigned his commission toward the close of the war, and entered Harvard, where he was graduated in 1868. He then became a reporter on the New York "Tribune." For a time he was financial editor of the New York "Standard," and from 1871 to 1873 was Albany correspondent of the "Tribune," and was instrumental in exposing political corruption. In 1873 he became an editorial writer on the "Tribune," writing chiefly upon topics of finance and political economy. He was also associated with John P. Cleveland in the preparation of the "Tribune Almanac." Early in 1876 he joined the editorial staff of the New York "Times, where he continued until his death.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 315-316.

HUNT, Ezra Mundy, physician, born in Middlesex County, New Jersey, 4 January, 1830. He was graduated at Princeton in 1849, and at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, in 1852. He began practice at Metuchen, lectured on materia medica in the Vermont Medical College in 1854, and was elected professor of chemistry there in 1855, but declined. He joined the volunteer army as regimental surgeon in 1862, and in 1863 was placed in charge of a hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. He has been president of the American Public Health Association, and has contributed papers to eight volumes of " Public Health." Since 1876 he has been secretary of the New Jersey Board of Health, preparing all its reports, and since 1881 has conducted the Sanitary Department in the New York "Independent." he was a delegate to the International Medical Congresses at London (1881) and Copenhagen (1884). His residence is in Trenton, New Jersey. He is instructor in hygiene in the State Normal school. In 1883 he received the degree of Sc. D. from Princeton. He is the author of "Patients' and Physicians' Aid" (New York, 1859); "Physicians' Counsels" (Philadelphia, 1859); "Alcohol as a Food and Medicine" (New York, 1877); and "Principles of Hygiene, together with the Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology" (New York, 1887); also of works on religious subjects, especially "Grace Culture" (Philadelphia, 1865) and "Bible Notes for Daily Readers" (New York, 1870).  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 316.

HUNT, Freeman, publisher, born in Quincy, Massachusetts, 21 March, 1804; died in Brooklyn, New York, 2 March, 1858. He entered the office of the Boston " Evening Gazette" at the age of twelve, learned the trade of printing, and while connected with the Boston "Traveller " obtained promotion by sending to the editor articles evincing journalistic talent. Soon after his apprenticeship was over he established "The Ladies' Magazine," with Sarah J. Hale as editor, which was very successful. He sold this, and renewed the publication of the " Penny Magazine," which proved profitable, but which he abandoned to become managing director of the Bewick Company, an association of authors, artists, printers, and bookbinders. While connected with this society, he founded and became editor of the "American Magazine of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge." He also published in Boston the "Juvenile Miscellany." In 1831 he moved to New York and established "The Traveller," a weekly paper. In 1837 he projected "The Merchants' Magazine," the first number of which was issued in July, 1839. In 1845 he published the first volume of the "Library of Commerce." "Hunt's Merchants' Magazine " was conducted by its founder to the end of the thirty-eighth volume, and after his death was continued as an independent publication till 1870, sixty-three volumes having been issued, when it was converted into a weekly, and merged in the "Commercial and Financial Chronicle." The statistical and other information collected in this magazine was valuable, trustworthy, and useful, not only to merchants, but to all persons concerned in practical affairs. Mr. Hunt's publications in book-form include " Anecdotes and Sketches of Female Character" (Boston, 1830); "American Anecdotes, Original and Selected, by an American" (2 vols., 1830); "Comprehensive Atlas" (New York, 1834); "Letters about the Hudson River and its Vicinity," which had appeared in "The Traveller" (1836; 3d ed., enlarged, 1837); "Lives of American Merchants" (2 vols., 1856-'7); and " Wealth and Worth, a Collection of Morals, Maxims, and Miscellanies for Merchants" (New York, 1858).  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 316.

HUNT, Harriot Kezia, MD, 1805-1875, physician, medical reformer, abolitionist, women’s rights activist

(Hunt, Harriot, Glances and Glimpses, 1856, J. R. Chadwick [autobiography]; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 5, Pt. 1, p. 385; American Reformers: An H.W. Wilson Biographical Dictionary, New York, 1985, pp. 459-460)

HUNT, Harriot Kezia, physician, born in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1805; died there, 2 January, 1875. She was a teacher in 1827, studied medicine under Dr. Valentine Mott in 1833, and opened an office in 1835, being probably the earliest female practitioner in the United States. In 1843 she founded in Charlestown, Massachusetts, a ladies' physiological society, which had fifty members. She applied for admission to the Harvard medical lectures in 1847, but was refused. In 1853 the Woman's Medical College of Philadelphia conferred on her the degree of M. D. She was a noted lecturer on woman suffrage, sanitary reform, and other subjects. In paying taxes on her real estate she filed annually, for twenty-five years, a protest against taxation without representation. She published "Glances and Glimpses, or Fifty Years' Social, including Twenty Years' Professional Life " (Boston, 1856).  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 459.

HUNT, Henry Jackson, soldier, born in Detroit, Michigan, 14 September, 1819. His grandfather, Thomas (1754-1809), served in the Revolution, and at the time of his death was colonel of the 1st U.S. Infantry; and his father, Samuel W., lieutenant in the 3d U.S. Infantry, died in September, 1829. Henry accompanied his father on the expedition that established Fort Leavenworth in 1827, and, after attending school in Missouri, entered the U. S. Military Academy, where he was graduated in 1839. He served in the 2d Artillery on the frontier during the Canada border disturbances of that year, in garrisons at Fort Adams, Rhode Island, and Fort Columbus and Fort Hamilton, New York, and on recruiting service till 18 June, 1846, when he was promoted to 1st lieutenant. During the Mexican War he was brevetted captain for gallantry at Contreras and Churubusco, and major at Chapultepec, and he was at Vera Cruz. Cerro Gordo, San Antonio. Molino del Rey, where he was twice wounded, and at the capture of the city of Mexico. He was then on frontier duty till the Civil War, with the exception of service in 1856-'7 and 1858-'60 on a board to revise the system of light-artillery tactics. He had become captain, 28 September, 1852, was promoted to major, 14 May, 1861, and commanded the artillery on the extreme left in the battle of Bull Run. He was chief of artillery in the defences of Washington from July to September, 1861, and on 28 September became aide to General McClellan with the rank of colonel. In 1861-'2 he was president of a board to test rifled field-guns and projectiles, and organized the artillery reserve of the Army of the Potomac, commanding it in the Peninsular Campaign of 1862. In September, 1862, he was made brigadier-general of volunteers, and became chief of artillery of the Army of the Potomac, holding the office till the close of the war, and taking an active part in all the battles that were fought by that army in 1862-'5. He was brevetted colonel, 3 July, 1863, for his services at Gettysburg, major-general of volunteers, 6 July, 1864, for "faithful and highly meritorious services" in the campaign from the Rapidan to Petersburg, brigadier-general in the regular army for his services in the campaign ending with Lee's surrender, and major-general, U. S. Army, 13 March, 1865, for services during the war. He was president of the permanent artillery board in 1866, and then commanded various forts, being promoted to colonel of the 5th U.S. Artillery, 4 April, 1869. He was retired from active service, 14 September, 1883, and is now (1887) governor of the Soldiers' Home, Washington, D. C. General Hunt has published "Instruction for Field Artillery" (Philadelphia, 1860), and is the author of various papers on artillery, projectiles, and army organization. In 1886 he contributed to the " Century" three articles on the battle of Gettysburg. —His brother, Lewis Cass, soldier, born in Fort Howard, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 23 February, 1824; died in Fort Union, New Mexico, 6 September, 1886, was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1847, and assigned to the infantry. He became captain, 23 May, 1855, and served on the Pacific Coast till the Civil War. He was stationed in Washington Territory in 1859, when General Harney occupied San Juan Island in Puget Sound, which was then claimed by Great Britain, and, when a joint occupation of the harbor by British and U. S. forces was arranged by General Scott, was chosen to command the American detachment. After serving in the first part of the Peninsular Campaign of 1862, he became on 21 May of that year colonel of the 92d New York Regiment, and was severely wounded at Fair Oaks. He was made brigadier-general of volunteers 29 November, 1862, and in the winter of 1862-'3 served in North Carolina, receiving the brevet of colonel for gallantry at Kinston. He was made major in the 14th U.S. Infantry, 8 June, 1863, had charge of the draft rendezvous at New Haven, Connecticut, in 1863-'4, and, after special duty in Missouri and Kansas, commanded the defences of New York Harbor in 1864-'6. He was brevetted brigadier-general in the regular army, 13 March, 1865, for his services in the war, and afterward commanded various posts, becoming lieutenant-colonel of the 20th U.S. Infantry, 29 March, 1868. He was transferred to the 4th U.S. Infantry on 25 February, 1881, and promoted to colonel of the 14th U.S. Infantry on 19 May.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 316-317.

HUNT, John Wesley, physician, born in Groveland, Livingston County, New York, 10 October, 1834. He was educated at the Wesleyan Seminary, Lima, New York, and graduated at the University Medical College, New York City, in 1859. He served on the house surgical staff in Bellevue Hospital, New York City, and began practice in Jersey City, New Jersey. In May, 1861, he was commissioned as surgeon of a New York regiment, and served at Fortress Monroe, where he was remarkably successful in treating the disease that became known as Chickahominy fever. In May, 1862, he was made brigade-surgeon of volunteers, and placed in charge of the Mill Creek Hospital, near Fortress Monroe. There he demonstrated the practicability of thoroughly ventilating a large building crowded with wounded men. In August, 1862, he was attacked with fever, and returned to the north. He resigned from the army, and after months of illness resumed his practice. He was one of the organizers of the Jersey City Charity Hospital, and first president of its medical board. He has read papers before the Hudson County Medical Society, and contributed to the "Transactions" of the New Jersey Medical Society.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 317-318.

HUNT, Robert Woolston, metallurgist, born in Fallsington, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 9 December, 1&38. He received his early education in Covington, Kentucky, and then studied analytical chemistry with James C. Booth and Thomas H. Garrett in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania During the Civil War he was commandant of Camp Curtin. Harrisburg. with the rank of captain. Meanwhile he had become associated with the Cambria iron company as chemist, and in July, 1860, established the first analytical laboratory connected with any iron or steel works in the United States. Subsequently he assisted George Fritz in constructing the Bessemer steel works of the Cambria company, and after 1808 was superintendent of that department, also having charge during 1805-'G of the experimental steel works in Wyandotte, Michigan. He was called to the charge of the Bessemer steel works of John A. Griswold and County, in Troy, New York, in 1873; was made general superintendent of the Albany and Rensselaer iron and steel company in 1875; and in 1885 of its successor, the Troy Steel and Iron Company. The works of the various Troy companies with which he has been connected have been rebuilt and extended under his supervision. Mr. Hunt has obtained patents for improvements in bottom casting of steel ingots, for making special soft Bessemer steel, for a recarburizer for Bessemer Steel, also a series relating to automatic tables for rolling-mills, and one for a feeding-in device for the same kind of mills. In 1886 he was elected one of the trustees of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Mr. Hunt is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and was president of the American Institute of Mining Engineers in 1883-'4. His contributions to literature have consisted of technical papers in the transactions of societies of which he is a member.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 318.

HUNT, Timothy Atwater, naval officer, born in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1805; died there, 21 January, 1884. He was educated at Yale, entered the U.S. Navy as midshipman in 1825, became lieutenant in 1836, commander in 1855, captain in 1862, commodore in 1863, and was retired in 1877. He commanded the supply ship " Electra" in the Mexican War, the "Narragansett" at the beginning of the Civil War, in 1861, and was then attached to the Pacific Squadron. He was ordered home in 1863, and was inspector of ordnance till 1867, when he was assigned to special duty at New London, Connecticut From 1870 till his retirement he was on the reserved list, residing in New Haven. Connecticut.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 319.

HUNT, Edward Bissell, military engineer, born in Livingston County, New York, 15 June, 1822; died in Brooklyn, New York, 2 October, 1863. Bissell was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1845, entered the Corps of Engineers, was commissioned as 2d lieutenant in December, 1845, and was employed as assistant professor of civil and military engineering at West Point in 1846-'9, afterward in the Coast Survey, and in the construction of fortifications and lighthouses. He became a captain on 1 July, 1859, while engaged in the construction of defensive works at Key West, and was instrumental in preventing the forts of southern Florida from falling into the hands of the Confederates at the beginning of the Civil War. In 1862 he served as chief engineer of the Department of the Shenandoah. He was subsequently employed in erecting fortifications on Long Island Sound, and in April, 1862, was detailed to perfect and construct a battery for firing under water, which was invented by him, and which he called the "sea miner." He was promoted major on 3 March, 1863. While making experiments with his submarine battery, he was suffocated by the escaping gases, and killed by falling into the hold of the vessel. He married a daughter of Prof. Nathan W. Fiske. (See Jackson, Helen Maria Fiske.) He contributed papers to the "Transactions" of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and to several literary and scientific periodicals.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 319-320.

HUNTER, David Dard (“Black David”), 1802-1886, General, U.S. Army.  In 1862, he organized and formed all-Black U.S. Army regiments without authorization from the Union War Department.  Established the African American First South Carolina Volunteer Regiment in May 1862.  Without authorization, he issued a proclamation that emancipated slaves in South Carolina, Georgia and Florida.  President Lincoln ordered the Black troops disbanded and countermanded the emancipation order.  (Dumond, 1961, p. 372; Rodriguez, 2007, pp. 66, 140, 243, 275, 690-691; Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 321; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 5, Pt. 1, p. 100; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 11, p. 516)

HUNTER, David, soldier, born in Washington, D. C, 21 July, 1802; died there, 2 February, 1886. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1822, appointed 2d lieutenant in the 5th U.S. Infantry, promoted 1st lieutenant in 1828, and became a captain in the 1st Dragoons in 1833. He was assigned to frontier duty, and twice crossed the plains to the Rocky Mountains. He resigned his commission in 1836, and engaged in business in Chicago. He re-entered the military service as a paymaster, with the rank of major, in March. 1842, was chief paymaster of General John E. Wool's command in the Mexican War, and was afterward stationed successively at New Orleans, Washington, Detroit, St. Louis, and on the frontier. He accompanied President-elect Lincoln when he set out from Springfield for Washington in February, 1861, but at Buffalo was disabled by the pressure of the crowd, his collar-bone being dislocated. On 14 May he was appointed colonel of the 6th U. S. Cavalry, and three days later was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers. He commanded the main column of McDowell's army in the Manassas Campaign, and was severely wounded at Bull Run, 21 July, 1861. He was made a major-general of volunteers, 13 August, 1861, served under General Fremont in Missouri, and on 2 November succeeded him in the command of the Western Department. From 20 November, 1861, till 11 March, 1862, he commanded the Department of Kansas. Under date of 19 February, 1862, General Halleck wrote to him: "To you, more than any other man out of this department, are we indebted for our success at Fort Donelson. In my strait for troops to reinforce General Grant, I applied to you. You responded nobly, placing your forces at my disposition. This enabled us to win the victory." In March, 1862, General Hunter was transferred to the Department of the South, with headquarters at Port Royal, South Carolina. On 12 April he issued a general order in which he said: "All persons of color lately held to involuntary service by enemies of the United States, in Fort Pulaski and on Cockspur Island, Georgia, are hereby confiscated and declared free in conformity with law, and shall hereafter receive the fruits of their own labor." On 9 May, in general orders declaring Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina (his department) under martial law, he added, " Slavery and martial law, in a free country, are altogether incompatible. The persons in these three states, heretofore held as slaves, are therefore declared forever free." Ten
days later this order was annulled by the president. (See Lincoln, Abraham.) In May General Hunter organized an expedition against Charleston, in which over 3,000 men were landed on James Island, but it was unsuccessful. Later he raised and organized the 1st South Carolina Volunteers, the first regiment of black troops in the National service. Thereupon a Kentucky representative introduced into Congress a resolution calling for information on the subject. This being referred to General Hunter by the Secretary of War, the general answered: "No regiment of fugitive slaves has been or is being organized in this department. There is, however, a fine regiment of persons whose late masters are fugitive rebels—men who everywhere fly before the appearance of the National flag, leaving their servants behind them to shift, as best they can, for themselves." In August Jefferson Davis issued a proclamation to the effect that, if General Hunter or any other U. S. officer who had been drilling and instructing slaves as soldiers should be captured, he should not be treated as a prisoner of war, but held in close confinement for execution as a felon. In September General Hunter was ordered to Washington and made president of a court of inquiry, to investigate the causes of the surrender of Harper's Ferry, and other matters. In May, 1864. he was placed in command of the Department of West Virginia. He defeated a Confederate force at Piedmont on 5 June, and attacked Lynchburg unsuccessfully on the 18th. From 8 August, 1864, till 1 February, 1865, he was on leave of absence, after which he served on courts-martial, being president of the commission that tried the persons who conspired for the assassination of President Lincoln. He was brevetted major-general U. S. Army, 13 March, 1865, and mustered out of the volunteer service in January, 1866, after which he was president of a special-claims commission and of a board for the examination of cavalry officers. He was retired from active service, by reason of his age, 31 July, 1866, and thereafter resided in Washington. General Hunter married a daughter of John Kinzie, who was the first permanent citizen of Chicago. Mrs. Hunter survived her husband.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 321.

HUNTER, Lewis Boudinot, surgeon, born in Princeton, New Jersey, 9 October, 1804; died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 24 June, 1887, was graduated at Princeton in 1824, and at the Medical department of the University of Pennsylvania in 1828. He then entered the U. S. Navy as a surgeon, and was on the "Princeton" when the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Navy were killed by the bursting of a gun in 1843. He served during the Mexican War on the "Saratoga," and during the Civil War as fleet-surgeon of the North Atlantic Squadron under Admiral Porter. On 3 March, 1871, he was made medical director, with the rank of commodore, and retired.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 321.

HUNTER, Morton Craig, soldier, born in Versailles, Indiana, 5 February, 1825. He was graduated at the law department of Indiana University in 1849, and elected a member of the legislature of that state in 1858. He was colonel of the 82d Regiment of Indiana Infantry in the Civil War, until the fall of Atlanta. He then commanded a brigade in the 14th Army Corps till the end of the war, taking part in Sherman's march to the sea. He was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers, 13 March, 1865, and was afterward elected to Congress from Indiana as a Republican, serving from 4 March, 1867 till 3 March, 1869, and again from 1 December, 1873, till 4 March, 1879.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 322.

HUNTER, Robert Mercer Taliaferro, statesman, born in Essex County, Virginia, 21 April, 1809; died there, 18 July, 1887. He was educated at the University of Virginia, studied at the Winchester, Virginia, law-school, and began practice in 1830. After serving in the Virginia legislature in 1833, he was elected to Congress as a Democrat in 1836 and 1838, and in 1839 chosen speaker of the House of Representatives. He was defeated in 1842, reelected in 1844, and in 1846 was chosen U. S. Senator, taking his seat in December, 1847. Meanwhile he bore a conspicuous part in the political discussions of the day. He favored the annexation of Texas and the compromise of the Oregon question, took an active part in favor of the retrocession of the city of Alexandria by the general government to Virginia, supported the tariff bill of 1846, originated the warehouse system, and opposed the Wilmot Proviso. From 1847 till 1861 he was U. S. Senator. He voted for the extension of the Missouri Compromise line to the Pacific Ocean, opposed the abolition of the slave-trade in the District of Columbia or any interference with that institution in the states and territories, opposed the admission of California, and supported the Fugitive-Slave Law. As chairman of the Finance Committee, he made an elaborate report on the gold and silver coinage of the country, and proposed the reduction of the value of the silver coins of fifty cents and less, by which shipment to foreign countries was assisted. In the presidential canvass of 1852 he delivered an address in Richmond, Virginia, urging the soundness of the state-rights policy. He advocated the bill of 1855, forbidding the use of the army to enforce the acts of the pro-slavery Kansas legislature, and the repeal of the Missouri pro-slavery law, which declared the death penalty for nearly fifty slavery offences. Mr. Hunter framed the Tariff Act of 1857, by which the duties were considerably lowered, and the revenue reduced. In the session of 1857-'8 he advocated the admission of Kansas under the Lecompton Constitution with slavery. In 1860 he was a candidate for the Democratic nomination for president, receiving upon several ballots in the Charleston Convention the next highest vote to that for Stephen A. Douglas, and in January of this year made an elaborate speech in the senate in favor of slavery and the right of the slave-holder to carry his slaves into the territories. He took an active part in the secession movement, and in July, 1861, was formally expelled from the senate. He was a member of the Provisional Confederate Congress, and according to the original scheme he was to have been president of the new government, with Jefferson Davis as commander-in-chief of the army. He was for a short time Confederate Secretary of State, and afterward was elected to the senate, in opposition to the administration of Mr. Davis. In February, 1865, he was one of the Peace Commissioners that met President Lincoln and William H. Seward upon a vessel in Hampden Roads. The conference was futile, as Mr. Lincoln refused to recognize the independence of the Confederacy. Hunter then presided over a war meeting in Richmond, at which resolutions were passed that the Confederates would never lay down their arms till they should have achieved their independence. When a bill came before the Confederate Congress, shortly afterward, freeing such Negroes as should serve in the Confederate Army, Mr. Hunter at first opposed it, but, having been instructed by the Virginia Legislature to vote in its favor, did so, accompanying his vote with an emphatic protest. At the close of the war he was arrested, but was released on parole, and in 1867 was pardoned by President Johnson. He was an unsuccessful candidate for U. S. Senator in 1874, became Treasurer of Virginia in 1877, and in 1880 retired to the farm in Essex County, Virginia. A few months previous to his death he was appointed collector at Rappahannock, Virginia.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 323.

HUNTER, Charles, naval officer, born in Newport, R. L, in 1813; died at sea, 22 November, 1873, entered the U. S. Navy in 1831, was commissioned 1st lieutenant in 1841, and retired at his own request in 1855. When the Civil War began he volunteered in the U. S. Navy, was commissioned commander, and assigned to the steamer " Montgomery " of the Gulf Squadron. In 1862, while in command of this ship, he chased a British blockade runner into Cuban waters, and fired on her. This breach of neutrality was investigated, and Commander Hunter was placed on the retired list. In 1866, by an act of Congress, he was made captain on the retired list, and he afterward resided at Newport, Rhode Island.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 324.

HUNTER'S MILLS, VIRGINIA, November 26, 1861. 3d Pennsylvania Cavalry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 506.

HUNTERSVILLE, WEST VIRGINIA, January 3, 1862. Detachments of 25th Ohio and 2nd West Virginia Infantry and Bracken's Cavalry. On the morning of January 3 Major George Webster with about 700 men approached Huntersville. When about 2 miles from the village the Confederate pickets fired upon the Federal advance-guard and a mile farther Webster was confronted by a body of the enemy and immediately became engaged. Discovering a movement to turn his flank, the enemy retreated and drew up in battle line half a mile nearer the town. Again he retreated when attacked upon the right and Webster pursued him through the town. Provisions and property amounting to $30,000 were destroyed by the Federals, who remained in the place 2 hours and then returned to Edray. The number of Confederates is variously estimated at from 250 to 1,000. The only Union casualty was 1 man wounded. The Confederates lost 1 killed and 7 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 506.

HUNTERSVILLE, WEST VIRGINIA, August 22, 1863. (See Averell's Raid.)

HUNTINGTON, Collis Potter, railroad-builder, born in Harwinton, Litchfield County, Connecticut, 22 October, 1821. He was educated in a local school, secured his freedom from his father when fourteen years old by promising to support himself, and, engaging in mercantile business, spent ten years in travelling through the south and west, subsequently settling with an elder brother in Oneonta, Otsego County, New York. In October, 1848, the brothers made a shipment of goods to California, which Collis followed in March. After spending three months in trading on the isthmus, he began business in a tent in Sacramento, dealing in the various articles that are required in mining life. He afterward opened a large hardware-store in the city, became associated in business with Mark Hopkins, and in 1860 matured a scheme for a transcontinental railroad, Leland Stanford, Charles Crocker, and Mr. Hopkins having united with him in paying the expenses of a survey across the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Five men organized the Central Pacific Railroad Company, of which Mr. Stanford was elected president, Mr. Huntington, vice-president, and Mr. Hopkins, treasurer. After Congress had agreed to aid the enterprise by an issue of bonds, Mr. Huntington and his associates carried on the construction of the railroad out of their private means until the bonds became available by the completion of a stipulated mileage. In addition to this undertaking, Mr. Huntington planned and perfected the whole California railroad system, which extends over 8,900 miles of steel track, built an Atlantic system, which, by the Southern Pacific Railroad and the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, forms a continuous line 4,000 miles long from San Francisco to Newport News, and developed an aggregate of 16,900 miles of steam water-lines, including the route to China and Japan. He is president of the Newport News and Mississippi Valley Company, and vice-president of the Central Pacific and Southern Pacific Railroad Companies. He resides in New York City.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 324-325.

HUNTINGDON, TENNESSEE, December 27, 29 and 30, 1862. (See Forrest's Expedition into West Tennessee.)

HUNTON, Eppa, soldier, born in Fauquier County, Virginia, 23 September, 1823. His early education was limited. He studied and practised law, and was commonwealth attorney for Prince William County from 1849 till 1862. He was elected to the Virginia Convention of 1861, and after serving through its first session entered the Confederate Army as colonel of the 8th Virginia Infantry. After the battle of Gettysburg he was promoted and served through the rest of the war as brigadier-general. He was captured at Sailor's Creek, 6 April, 1865, and imprisoned in Fort Warren, but was released in July, 1865. General Hunton was elected a representative to Congress as a Democrat in 1873, and re-elected to the three succeeding Congresses. He was a member of the joint committee that formed the electoral bill in the 44th Congress, and one of the electoral commission of 1876-'7.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 327.

HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA, April 11, 1862. 3d Division, Army of the Ohio. After a forced march the advance guard of the division entered Huntsville at 6 a. m. of the 11th. The Confederate garrison was completely surprised and offered little resistance. About 200 prisoners, 15 locomotives, a number of cars, telegraph instruments, etc. were captured. There were no casualties reported. Brigadier-General O. M. Mitchel was the Union leader. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 506.

HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA, October 1, 1864. Detachments of 11th and 13th Indiana  Infantry, and 12th Indiana cavalry. During Forrest's raid into Alabama and Tennessee he arrived near Huntsville on September 30. A summons to surrender was sent to the garrison, and early next morning a cavalry force of 2,000 Confederates was seen on the roads to the north. With this force the Union cavalry skirmished for a number of hours, the artillery in the garrison also taking a hand. At 2 p. m. the enemy retired in the direction of Athens. The only casualties were 2 wounded on the Confederate side. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 506-507.

HUNTSVILLE, ARKANSAS, November 9, 1863. 1st Arkansas Cavalry. Colonel M. La Rue Harrison in pursuit of the Confederates under Colonel Stirman was attacked by a force under Brooks at Huntsville. The Union pickets were driven back, when the 2 mountain howitzers with Harrison's command were opened upon the enemy who, after a few rounds, retreated in disorder, having lost 1 killed, several wounded and a lieutenant captured. The Federals sustained no casualties. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 507.

HUNTSVILLE, MISSOURI, July 24, 1864. Detachment of 17th Illinois Cavalry and Militia. The day after Lieutenant Knapp was attacked at Allen his command was again attacked at Huntsville by the same party of guerrillas, but after a rather severe fight he succeeded in repulsing the enemy. Knapp's loss was 2 men killed and a number of horses killed or lost. The enemy's loss was not learned. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 507.

HUNTSVILLE, TENNESSEE, August 13, 1862. 7th Tennessee Infantry. The regiment, about 250 strong and commanded by Colonel William Clift, occupied a fortified position on an eminence near Huntsville. About 8 a. m. on the 13th the pickets were driven in by a force of over 1,500 Confederates. Most of Clift's men were raw recruits, and seeing the great odds against them left the works in wild confusion. About 50 remained and held the works for nearly 2 hours, during which time more than half the gallant little band were killed or wounded. When the number was reduced to 20 able-bodied men Clift ordered a retreat, which was conducted in good order and without further loss. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 507.

HUNTSVILLE, TENNESSEE, November 11, 1862. Tennessee Home Guards. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 507.

HUPP'S HILL, VIRGINIA, October 14, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Army of the Shenandoah. Brigadier-General Thomas C. Devin, commanding the brigade, was ordered to cross Cedar creek and make a reconnaissance toward Strasburg. Upon reaching Hupp's hill, which overlooked the town, he found himself confronted by Conner's brigade of Kershaw's division, supported by Simms' brigade. Devin ordered the 6th New York to charge a small force of the enemy in the earthwork nearest him, and this regiment, supported by the 1st New York, drove the Confederates from their position and back through the town. Two bodies of the enemy then advanced against him—one through the woods on his right and the other up the pike from the direction of Fisher's hill, where the main body of Early's army was intrenched. As Devin had no artillery, and not wishing to bring on an engagement, he ordered his command to retire to the crest of Hupp's hill, but later in the day he again drove the enemy from his intrenchment at Strasburg. No casualties reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 507.

HURLBUT, Stephen Augustus, soldier, born in Charleston, South Carolina, 29 November, 1815: died in Lima, Peru, 27 March, 1882. He studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1837, and practised in Charleston until the Florida War, in which he served as adjutant in a South Carolina regiment. In 1845 he went to Illinois and practised his profession in Belvidere. He was a presidential elector on the Whig ticket in 1848, was a member of the legislature in 1859, 1861, and 1867, and presidential elector at large on the Republican ticket in 1868. At the beginning of the Civil War he was appointed a brigadier-general of volunteers, and commanded at Fort Donelson after its capture in February, 1862. When General Grant's army moved up Tennessee River, Hurlbut commanded the 4th Division, and was the first to reach Pittsburg Landing, which he held for a week alone. He was promoted major-general for meritorious conduct at the battle of Shiloh, was then stationed at Memphis, and after the battle of Corinth, in October, 1862, pursued and engaged the defeated Confederates. He commanded at Memphis in September, 1863. led a corps under Sherman in the expedition to Meridian in February, 1864, and succeeded General Nathaniel P. Banks in command of the Department of the Gulf, serving there from 1864 till 1865, when he was honorably mustered out. He was minister resident to the United States of Colombia from 1869 till 1872, and then elected a representative to Congress from Illinois as a Republican for two consecutive terms, serving from 1873 till 1877. In 1881 he was appointed minister to Peru, which office he retained till his death. — His brother, William Henry, journalist, born in Charleston, South Carolina, 3 July, 1827, was graduated at Harvard in 1847, at the divinity-school there in 1849, and then studied in Berlin, Rome, and Paris. After a few years in the Unitarian ministry, he entered Harvard Law School in 1852, in 1855 was a writer on " Putnam's Magazine " and the " Albion," and joined the staff of the New York " Times " in 1857. While visiting the south in 1861, he was arrested by a vigilance committee in Atlanta, Georgia, imprisoned for a time, and then released, but he was refused a passport unless upon conditions with which he would not comply, and finally in August, 1862, made his escape through the Confederate lines, and reached Washington. He became connected with the New York " World " in 1862,and in 1864 purchased the “Commercial Advertiser," intending to publish it as a free-trade paper, but. he and his associates in the enterprise failing to agree, the paper was sold in 1867 to Thurlow Weed. He went to Mexico in 1860, and was invited to the capital by Maximilian, represented the New York "World" at the World's Fair at Paris in 1867, and the Centenary Festival of St. Peter at Rome, and in 1871 accompanied the U. S. expedition to Santo Domingo, during which time he wrote and published the most complete account in any language of the modern history of that Island. In 1876-83 he was editor-in-chief of the " World," and in the latter year went to Europe, where he has since chiefly resided. He has contributed largely to American periodicals and to the " Edinburgh " and other British magazines, and has published "Gan-Eden" (Boston, 1854): " General McClellan and the Conduct of the War" (New York, 1804), and other works, besides several hymns and poems.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 328.

HURRICANE BRIDGE, WEST VIRGINIA, March 28, 1863. Detachment of the 13th West Virginia Infantry. At 6 a. m. a summons to surrender was sent in under a flag of truce to Captain J. W. Johnson, commandant of the post at Hurricane bridge, by Brigadier-General A. G. Jenkins of the Confederate army. Johnson refused to surrender and 15 minutes after Jenkins had received the negative answer the engagement was begun. For five hours it continued, at the end of which time the Confederates withdrew. The Federal loss was 3 killed and 4 wounded. The Confederate casualties, although not reported, were probably about the same. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 507.

HURRICANE CREEK, ARKANSAS, October 23, 1864. Detachments of 3d U. S., 9th Kansas and 4th Arkansas Cavalry. Major-General Frederick Steele writing from Little Rock under date of October 24 states that detachments of the above regiments "had a fight with Logan's cavalry 21 miles from here on the Benton road yesterday, and with complete success. They found 27 dead upon the field, captured 17—1 lieutenant. Our loss, 1 killed and 8 wounded." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 507-508.

HURRICANE CREEK, MISSISSIPPI, August 9, 1864. (See Tallahatchie river.)

HURRICANE CREEK, MISSISSIPPI, August 13, 1864. 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 16th Army Corps, and 1st Cavalry Division. In the expedition to Oxford the pickets of the 3d brigade were attacked early in the morning. The demonstration was continued until noon, when the 52nd Indiana, 117th Illinois and 178th New York infantry and Hatch's cavalry division, all under command of Brigadier-General J. A. Mower, were ordered out from Abbeville on the Oxford road to drive the Confederates away. At Hurricane creek, 5 miles south of Abbeville, the enemy under General Forrest was found posted behind earthworks on the south side of the creek, with 4 pieces of artillery. Hatch ordered Colonel Starr to move with the 6th and 9th Illinois cavalry to a crossing about 2 miles below and attack the enemy on the left flank, while Colonel Herrick was directed to cross with his brigade 2 miles above and attack Forrest's right. The 2nd la. cavalry preceded the infantry on the main road and drove the Confederate skirmishers across the creek, when Mower opened with his artillery. The enemy promptly replied and for over an hour the duel was kept up, though no effort was made to force a crossing. Herrick and Starr both encountered the enemy before reaching the creek. The former was met by a heavy artillery fire and could not effect a crossing, but he held his position and engaged the force in his front until ordered to fall back. After about 3 hours Starr succeeded in crossing and drove the enemy from his works toward Oxford. The only casualties reported were 6 killed and 14 wounded in Starr's detachment. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 508.

HURRICANE CREEK, MISSISSIPPI, August 19, 1864. 1st Cavalry Division, District of West Tennessee. This affair was an incident of an expedition from La Grange, Tennessee, to Oxford, Mississippi, in which Brigadier-General Edward Hatch's command was engaged. There was only light skirmishing as the Federals advanced to where they encamped on the south side of the creek. No casualties were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 508.

HURRICANE CREEK, MISSISSIPPI, August 21-22, 1864. (See College Hill.)

HURRICANE CREEK, MISSISSIPPI, October 23, 1864. 1st Iowa and 9th Kansas Cavalry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 508.

HURTER. The hurter is a piece of timber, from six to ten inches square, placed along the head of a gun platform, at the foot of the interior slope of the parapet, to prevent the latter from being injured by the wheels of the gun-carriage.  (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, pp. 344-345).

. Light cavalry. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 345).

HUSSEY, Erastus, 1800-1889, Battle Creek, Michigan, political leader, abolitionist leader, agent, Underground Railroad.  Helped more than one thousand slaves escape after 1840.  Co-founder of the Republican Party.  Member of the Free-Soil and Liberty Parties.  (Dumond, 1961, p. 339).

HUSSEY, Sarah, 1799-1858, Massachusetts, abolitionist, women’s rights activist.  Founder and organizer of Worcester Anti-Slavery Sewing Circle and Worcester County Anti-Slavery Society, South Division.  Wife of abolitionist John Milton Earle.  Organized anti-slavery fairs.  Cousin of Lucretia Mott.

Hustonville, Kentucky, February 9, 1865. Bridgewater's Kentucky Scouts. Captain J. H. Bridgewater went in pursuit of the guerrillas who had robbed the train at New Market and attacked them near Hustonville. The result was the killing of 4, the dispersal of the remainder and the capture of 35 horses. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 508.

HUTCHINS, Wells A., Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, voted for Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery (Congressional Globe)

HUTCHINSON Family, Jesse, 1778-1851, Jesse Jr., Judson, Asa, John, born 1821, Abby, born 1829; family singers. (Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 334; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936)

HUTCHINSON, Jesse, farmer, born in Middleton. Massachusetts. 3 February, 1778; died in Milford, New Hampshire. 16 February, 1851. His ancestor, Richard, came to this country from England in 1634. acquired much land in Salem, Massachusetts, and was paid a premium by the state for "setting up" the first plough in Massachusetts. He married Mary Leavitt, of Mount Vernon, New Hampshire, in 1800, and resided on a farm in Milford for several years. They occasionally sang in chorus, taking parts in the quartets of ballads and sacred music, and were the parents of the "Hutchinson family," who achieved a reputation as popular singers, and were identified with the anti-slavery and temperance movements. The religious sentiment of New England was noticeable in their productions and repertory. The family became abolitionists when it required courage to face political prejudice, and some of them were excommunicated from the Baptist Church on this account. The children numbered sixteen, three of whom died in infancy. All inherited musical talent, and people came from far and near to hear them sing in chorus in prayer-meetings, or at home. They were often urged to appear in public, and in the summer of 1841 the four youngest children, Judson, John, Asa, and Abby, made a successful concert-tour in New England. In 1843 the family appeared in New York City, and achieved an immediate success. N. P. Willis spoke of them as a "nest of brothers with a sister in it." They accompanied themselves with a violin and violoncello, and excelled in sacred and descriptive songs, and in ballads, both humorous and pathetic. Their own productions were received with most enthusiasm by the popular taste, although their melodies were simple and crudely harmonized. They were coworkers with Garrison, Greeley, Rogers, and other leaders of anti-slavery reform, often aiding in mass conventions, singing popular and original songs with their quartet chorus. In 1845 they travelled in Great Britain and Ireland, and met with popular success. They travelled from the Atlantic to the Pacific in the political canvasses of 1856 and 1860, forming several bands from a third generation in their family. During the Civil War some of these bands visited recruiting-stations to encourage volunteer enlistments, and after the battle of Bull Run they went to Virginia, where they were expelled from the National lines by General McClellan because they sang Whittier's "Ein Feste Burg " as an anti-slavery song. Appeal was made to President Lincoln, who said, after Secretary Chase read the obnoxious song in a cabinet-meeting: "It is just the character of song that I desire the soldiers to hear." By the unanimous consent of the cabinet and the order of President Lincoln, they were re-admitted to the National camps.— The eldest son, Jesse, wrote many songs for popular airs, which he sang with effect. The principal of these were the "Emancipation Song," " Family Song," " Old Granite State," "Good Old Days of Yore," "The Slave Mother," "The Slave's' Appeal," "Good Time Coming," and "Uncle Sam's Farm." It was he that organized the company. —Judson was the humorist, excelling in burlesque and political songs, some of which were an Italian burlesque, "The Bachelor's Lament," "Away Down East," "The Modern Belle," "Anti-Calomel," “Jordan" and "The Humbugged Husband." —Asa was the basso, and the executive member of the troupe.—John, born in Milford, New Hampshire, 4 January, 1821, possessed the most vocal talent. Among his songs and those of his son Henry were " Will the New Year come To-Night, Mother?" "Bingen on the Rhine," "The Newfoundland Dog," "The Bridge of Sighs," "The People's Advent." and Russell's " Ship on Fire."—Abby, the contralto, born in Milford, New Hampshire, 29 August, 1829, began at an early age to sing with her brothers. She was admired for her simplicity and archness, and sang "Over the Mountain and over the Moor," "The Slave's Appeal," "The Spider and the Fly, "Jamie's on the Stormy Sea," and "The May Queen." She married Ludlow Patton, of New York City, in 1849, and has since lived in retirement. Her brothers continued to appear in concerts, and from time to time have brought before the public their own families of young singers. They were followed by many bands of imitators.  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 333.

HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, September 3, 4, 1862. Fight with Indians. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 508.

HUTS are frequently constructed by troops on retiring to winter- quarters. The quarters occupied by United States troops on our frontiers are generally huts made by the troops. There have recently been built portable houses, the parts of which correspond, and which are readily put up. The experiment is not yet a success. (See ADOBE; CAMP; CARPENTRY; SAW-MILL.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 345).

HUTTONSVILLE, VIRGINIA, August 24, 1864. Pickets of the 8th Ohio Cavalry. About 100 Confederates, dismounted, came over the mountain and surprised a picket post of 70 men belonging to the 8th Ohio cavalry. All the horses and equipments were captured and about 40 of the men were taken prisoners, but were afterward released. One man was seriously wounded. Major Shaw immediately started in pursuit, but the enemy was not overtaken. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 508.

HYATT, Alpheus, naturalist, born in Washington, D. C, 5 April, 1838. He was educated at the Maryland Military Academy, at Yale College, and at the Lawrence scientific school of Harvard, where he was graduated in 1802. Subsequently he served during the Civil War in the 47th Massachusetts Volunteers, and attained the rank of captain. He then renewed his studies under Louis Agassiz, and in 1867 became a curator in the Essex Institute. While holding this office in connection with Edward S. Morse, Alpheus S. Packard, Frederick W. Putnam, and the officers of the Essex Institute, he founded the Peabody academy of science. Its museum was planned by these four naturalists, together they formed its first scientific staff, and in 1869 Mr. Hyatt was made one of its curators. He was also associated with these gentlemen in establishing the "American Naturalist," and was one of its original editors. In 1870 he was elected custodian and in 1881 curator of the Boston society of natural history. He has also charge of the fossil invertebrates in the Museum of comparative zoology at Cambridge, and since 1881 has held the professorship of zoology and paleontology in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Prof. Hyatt also has a class in the Boston University, and in connection with the Society of natural history is manager of the Teachers' school of science, which was founded in 1870. A general laboratory of natural history was founded at Annisquam, Massachusetts, by the Woman's educational society of  Boston, and Prof. Hyatt is also in charge of this enterprise, the origin of which is due to him. He was elected a fellow of the American academy of arts and sciences in 1869, and in 1875 was made a member of the National academy of science. The American Society of naturalists was organized in consequence of suggestions that were made by him, and at the first meeting in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1883, he was elected its president. Prof. Hyatt has devoted special attention to the lower forms of animal life. Among his important researches are "Observations on Polyzoa " (I860);" Fossil Cephalopods of the Museum of Comparative Zoology" (1872); "Revision of North American Perofera '(1875-'7), which is the only work on North American commercial sponges, and is recognized throughout the world as an authority; "Genesis of Tertiary Species of Planorbis at Steinheim" (1880), giving the details of his study at Steinheim of the fossils, which were at that time regarded in Europe as the only positive demonstration of the theory of evolution: and "Genera of Fossil Cephalopoda" (1883). containing important contributions to the theory of evolution. "Larval Theory of the Origin of Cellular Tissue" (1884) contains his theory of the origin of sex. Besides the foregoing, Prof. Hyatt has edited a series of "Guides for Science Teaching," and is himself the author of several of the series, including "About Pebbles." "Commercial and other Sponges," "Common Mydroids, Corals. and Echinoderms," "The Oyster, Clam, and other Common Mollusks," and " Worms and Crustaceans."  Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 335-336.

HYATT, Thaddeus, 1816-1901, inventor, abolitionist.  Supporter of militant abolitionist John Brown.

HYDE, James Nevins, surgeon, born in Norwich, Connecticut, 21 June, 1840. He was graduated at Yale in 1861, began the study of medicine in the New York College of physicians and surgeons, entered the U. S. Navy in 1863 as assistant surgeon, and served during the Civil War and afterward on the "Ticonderoga," of the Mediterranean Squadron, under Admiral Farragut. In 1869 he resigned, was graduated in the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, and settled in Chicago, Illinois. He is professor of dermatology and orthopedic surgery in the Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons, and clinical instructor in the Southside Dispensary, associate editor of the "Chicago Medical Journal and Examiner," a contributor to the New York "Archives of Dermatology," and a member of various medical societies.

HYDESVILLE, CALIFORNIA, October 21, 1862. Detachment of the 2nd California Infantry. Captain Henry Flynn, with his company, left Hydesville at 7:30 a. m. for Fort Baker. He had not proceeded far when a band of Indians, near Simmons' ranch, fired upon him and then tried to surround the company. Flynn returned their fire and fell back down a hill, when he discovered that some of the Indians had gained his rear and threatened to cut him off. A volley was directed against this party, killing one of the savages, and the remainder withdrew. Flynn returned to The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 508-509.

HYDESVILLE, ILLINOIS CREEK, Arkansas, December 7, 1862. (See Prairie Grove.)